Who of us still with 1020 as the only and main phone?

Using the 1020 everyday! Nothing touches its camera! I am still running Windows 8.1 as I don't want to lose the Lumia Camera by doing the Redstone update.
I finally began to use my L1020 as my daily driver a few days ago, after months of delays. It is a US-based install and seems to be running pretty much everything just fine. All my basics are covered. Lumia Camera, Skype, Maps, banking, all the radios (LTE/GPS/WiFi/BT) hotspot/tethering, Office 365 and much more. Battery is really better than expected. (Ironically. I just received a replacement battery that may not be needed after all.) This is all under the very latest Windows Insider Fast ring build 15215, which I don't think is needed if all is well under an earlier W10 build.

I may have posted a little more detail under the Redstone thread (though we already are into the CU builds).
I've had my 1020 as my only phone since January 2015 when I finally jumped to WP. Probably going to pick up a 950 this fall so I can try out W10M.
I just found my lumia 1020 in an old drawer.

I think I am going to get a water proof case and use it for taking pictures under water, since I live on Maui.

Should be awesome!
I finally retired my 1020 for a 950 this week... I didn't really have any issues with the 1020, but having moved to the 950 I realize just how slow the 1020 really was on WP10. The 950 does take nice photos, but it certainly doesn't come close to the 1020. I will still take it out for shoots occasionally, but otherwise I will keep the 950 as my daily driver now.
Users of 1020, just curious how many are using the cameragrip/battery pack now...

... !!
Using the 1020 everyday! Nothing touches its camera! I am still running Windows 8.1 as I don't want to lose the Lumia Camera by doing the Redstone update.

You will not lose Lumia camera. You need to edit registry and change the name of the phone to :Lumia 1020: instead of :909:
Using the 1020 everyday! Nothing touches its camera! I am still running Windows 8.1 as I don't want to lose the Lumia Camera by doing the Redstone update.

You will not lose Lumia camera. You need to edit registry and change the name of the phone to :Lumia 1020: instead of :909:
L1020 as daily device since March 2014. Recently started having problems with radios (cellular and WiFi dropping several times daily).
Looking for replacement, but don't see a comparable WP on the market. Finally caved and ordered OP5.
Now, need to figure out how to configure that device to mimic as much MS ecosystem as possible. Given MS strategy of backing off mobile for a while (while developing a better approach), I figure I'm an android user for a couple years, then hopefully back to a native Windows device.
I appreciate Zac's article because it does address practical issues. I have been a proponent of the MS ecosystem since before there was one (I was an MCP for DOS 6.0, Windows 3.1, etc., have taught classes on most MS apps, helped employers / client deploy MS technologies, and so on). BUT, there will be a gap in terms of available devices for some time.
Based on Zac's article and my own research, the OP5 seems to allow much of the MS ecosystem to be deployed, provides a solid camera, excellent responsiveness & fluidity. I am hopeful it will deliver a fine experience with Cortana, OneDrive, Office, not sure about mail/contacts. I plan to stay all MS to the degree I can to make eventual migration back to MS easier.
Anybody got tips for doing so?
Zac - any kind of blow-by-blow documentation on what you did with OP3T?
L1020 as daily device since March 2014. Recently started having problems with radios (cellular and WiFi dropping several times daily).
Looking for replacement, but don't see a comparable WP on the market. Finally caved and ordered OP5.
Now, need to figure out how to configure that device to mimic as much MS ecosystem as possible. Given MS strategy of backing off mobile for a while (while developing a better approach), I figure I'm an android user for a couple years, then hopefully back to a native Windows device.
I appreciate Zac's article because it does address practical issues. I have been a proponent of the MS ecosystem since before there was one (I was an MCP for DOS 6.0, Windows 3.1, etc., have taught classes on most MS apps, helped employers / client deploy MS technologies, and so on). BUT, there will be a gap in terms of available devices for some time.
Based on Zac's article and my own research, the OP5 seems to allow much of the MS ecosystem to be deployed, provides a solid camera, excellent responsiveness & fluidity. I am hopeful it will deliver a fine experience with Cortana, OneDrive, Office, not sure about mail/contacts. I plan to stay all MS to the degree I can to make eventual migration back to MS easier.
Anybody got tips for doing so?
Zac - any kind of blow-by-blow documentation on what you did with OP3T?
Yeah, very interested in this subject also...
I am on the latest 10 update and it is actually really good! I have no issues.

im still using lumia 102. its my only phone.. despite of the fact that w8.1 app store sucks, im happy with l1020.. im excited to hear about w10 update .. i dont know how to. :confused::kiss::winktongue::grincry::wink::grin::angel::unhappysweat:
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I recently acquired a lumia 1020 from a grandmotherly type who hardly used it for much than calls or texts. She seemed unaware of the camera itself. I'd say the condition of the phone was A, nearly pristine! What an awesome deal! I plan to use this as a camera or for photography related stuff. By keeping all radios off unless I really need wifi, I hope to preserve the battery as long as possible. I have a lumia 830, an awesome phone in its own right which serves as my actual phone.

I also have an alcatel that serves as my continuum base, so I'm covered on all bases. :)
Is anybody using the Nokia 1020 as their daily driver?

How is it holding up?
Re: Is anybody using the Nokia 1020 as their daily driver?

My and Wife and my Daughter both were, Daughter still is, but since MS denied the upgrade to windows 10 my wife now uses a 950XL but my daughter who loves the camera wont give it up.

Its holding up surprisingly well despite how hard my Daughter is on it.
Re: Is anybody using the Nokia 1020 as their daily driver?

My and Wife and my Daughter both were, Daughter still is, but since MS denied the upgrade to windows 10 my wife now uses a 950XL but my daughter who loves the camera wont give it up.

Its holding up surprisingly well despite how hard my Daughter is on it.

Oh cool, I love photography & was thinking of getting a 1020 to use for the next year. How does the 950xl compare to the 1020 from a photography standpoint? Thanks for the reply

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