why did you choose Windows over the competition ?(ios, Android,BBos etc)

I don't like the look or feel of the Android devices I have played with (from friends and family), and the fanboyism of Apple users and the rediculous markup of their put me off the iToys.
Honestly? Because nobody else had one and I was intrigued by the design of the UI. I have a habit of backing the underdog, for better or worse.
Secondly, I was sick of Android, and the amount of bloat and lag present. iOS was dull, static and predictable. Android was slow, ugly and unreliable. Windows Phone seemed exciting, fresh and new.

I'm glad I made the switch, Ive never been this attached to an inaminate object before, it borders on unhealthy :winktongue:
I'll be upgrading to another Windows Phone when the time comes and I have to retire my trusty and beloved 8X.
100% my opinion.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
When my last contract was up, I was trying to work out what upgrade I should get, and initially i dismissed windows phone because a lot of the reviews (highlighting all the normal, stupid complaints like apps and volume control), so I started trying to decide between android stuff (I had an original galaxy s previously). I sorta fell in love with the nexus 4, but then I decided to take a second look at windows phone, mainly because ive always had a soft spot for MS, and I like to try something different... I did a lot of research, and I swung back and forth between the L920 and the nexus for a couple of weeks. In the end it came down to me playing with a 920 in a Carphone warehouse. I love the weight, design, camera, and the ui was waaay better than a lot of reviewers make out... Ill give an honourable mention to pocketnow as well, they seem to be the only non wp website that actually respects the platform... Thanks Michael Fischer lol!
I became bored with iOS and the relatively tiny screen. Could not stand the lag that Android produced, even with top end specs. Opened up a GS4 and it was lagging out of the box. I didn't want to go back to iOS (iPhone 5), figured that if the top end Android at the time was lagging, then the OS is not for me. The Lumia 928 had recently dropped and I decided to take the plunge. I loved the idea of a minimalist and smooth OS, which is exactly what WP has delivered to date.

Apple are just about to invent the phablet, don't you know...? lol
I remember seeing the Nokia 900 in posters and vids;. That phone and OS looked so unique and decided I'll have something like that.

Today, I'm rocking Nokia L925. Aweshum.
Honestly? Because nobody else had one and I was intrigued by the design of the UI. I have a habit of backing the underdog, for better or worse.
Secondly, I was sick of Android, and the amount of bloat and lag present. iOS was dull, static and predictable. Android was slow, ugly and unreliable. Windows Phone seemed exciting, fresh and new.

I'm glad I made the switch, Ive never been this attached to an inaminate object before, it borders on unhealthy :winktongue:
I'll be upgrading to another Windows Phone when the time comes and I have to retire my trusty and beloved 8X.

Same reason for me.. But I have 920
TL;DR: two android phones in a row got super slow and laggy, I had to factory reset them multiple times because of that. My SO got WP, I saw how awesome, fast and smooth it was on mid range phone, and build quality seemed good. PureView also played a big role. So I got the 925, I would've gone for 1020, but it was too expensive.

My first android phone quickly got slow and unresponsive. Official updates stopped at 2.1 so I had to manually flash 2.2 on it to get basic functionality like moving apps to sd card (180MB of internal storage just wasn't enough). Eventually it took up to 2 minutes to open phone app and I got sick of it. I got a new android phone, nice, big and fast, and I was perfectly happy with it until most apps increased in size, and google ones wouldn't even move to SD card. 380MB of internal storage was again not sufficient. I was stuck on 4.0, last official update, and custom roms were unstable or less functional. I was then buying a new phone primarily for the camera, and Nokia quickly took the lead there. Galaxy S4, iPhone 5 and similar all have great cameras, but are way to expensive for me. 1020 is ofcourse the best cameraphone out there, but unfortunately even pricier then s4 and iP5. In the meantime, my significant other got the 720, and I was amazed at how fast and smooth a midrange dual core, 512MB ram phone can be, virtually no lag, it crashed a couple of times, but so did all my androids (including Nexus 7, the pride and joy of Google) so it didn't bother me. I really liked the UI and it had practically no learning curve, everything was so obvious, minimalistic, no distracting elements in the UI, battery was also amazing, but that's 720s specialty.
So I so the performance of WP on a phone that's considered low range in android world and I didn't see any sense in paying double the price for a phone (S4, iP5), that performs just as well as way cheaper Lumia 9xx, so I went with the 925. I'm very happy with it, and it does all the things I want, and it does them well and fast. Camera is great too, of course that played a big role. If it wasn't for the camera, I'd go with the 720, that phone is awesome. Fast smartphone with 2~3 day battery life, what more could you want.
What do you mean buy garbage/fake apps ? (when you open the app does it just give you a blank screen-please describe it more)

Lol, no, nothing like that.

I meant there are lots of junk apps in the WP store compared to iOS and Android. Or in other words: apps that are of "lesser" quality.
Also the amount of apps is much less for WP, but that number is still rapidly growing, so that is still open to future discussion and can't really be mentioned as a con...so I left that out.

Remember that that list is from "my" experiences. I can understand that not everyone would totally agree. As said it is all biased anyway. :wink:
Uh yes...the z1s...excellent choice. Have you done any water proof tests yet ?

Just the thought of being able to walk in the rain without having to consider your phone...just such a wow factor for me.

Sorry I've just got so many questions. What's battery like ?, how's the feel of the UI ?, how's the camera ?, and what does it score in quadrant ?...I've wanted to know that for the past several months.

