why did you choose Windows over the competition ?(ios, Android,BBos etc)

I used to have an Android yrs ago, I just don't care for their OS at all. I went to iPhone 4S. I have no issues with Apple, like it a lot, but just really wanted to try windows phone and see if I preferred it. I think I do! Lol! I have the HTC 8X and am really enjoying it. Of course compared to Apple, Windows has Much fewer apps, but its newer and they are getting the number built up little by little. I am REALLY hoping WP continues to just improve and be more and more accepted by people and phone manufactures. I plan to stick with them.

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Because at launch it was the only OS that actually had a great idea to increase functionality and efficiency with Live Tiles. Second would be the design language compared with the others. True with Android you can do more, but I already witnessed the lengths that people had to go through to get things just right (not to mention I was coming of a lackluster experience with Ubuntu). iOS was okay but compared to Live Tiles, so blase. Hence, Windows Phone.
Well I decided to give it a try since I have been with blackberry and the new BB10 is a step backwards to me so I decided to give windows a try. It's not a bad platform but I don't think it's where it should be for me to stay. The camera on the 1020 is sweet but if I can get a good price for it I will sell.
I need offline maps to find clients out in the country where there is no cell coverage and Nokia/HERE is the only way to get it. Also love Nokia's antenna engineering excellence.

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I chose Windows Phone because it fit in with all my platforms I already had (PC, XBOX 360, Zune, Hotmail), and it was a beautiful yet simple architecture. Granted, the first one I had was on the rough side (HTC Surround), but its been great seeing each version come with more polish and adjustability.

The second reason I'm still with Windows Phone is Nokia. A solid tough built phone, especially seeing as how my Android and Blackberry before them barely lasted a half year before they stopped working (something that seems to keep plaguing BB). My Nokia has taken serious abuse, and keeps on ticking. And I love the look on peoples faces when I pull out my yellow 920, and they ask about my phone. Also, buy buying Nokia, I'm keeping money in the northern European market, instead of sending more to Asia.

As far as the iPhone goes, and all Apple products, its overpriced, overrated and very closed in. Like by buying one, your forced into the iSheep mold....
When I was looking for my first smartphone I didn't want a huge phone. I wanted something about the size of an iPhone. Not being a sheep and not a fan of apple products I had no desire for that. Reading overwhelmingly positive reviews for the Trophy it seemed like a good fit. I never looked back!
I got a WP when it had Mango. I'd been an iOS user because Android 1.x and 2.x had hideous and slow user interfaces (I used them for work so I've had the G1, Nexus 1, and many others until now I have a GNex). I didn't like Apple because their attitude annoyed me and because they ruined ebook pricing. So when WP got enough features I gave it a try. My initial impression was that the UI was so nice it made iOS look like Android Gingerbread. Since then Android's made some big strides, but they need to throw out the icons and use mini-cards or something to really make their OS modern. They've got a good notification UI now with cards and Google Now, but it's stuck in the drop-down; the main UI is still the same old icon grid. But unless WP stagnates while Android or Apple gets their act together, I don't see myself switching back anytime soon. MS is light years ahead on UX design.
For me, it was more of a matter of ecosystem. I love consistensy, so I wanted to choose one ecosystem and use as many products from the ecosystem I chose. I had an iPhone, but I got fed up with it because every time Apple released an update, my iPhone got slower. And I didn't have the money to buy an iPad and an iMac. I have never really liked Google, so I was hesistant to move to Google's ecosystem. I did, however, have a PC and an Hotmail account, so when I saw the beautiful design of Windows Phone I was sold :)
Easy. I always want what most other people don't have. After two years with my N9 I became a loyal Nokia fan. I like the quality of the hardware and for me the free navigation has always been an decisive factor. I'm having no issues with the Lumia 720 and the battery life is just incredible...;.
I am Graphic designer by trade. It was January 2011, I had never touched a smartphone before as I was upgrading from a Motorola flip-phone so I tested out an iPhone, an android and a Windows Phone. I found the WP software smooth and the UI clean and fell instantly in love with Metro, plus the back button just made sense to me. I picked up my first iPhone and I couldn't figure out how to go back after launching an application. I also have enormous hands and I just found the phone too tiny. I looked at a couple Android devices?which would have been Frodo and Gingerbread around that time?and I thought the UI looked like a cheap version of the iPhone but just felt bad; it was my first experience with Android lag. So after my testing, I went with the Samsung Focus.

I got into buying and trading phones after my first year with the Focus, so my phone experience since then goes something like this:
Samsung Focus, Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 900 (black, cyan), Nokia Lumia 920 (black, red), Samsung ATIV S, HTC Windows Phone 8S, Nokia Lumia 620, Nokia Lumia 520, HTC One, HTC One S, Samsung Galaxy S4, Nokia Lumia 900 + Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia N9, Nokia Lumia 920 (current).

The reason I keep coming back is because of Xbox Music Pass. I find WP8 music support a step backwards from WP7?especially in playlist management?but its still the best value and offers decent usability compared to the competition.
I've been using WP since Lumia 800 was released, I basically got into WP because of Nokia .. Lumia 800 and N9 were the most beautiful things back then. Since WP8 came out, I found all the apps I need, although I agree we need more.

