why did you choose Windows over the competition ?(ios, Android,BBos etc)

I have 12 different MetroTube shortcuts, to channels or videos, pinned to my start screen. And I like to have albums pinned too, as well as e-mail and things. And I simply can't do that on other platforms. And it has pretty colors I like, and my whole day can change from purple to yellow at a moment's notice.

So I like that.
I had a GS3 and will agree with his statement about Android. I considered it before getting the device, my Samsung focus destroyed so I tried out Droid. Man, a lot of cool maintenance tools and flexibility...but the virus/malware and extremely laggy UI had me sell and get a 920. Maybe its Samsungs touchwiz and stuff but I did not like maintaining a portable PC, so windows or iPhone is my preferred choice of OS. And I've got a nexus 7, its a cute toy to browse and watch videos....meh.

I'm not questioning whether or not Android is good or not. I had a Samsung Infuse for a fee months and it was alright. It had its issues. But it was usable. I was questioning how one could have a realistic opinion on something before using it. Again, I could have misread the OP post.
Same here, if you want to enjoy android, buy nexus devices. These samdung phones are cheap, laggy & not reliable. I don't even know why people are buying them. I love Nokia and like WP but don't like the restrictions. :(

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

I read online a LOT about Samsung's bloat and subsequent lag in Android. But everyone I ask (in person) who owns one says they have no issues whatsoever
I read online a LOT about Samsung's bloat and subsequent lag in Android. But everyone I ask (in person) who owns one says they have no issues whatsoever

well everyone I know who has a GS3 or GS4 agrees with the 2 major problems I've had...and deal with it because for them the pros of android outweigh the few cons which I can understand. It all has to do with preference, I don't say one better than the next ..but definitely know one works better for me, which could likely be diff for someone else.
Because this phone is TOTALLY different than Android, iOS. The apps mostly look the same but WP versions like a lot more polished of the quality sort. Total rebuild not just a simple port.
My first touchscreen smart phone was a Galaxy S2 and when WP7 came out, I thought I would buy a WP just to check things out. I bought a Titan II and I was really impressed with the minimalist approach to the UI design and everything ran really smooth. When MS neglected my phone (and many others), I gave it to my mom and she really likes it (btw, she upgraded from a Acer Liquid MT). Now, I am waiting for the opportunity to come back to WP cause I am waiting for that right device.
I switched at the start of WP 7. Was wanting something different and was liking WP a lot. Got my 8X in January and starting to regret it. Hate to say it but starting to miss Android. The personalization is nice, kind of like pages on home screen better than one long mess I have now, and apps, when a new one comes out, guess where it will most likely not be. After 3 years with the os, can safely say I tried but its just not for me. For those who truly enjoy WP, I hope it just keeps getting better for you.
Uh, is this a trick question? Is this one of those "if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand" scenarios?
1. Unique, simple and smooth interface, doesn't clog up and become unusable
2. Live tiles (although mine are dead right now..)
3. Steady updates, although most would say it's still missing some basic stuff, but from WP7 to WP7.5 to WP8 every time I was pretty happy with the changes
4. Amazing Nokia Lumia cameras, and the exclusive apps such as Here Drive+
5. MS Office

I'm not going to deny the fact that I'm kind of frustrated at the fact that apps are still not growing fast enough, but I also think it's not a bad enough reason for me to go to Android and iOS, right now I still manage to have 150-200 apps on my WP, so yeah I don't want too much more. Mostly I'm frustrated because the fact that some most popular apps/games are not on WP is the major reason it's not growing at a much faster rate.
I became bored with iOS and the relatively tiny screen. Could not stand the lag that Android produced, even with top end specs. Opened up a GS4 and it was lagging out of the box. I didn't want to go back to iOS (iPhone 5), figured that if the top end Android at the time was lagging, then the OS is not for me. The Lumia 928 had recently dropped and I decided to take the plunge. I loved the idea of a minimalist and smooth OS, which is exactly what WP has delivered to date.
1. Unique, simple and smooth interface, doesn't clog up and become unusable
2. Live tiles (although mine are dead right now..)
3. Steady updates, although most would say it's still missing some basic stuff, but from WP7 to WP7.5 to WP8 every time I was pretty happy with the changes
4. Amazing Nokia Lumia cameras, and the exclusive apps such as Here Drive+
5. MS Office

I'm not going to deny the fact that I'm kind of frustrated at the fact that apps are still not growing fast enough, but I also think it's not a bad enough reason for me to go to Android and iOS, right now I still manage to have 150-200 apps on my WP, so yeah I don't want too much more. Mostly I'm frustrated because the fact that some most popular apps/games are not on WP is the major reason it's not growing at a much faster rate.

