Which is better name if Microsoft have plan to release new window phone (surface or Lumia )

Lumia??? Are you kidding. Lumia us the past. The past. Nokia is the past. It MUST be Surface. Anyone that says any different is smoking crack. Nokia failed, Lumia was part of that. Microsoft didn't want to save that brand because they are going a different way. Best thing they did was sell it. Full stop. Phones are finished.
Lumia??? Are you kidding. Lumia us the past. The past. Nokia is the past. It MUST be Surface. Anyone that says any different is smoking crack. Nokia failed, Lumia was part of that. Microsoft didn't want to save that brand because they are going a different way. Best thing they did was sell it. Full stop. Phones are finished.
Microsoft failed .Nokia brings lot of features to windows phone like Lumia camera,glance screen,double tap to wake etc

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I really don't know why any of you actually believe there will ever be another smartphone from Microsoft. In fact, I'll be completely shocked if there's another Windows smartphone from any reputable OEM. I've resigned myself to using my Lumia 1020 until it dies, and then I'll use my 950 until it dies. As far as decent WP devices go, what you see available now is going to be it.

Agreed, I would be very surprised if a "Phone" is ever released by MS.

But they really do need to be in the "Mobile" sized market, OK it wont be called a "Phone" and it certainly wont be a "Lumia".

With any luck as others have mentioned already, it needs to be a small pocket sized PC, with Windows 10, maybe running on ARM (Don't care what it runs on).

It needs to use folding screens, Cshell, Continuum or whatever else they throw at it to turn it from a smallish (950XL sort of sized device) into a tablet, and when plugged in it becomes a full blown PC (Just like my Surface does now).

It also needs some way of using telephony that isn't Skype.

For example my mobile number is a good one, I have had it for years, I want to carry on using it so it needs to be transferable to the new device (Or even better my MS account), I currently have unlimited calls, unlimited texts and for all practical purposes unlimited data, I want this transferable to the whatever the new device is called (But it wont be a Lumia, you can bank on that and you can forget all these 570, 670, 930, 950, 1020, 1050 derivations, no way would MS go there).

So forget Lumia, forget phone, think mini PC with telephony, if that sounds like a Surface device all well and good.
no lumia please. majority of low end lumia have ruined it for all of us. cheap phones = cheap market. cheap market = nobody pays for apps. nobody pays for apps = no developer interest. no developer interest = no noteworthy apps. no noteworthy apps = user base shrinks. user base shrinks = failed platform. fail platform = lumia failed as a brand.

start fresh, or build upon the foundation that's already there - surface.

i totally blame MS for betting on "volume>margin" when they issued the low end Lumias to be dumped by the millions in "emerging markets". look what that did to the platform.

for avid wp users, the lumia name will always hold a special place in our hearts, but for people outside of the platform, its really associated with cheap, colorful, underperforming phones with close to no apps by nokia.


I would not use Lumia, even if many consumers loved their Lumias. It would arise with confusion amongst customers, along with the fact that most people who know what a Lumia was associated it with its slight rise and quick downfall. On the other hand, Surface is a brand name that's becoming well known even amongst people who don't use Microsoft products. But, with the company's past failed attempts at the mobile market, I'd be worried to name my next attempt the Surface Phone. Although it would be in line with the Surface products, the risk of it getting tarnished is higher. I'd just name it the Microsoft Phone.
100% agree. I loved my 925, 1020 and 1520. A slightly larger 925 with a camera from the 950 and faster processor would be amazing. I'd even go for an updated 1520. I don't understand why my supposedly flagship 950xl has a worse camera in terms of pixels than my old 1020.

I recently had to use my 925 for a time and I still love the aesthetics of that phone. Unfortunately it lacked the one thing I need, removable storage.
Wether it's Lumia or Surface, if there are no apps for people to use, it's a lost case imho...

I love W10 on mobiles as an OS but the rest doesn't follow 😩
Couldn't care less about popular opinion. I would take another Lumia in a heartbeat..IF..Nokia was still making them. I had good service from all the Lumias I owned.
Absolutely not. Microsoft has done more damage to that brand name through mis-management than Samsung did to the Note brand with exploding batteries.
None of this matters. They were living on the fans' backs. Nutella chased off over half of them and we are all on Android or iOS now. The only way they are going too get back in is if they come out with something blowing the rest out if the water. Coming out with a folding phone within months of Samsung doing it, will do nothing. The mass majority will go with the company trhag has shown support for its own products in the past....and that ain't Nutella's Microsoft. They desperately need to make an impact in the mobile device sector, but the clown at the helm has all but blown that possibility out if the water.
release one last generation of Lumia as a low-end device and make Surface as the high end, just like iphone X.. put out Surface X.

