Why can't I update apps from the store?

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Windows Central Question

I can*t update apps from Store

I cant upadate apps from the store, such as Word, OneNote, Skype, Lumia Help+Tips.
Its showing me that there is new update available, but it gives me an error.
It says : The apps must be installed on internal storage.
On my Phone in settings it has been set up New apps ----> internal storage.
Now I have 5 apps in the store that needs update, but I can not update them because i get an error message.
My Phone: Lumia 640 DS
OS: Windows 10 Mobile 10586.107 (Im on insider fast ring)


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Jul 20, 2015
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Re: I can*t update apps from Store

I cant upadate apps from the store, such as Word, OneNote, Skype, Lumia Help+Tips.
Its showing me that there is new update available, but it gives me an error.
It says : The apps must be installed on internal storage.
On my Phone in settings it has been set up New apps ----> internal storage.
Now I have 5 apps in the store that needs update, but I can not update them because i get an error message.
My Phone: Lumia 640 DS
OS: Windows 10 Mobile 10586.107 (Im on insider fast ring)

Try this, go to Store, then find the updates. Under the app's name you'll find 'Error' and under that you'll find 'More details'. It will tell you the same thing that you have to install your apps on internal storage and give you an option to 'override permissions only this time', accept it, and it should proceed with your update.


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Re: I can*t update apps from Store

Try this, go to Store, then find the updates. Under the app's name you'll find 'Error' and under that you'll find 'More details'. It will tell you the same thing that you have to install your apps on internal storage and give you an option to 'override permissions only this time', accept it, and it should proceed with your update.
Not so on mine (Lumia Motion Data, Gestures and Touch, Rate Your Device (How's that for irony?) and Equaliser). If you tell it that, it proceeds as if it is going to D/L and install but it gets to 0.1 and the same error comes up. It's only happening on the ones I've listed. I've seen others with the same problem in the 107 thread, but this occurred prior to the 107 for me. I know one person even tried a hard reset and reinstall and the same thing occurred. I even tried telling it in the default settings to install all new apps and updates on internal storage and I still get the error. It's definitely an error somewhere in the OS or in how it installed. I'm thinking that the only way to avoid it is to do a hard reset and reinstall the 107 build without a memory card in and make sure those update, then after formatting your memory card, put it back in and see where it goes from there. I don't feel like trying that right now for those apps.


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Re: I can*t update apps from Store

Tried deleting them from the queue, resetting storage to use internal memory, reboot and check for updates again. When they try to update, the size changes to 0.1mb and then it promptly errors out.


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Re: I can*t update apps from Store

I've had this issue since first joining insider program and find it incredibly irritating - mostly because of the impression it sets for new users/adopters. I cannot believe that issues such as this have not been resolved - even now in 14295 the issue remains. MS needs to do everything in its power to ensure that new adopters and the tech press do not have any further ammunition to throw at this platform.

Don't read this as me being a hater - to the contrary I have enjoyed WP for years and feel 10 Mobile is a huge step forward and we're finally approaching the point where momentum is about to explode. Eagerly awaiting //Build/!!

For me the broken updates are exactly the same list as for molimelight :-
  • Motion Data
  • Gestures
  • Touch
  • Rate Your Device
  • Equaliser
(...all of which are Microsoft, built-in, apps!).

For all 3rd party/non-pre-installed apps a simple uninstall (and if you want the app - reinstall) resolves the issue, but as these are essential there is no workaround to remove the broken updates.

If anyone does have a resolution, please do let me know.


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Jun 30, 2015
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You can easily remove them.

Go to Settings -> System -> Storage and pick either "This Device" or "SD Card". Look for the names of the apps that won't update and tap them, press Uninstall.

You'll then need to restore them using either the Library link in your Store app or one of the various SysApp pushers.


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Saijin_Naib, thank you for your reply... but, can you confirm whether you have Equaliser or Gestures listed - as I can't find these here. Sure I'd tried this before, but with no success (maybe re-introduced with an earlier build?). Anyway - thank you, this has at least cleared some of them off!! Many thanks.

Should note: Lumia 735 here, but this is more of a general issue - don't know if OP can move to a wider forum area? Would make a useful Q&A in a sticky tips/common issues thread.


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Jun 30, 2015
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Saijin_Naib, thank you for your reply... but, can you confirm whether you have Equaliser or Gestures listed - as I can't find these here. Sure I'd tried this before, but with no success (maybe re-introduced with an earlier build?). Anyway - thank you, this has at least cleared some of them off!! Many thanks.
They should be under "This Device", though sometimes during a restore from backup, they can get put on the SD Card whereupon updates will fail.

I've attached a filtered view from my device. Type "Microsoft Mobile" into the filter box to trim the list down to the publisher for equalizer/touch/etc.

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