Also WIndows Phone was beautiful, smooth , lag free , elegant, simple (WP7.5) , stable and you could customize it to an extent. You were getting all this out of the box.

WIth Android my problem is you have to work on the OS, it is still not lag free, stable, elgant and smooth like WP is.
When ICS was around I was so angry at Google & HTC because none of the devices were getting proper updates, devices were getting updated and discarded. The apps were and still donot have a common set of guidelines (HOLO UI is changing it slightly). I mean one app had a back button on the top another had a back at the bottom, some apps used the physical button. Oh my God what a complete mess.
I had to root my desire and flash thrice since HTC wouldn't release updates. CM team is the saving grace of Android
That said, I used the LG Nexus 4 for a few days and I cannot tell you how happy I was to see Android running so smooth and lag free. I don't know what they did there but if that is the way all Nexus in the future are I might get one as a secondary device.(**** camera though)

I couldn't live with iOS because the devices were too costly in India, iOS cannot be made personal and all cool features I wanted meant the device had to be jailbroken.

Same here, if you want to enjoy android, buy nexus devices. These samdung phones are cheap, laggy & not reliable. I don't even know why people are buying them. I love Nokia and like WP but don't like the restrictions. :(

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
After Symbian went terminal, I went into denial and bought the 808 PureView holding on to the hope that my single purchase would breath life back into the platform and all would be well. I was naive and after seeing the error of my ways, I eventually stated the grieving process for Symbian. After my mourning was complete, I decided that I needed to snap out of the depression, man up and get a grip. It was then that I knew I had to choose another platform. Then followed weeks and weeks of intense research into WP, iOS, Android and Blackberry. Blackberry was quickly ruled out as their devices just seemed a bit crap. Next up was Android. I wasn't a fan of the platform beforehand so I probably went in with a negative opinion and that didn't change. The platform has some good points such as the number of apps/games/services available as well as being hackable but it just seems stacked with malware and I simply do not trust Google with my data so Android failed to make the cut. iOS was quickly ruled out on the basis that everyone that I know who has an iPhone is a complete fecktard. Many of these people actually consider Siri as one of their close friends....but I wonder if they know that Siri will talk to anyone and tell them what they want to lull them into a false sense of security?! Fools!

Then it was on to WP and despite my previous comments, there wasn't really going to be another successor to Symbian for me. I love Nokia phones. At first, I wasn't taken with the live tile appearance from the phones I saw on adverts but the concept grew on me. Whilst the app situation is far from perfect, coming from Symbian, it was a lot better than I was used to and I think I have some amazing apps and games installed on my 920. The latest updates have added some great features, although a lot more needs to be done by MS. Quite a few existing areas need to be improved and we need to continue to see new features implemented. I really do think WP can compete with the market leaders but if progress isn't swift enough, it could easily fail.

How can you have a negative opinion on something if you hadn't used it yet? Or am I misreading your story about Android?
How can you have a negative opinion on something if you hadn't used it yet? Or am I misreading your story about Android?

I had a GS3 and will agree with his statement about Android. I considered it before getting the device, my Samsung focus destroyed so I tried out Droid. Man, a lot of cool maintenance tools and flexibility...but the virus/malware and extremely laggy UI had me sell and get a 920. Maybe its Samsungs touchwiz and stuff but I did not like maintaining a portable PC, so windows or iPhone is my preferred choice of OS. And I've got a nexus 7, its a cute toy to browse and watch videos....meh.
Iphone - too much restriction and simply hyped - Never liked such
Android - the very screen and icons look like cheap generic java apps, no style and taste to my liking, and it is over common

So WP7 - first time i dont like very much as i dont like the design of Lumia 710 (Lumia 900 was nice but was too costly) when WP8 came and Lumia 620, the budget was just enough for me, disign was typical elegant windows style, So here i am with wp8
I used Galaxy Ace, Galaxy S and S2 until I switched to iPhone 4S. After a year of modding, flashing and pushing these samsung androids to keep up with googles updates, I had enough of it because after all my efforts i never worked as no-brainer-fluid as the iPhone. In the end I just wanted a working fluid experience...

... and for me iOS (on my iP5) is still the king of lagfree/fluid-ness but I really got tired of these endless rows of rounded squares. I flashed iOS 7 Beta as soon as it got out but I soon realized that its just "Malibu Stacy with a new hat" (if you Simpsons fans get me ;) ).

I always liked the modern metro UI of Win 8 (thats all I like about Win 8) and knew that WP8 were quite compareable in the way its making the best out of low specs as Apple is. But I was held back by the (so I thought) not ideal app situation.

That changed in the last months/weeks when the increased press about the lumia 920 and recently the 1020 shed some very positive light on the increasing quality of the ecosystem.

So: out of combined curiosity for the new an boredom of the old I got a lumia 520 and am pretty happy with it. It did not quite replace my iphone 5 yet and probably will not for some time. Mainly due to some missing apps and the better iP5 screen but in some months maybe with a 4,3 inch/720p device i will completly switch. I am half-sold allready ;)
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