This. Because Surface Phone or Pocket will take some time to so it right, especially regarding the OS. So it's nowhere near in the future. Meanwhile, people could use a minor, intermediate release, for fans and people who love the ecosystem. I would buy one.
None of this matters. They were living on the fans' backs. Nutella chased off over half of them and we are all on Android or iOS now. The only way they are going too get back in is if they come out with something blowing the rest out if the water. Coming out with a folding phone within months of Samsung doing it, will do nothing. The mass majority will go with the company trhag has shown support for its own products in the past....and that ain't Nutella's Microsoft. They desperately need to make an impact in the mobile device sector, but the clown at the helm has all but blown that possibility out if the water.

Not sure if you're purposefully trying to sound racist when using "Nutella" as his name, but you sure are.
You have to wonder if MS would risk the Surface brand on a device that has a pretty slim chance of making a great showing. Just saying anyone getting into the mobile market who isn't named Samsung or Apple has a challenge. One that MS hasn't effectively stepped up to in the past. Would they risk a 'Surface' failure?
It is interesting how well the plain old laptop, Surface Laptop, is doing. It isn't anything special. Makes me wonder if the Surface Mini wouldn't have done well despite the 'not category defining' cancellation justification. I think the world could have used a decent small windows tablet with pen support from MS. Just saying a Mini with phone capabilities isn't a stretch from what they already had, and shrinking it down a bit wouldn't be rocket science at this point. With the supposed capabilities of WoA, we aren't even talking about developing special capabilities. My 7" HP stream already supports external monitors, windows, multitasking, all that stuff Continuum is supposed to bring to a phone. These devices already understand desktop/tablet mode, why not desktop/phone (CShell)?
I think MS just needs to get off the pot and produce this thing and market it, regardless of what they call it. Part of that marketing needs to convince people this isn't another two year experiment.
Pointless endeavor whatever its called. The fanbase here of course will love it, there will undoubtedly be numerous lengthy articles proclaiming it the best for "productivity" but the reality is it will offer very little because it will be based on the premise that Windows 10 will be a selling point which up till now has not been the case for anything other than regular PC's and large screen 2 in 1's. On any other form factor Windows 10 doesn't compete very well; there is a minuscule market for 10" and smaller Windows tablets and of course the phone market is non-existent so its hard to see what its appeal is going to be beyond the usual Microsoft fanboys. And that in the end makes the whole hoopla over the name moot at best and irrelevant in reality.

Sent from mTalk
I will go for Lumia because Lumia is popular than surface in most of countries as a smartphone brand .
what you windows phone fans wants Microsoft to name new window phone if they have a plan to release new windows phone
I don't like any other phone accept Microsoft phone's.
So any new launch give reply..

I think that Lumia is probably better as a known brand - do Microsoft still own that name? However, I have to admit that I deserted Windows phone about 6 months ago and bought a OnePlus 3T running Android 7 and I'm very happy with it. I do miss live tiles and Windows contacts is easier and faster than Android, but otherwise my 950XL is simless and largely unused. I do update it from time to time but it's slow in comparison with my OnePlus and I just cannot see myself ever returning to Windows phone. Shame really, but the market is dead now and many apps are gone forever. RIP windows phone 10, gone but not forgotten.
I don't think the Lumia brand is as tarnished as people and Microsoft think. Maybe in North America but not the rest of the world. Here in the UK I know quite a few people who have fond memories of the Lumia 520, 1520, 930 etc all which were very good phones. The 950/950XL didn't have any marketing over here and were only available on a few carriers, you had to actually go looking for them if you wanted a windows phone to upgrade to. Most consumers aren't enthusiasts like us and pretty much buy what is recommended and discounted by the carriers. The whole Windows Phone problem stems from MS being too US centric, in most European markets and many Asian ones Windows Phone had overtaken iOS to be the second largest mobile OS. But that's the past...

It will be a Surface "device" of some kind but the word phone won't be anywhere near it.
If MS were ever to enter the smartphone market again, I would suggest a skinned android that feels like Lumia both in hardware & software departments. That endorsed S8 is a good start/retreat strategy, maybe can extend the idea further so that Lumia brand will be sort of Nexus series.

If you're talking about W10 on ARM, Surface brand is more appropriate for the promises it will make. (People won't complain if that Surface cannot have WhatsApp or Snapchat apps. It's a PC descendent.)
Microsoft should offer both a Lumia running Windows 10 mobile and a Surface Phone running Andromeda, The Lumia would be the final phase of Windows 10 mobile before Windows on arm takes over for the Surface Phone. This would appease the Windows phone hold outs/loyalists and make up for the disastrous fail that is the 950 series. Also it better have the latest snap dragon processor that has the capability to upgrade to WOA.

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