Who Is Planning To Get Band 2?

Just pre-ordered mine through the UK store (I'm in France). Horribly expensive but I want it. Love my Band 1 so the 2 can only be better! I'll try to sell the 1 but it's in such a horrible state that it won't bring much but every penny will help 😊. Shipping is announced from 19 Nov. on. Can't wait 😖.

Via Tapatalk de mon splendide Lumia 930
Here's my plan: I bought the first Band on launch day, with the MS Care thing (accidental damage coverage for 13 months, if I'm not mistaken). It got sprayed with a high-pressure water hose a week or two ago, and now the battery doesn't charge all the way or last as long. So, I'll wait until the very end of my coverage, and hope that they run out of stock of the old one and give me a Band 2 as the replacement (even if I have to pay a price difference... can't remember how much I bought this thing for). And if they don't run out of stock, I'll just stick with my first gen Band. The design and addition of a barometer are nice on the new one, but nothing too game-changing. (I actually kinda like the aesthetic of the first gen, anyways... :winktongue:)
So, I'll wait until the very end of my coverage, and hope that they run out of stock of the old one and give me a Band 2 as the replacement (even if I have to pay a price difference... can't remember how much I bought this thing for). And if they don't run out of stock, I'll just stick with my first gen Band.

I bought it the same day as you (original MRP, $199) and my plan is like yours. If they don't run out of stock, I'll just take the new Band 1. I wouldn't mind the new features, but it's not worth $249 to me until my old one dies.

If they hit me up for the current MSRP difference ($249-$129 = $120) I'd have to think about it.
I've always thought of the original band as first of type, so when I brought band 1 I'd always intended to also buy band 2 when it arrived if it improved on band 1.
Here's a quick question. The Fitbit surge is $249 does any one think a $225 price point would drive more sales. I have already ordered so in my case maybe not. If I where a first time buyer I think it would be a deciding factor for the Surge vs Band Choice.
Here's a quick question. The Fitbit surge is $249 does any one think a $225 price point would drive more sales. I have already ordered so in my case maybe not. If I where a first time buyer I think it would be a deciding factor for the Surge vs Band Choice.

Might be too early for them to change the price. Who knows, it might sell out at that price during the holidays. It will be as interesting to see what impact if any the Band 2 has on the others fitness bands. The Surge still sells for $249 list price and its almost a year old. The Forerunner 225 just came out so maybe price won't change from the $299 list so soon. The older Forerunner 220 is $199 on Amazon, down from the $249 list price.
I've got mine preordered. Was excited about band 1 but figured they'd have some tweaking to do. B2 looks really nice.
Bit hard to buy one when they don't offer it for sale in Australia!!!! Sick of this 2nd/5th class country rubbish.
Tried to buy one off Amazon, but it triggered a fail on the country.
Biggest pain is that MS have said NOTHING about when or if it's going to be released here.
Preordered mine since day one announcement. I'm handing down Band 1 to my son. It has held up well except for a wrinkle on one of the battery skins. Bit of a pain in the **** to charge, have to clean the contact leads with cotton swabs a couple of times per week. I wear Band 1 daily so eagerly looking for a better and less bulky fit from Band 2. Excited.
Ordered mine yesterday on line at the MS store in the UK and luckily the will ship it to the Netherlands.
It's pretty, but I'm skeptical of the curved screen and giant clasp. I have a very small wrist, so the Band is already proportionally huge and barely fits. And the inside of my wrist is flat, leaning toward concave. If my existing Band were curved, it'd have a big gap like a bangle bracelet.

There's no MS Store anywhere near here. I'll have to wait until I see someone with one who will let me try theirs on, or the chance BestBuy puts units out on the floor. Or I can buy one in the store, try it on standing there and return it if needed -- which is what I had to do to get the correct size Band 1.

Even so, I'm not sure the upgrades are worth $249 to me. Maybe if they do a trade-in special. I'm pretty happy with my Band 1.
You know what... My biggest reservation on buying it is that they still haven't implemented music control. That was honestly half the reason I bought the Band 1, because they reported here that music control was coming. It still isn't here, other than a really clunky 3rd party app that doesn't really work. But the new band only changes the aesthetic, fit, screen material (Gorilla Glass), and adds a barometer. I don't care at all about those first two things; the first Band is fine for me in those regards.
I preordered. I keep my Band on all the time and have been very pleased with it but I haven't been utilizing all its functions. With Band 2 I am going to make a point to learn more about some of the features, such as guided workouts.
I want one, but will wait a bit to see how the real world reviews come in before I buy one. Last month, bought (and returned) a Band 1, knowing the Band 2 was coming out soon. I loved it. The shape and size didn't bother me in the least. The battery was fine: I just charged it while reading in bed, during shower, and in the car; almost never an issue. Golf features were very impressive (though the TaylorMade MyRoundPro web app was not up to speed, at least not yet, and I expect TaylorMade will fix that pronto because it was not useable.

A unique golf problem for me is I live in Guatemala, so I expect to wait a looooong time before golf courses here are added. Other golf software have already mapped the courses here, so there is some logic that they'll simply add them, though I'm not holding my breath. Alternatively, if Microsoft permits mapping courses on our own, as proposed by many on the UserVoice page, that would really solve that.
I'm interested, but I'm waiting to see how much I'd have to pay to upgrade. I have a B1 with MS Complete. If I can leverage that into something off of the B2, I may bite.

If I have to pay the full $249, I'll probably wait.

Consequently, no pre-order for me. But I usually go "Mall Walking" past the MS Store almost daily, so I'll see what happens.

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