Check out my post here, it may help you get your live tiles working again.

I became bored with iOS and the relatively tiny screen. Could not stand the lag that Android produced, even with top end specs. Opened up a GS4 and it was lagging out of the box. I didn't want to go back to iOS (iPhone 5), figured that if the top end Android at the time was lagging, then the OS is not for me. The Lumia 928 had recently dropped and I decided to take the plunge. I loved the idea of a minimalist and smooth OS, which is exactly what WP has delivered to date.

Yep, exactly my thoughts with the "top 2 smartphone OS".. Just wish more people can see the greatness of WP8, instead of burying themselves in apps and games.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD
Check out my post here, it may help you get your live tiles working again.


Thank you for this! I think I will give this a try right now. So you mean I should find all the apps that would have live tiles (even if I'm not using them) and either disable them or uninstall those apps? Do I also block every background apps first and enable them later on?

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD
Thank you for this! I think I will give this a try right now. So you mean I should find all the apps that would have live tiles (even if I'm not using them) and either disable them or uninstall those apps? Do I also block every background apps first and enable them later on?

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD

Yes, disable the live tiles for all apps you don't need live tiles for, or just uninstall those apps if they are not used. You may need to go down your list of apps one by one to find the ones with live tile capability.

As far as blocking apps, I only unblock apps that have live tiles that I need/want to update.

Hope that helps.
Yes, disable the live tiles for all apps you don't need live tiles for, or just uninstall those apps if they are not used. You may need to go down your list of apps one by one to find the ones with live tile capability.

As far as blocking apps, I only unblock apps that have live tiles that I need/want to update.

Hope that helps.
Just finished doing this. Holy... I have way too many apps haha it took me over an hour @_@
Just as I was going through disabling everything I think the tiles already started working and I even received notifications from apps that stopped giving me notifications before, so I hope this is good sign! I've restarted the phone, now just wait and see!
Thanks again, I tried everything else and was going to give up and hard reset, but there's no way to back up app data on WP8 yet so I didn't want to xD
Just finished doing this. Holy... I have way too many apps haha it took me over an hour @_@
Just as I was going through disabling everything I think the tiles already started working and I even received notifications from apps that stopped giving me notifications before, so I hope this is good sign! I've restarted the phone, now just wait and see!
Thanks again, I tried everything else and was going to give up and hard reset, but there's no way to back up app data on WP8 yet so I didn't want to xD

Good to hear. Glad you didn't have to hard reset it!
i never liked iphones and apple products in general
i was tired of android and it's lagging OS with ugly UI + in light of recent google behavior i ended up with them completely on all my devices.
i really like the simplicity yet effectivness of WP8. it looks fantastic and when i play with my wife's droid I cna just laugh. wp ftw!
Before WP7, I was an Android hardcore user. I never stopped flashing ROMs, scripts, features, mods, and building my own OS too, and customizing my Android phone as I like it to be. That's why I switched to Android from WM6.
When WP7 finally came out, I really didn't like its UI (like any other Android user), because it looked a bit old. But the performances were really amazing... I wondered how a cheap WP7 phone with old specs could beat a top-notch Android smartphone in terms of performance and smoothness. And simplicity, of course.
There were a couple of features that caught my eye, too. Live Tiles, clean, simple and intuitive UI, deep Windows integration, and developing tools. So I decided to make the right move when Microsoft announced its partnership with Nokia, and got a Lumia 800. I really loved (and still loving) that phone. It doesn't have as many apps as Android, but I'd choose quality over quantity.
I decided to give up on Android and switched to Windows Phone definitively. Now I'm enjoying my 8X. I still have my Galaxy Lag 2, btw.
(I never liked Apple products because of lack of innovation and Apple limitations).
I was mainly doing my best to hold on to a Nokia to begin with. Briefly used WP7 on a HD7 while at the same time using an N8.
The N8 won and I got rid if the HD7. This was mainly down to the hardware and Symbian being able to do everything I needed.
Obviously the N8 was getting on a bit and starting to show its age so it was time for a change.
I think I spent 6 months of 2012 stalking the Lumia 920 online until I finally got one. It was the design of it that drew me to it.
WP8 was just a bonus... kind of. I didn't want Android for many reasons (a lot have already been mentioned in this thread) and I'm not a fan of the iPhone.
Since getting my 920 I don't think I could ever use anything else.

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