The battery life is just insane on this thing. With light use I can get 3 to 4 days. The camera is pretty good with some great apps. The 925 still edges out all sony needs is an update for low light but still takes good pics with no flash.

The UI looks and feels good Sony did a good job with it. Tmobile had to go and embed their t-jingle other than that not too much bloat ware.
Underwater shots look pretty darn good although I prefer 1080 video for surfing.
External speaker gets garbled when it's been submerged for a period of time. Drying out the phone brings it back to it's normal state.

Haven't done any benchmarks phone performs fast enough for me no lag when typing or surfing the Web.

Movie playback is very good when stored to Sd. The Walkman player sounds good to me with dynamic sound enabled. Could use an update to boost audio a tad.

I'm pretty impressed with Sony's eco system they are also coming out with an in dash car cradle and BT ear buds as soon as it hits the shelves in May I'm all over it. Sony's been the fly on the wall and coming out with products that fit my lifestyle the Z1S with Cradle and Bt buds would complete my world.

Although the rom is locked I have no need for rooting it. My days of cooking rooms are long gone since the BB days. Not only that but it seems phones will get replaced more often these days.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
Android to me its so boring apple phone isnt pleasing to me but windows phone 8 is amazing i like how i can customize the live tiles dont need 100 to 200 apps on the phone it aint like im going to use all those apps anyway. Just happy with my Nokia Lumia 920 i had a Nokia Lumia 822 but it gave me the blue screen of death didnt bother getting it fix so im just grateful for what i got.

Sent from my SCH-R740C using WPCentral Forums mobile app
I chose Windows Phone because I like how unique it is from the rest. I was tired of static icons and wanted a change in my technology life. So now I'm a Microkid and couldn't be happier :-)
The year was 2010 and I was with, what was then, MetroPCS which is now known as MetroPCS. Wait... Anyway, I was waiting for them to get their first 4G Android phone and had been diligently researching, when somewhere, I do not recall where at the moment, I ran across something wholly insane.

What was this weirdly colorful yet mesmerizing smartphone interface? A new Android skin? Had Steve Jobs lost his mind and dumped out of the precious icon-laden iPhone UI? Nope. This was something new, something unique, a... wait for it... breath of fresh air upon the smartphone landscape. It was... Windows Phone 7.

Who had dared create something so unique, so innovative, so unlike anything to this point? Yes, it was the stodgy old button-up that was Microsoft. The more I dug into this alien interface, the more I dug it. Get it? Sorry. Anywho, it did not take me long to change my mind. I was no longer waiting for a 4G Android phone, it was now Windows Phone 7.

Alas, MetroPCS had no such beast coming. That's when I discovered the Dell Venue Pro for T-Mobile. What a beauty. I had to have it. I purchased a Venue Pro, NIB, on Ebay, and jumped ship from Metro to T-Mobile, two decisions that to this day I do not regret. And, the rest, as they say, has been chronicled in the annals of man.

What the hell did I just write?
Lol, no, nothing like that.

I meant there are lots of junk apps in the WP store compared to iOS and Android. Or in other words: apps that are of "lesser" quality.
Also the amount of apps is much less for WP, but that number is still rapidly growing, so that is still open to future discussion and can't really be mentioned as a con...so I left that out.

Remember that that list is from "my" experiences. I can understand that not everyone would totally agree. As said it is all biased anyway. :wink:

I thought you ment apps like the fake bbm apps Android was flooded with before the official bbm app released. You'd open the app, the app would force you to rate 5 stars (or it wont let you open it) so you rate it 5 star's, te open the app and get nothing but a blank black screen.

There were about 30 apps like this on Google play (all fakes)

So I definitely think that wp is far better than Android in this regard. By far I mean 14000Km or 8750 miles.
I was using a Nokia5230 since Jan 2010, as the whole world was moving on to SMARTPHONES(which are not so smart as to fix a cup of coffee on a hangover morning ;) ) so by the end of 2012 I also thought of jumping to this smart bandwagon and get myself a smart person tag(btw don't think I am not since I had a first class degree in Mech Engg. :D). As any value for money addict Indian(pun intended) I started doing research Apple(iOS 5-6-whatever that was) was out of question Reason 1) Too delicate for a rough handler of mobiles 2) Could not get any Carrier Subsidies here in India, not interested in putting 50K on a phone. So the only option was to go DROID way, since Nokia was nowhere to be seen to heard in the market..everything about smartphones in market, news reviews was Samsung,Galaxies and Android (I had one Samsung dealer selling me Android 10 on Galaxy Y Duos don't know where he got his information may be samsung is cheating google :D). I looked into Sony, HTC even thought of getting that Android 10 Samsung phone..and just when I was finally done on Xperia T I heard about WP8 launched and Nokia releasing Lumia 920 advertisement in India, the advertisement in itself was not so spectacular but the feature shown and I was amazed by the screen...those tile looked like painted on the screen..that was the moment I fell in love with these Lumias and WP8 interface, and pin was put into my plans to be A DROID MAN, next day onwards I started looking for WP's ready many articles many public opinions on many techsites and came to the conclusion that I had always believed..since none of the SMARTPHONEs today is really smart...a phone would be good enough for me, but it should have the looks to die for and these WP8 devices (Lumia 920, Lumia 820, HTC8X, HTC8S) all were amazing to eyes the AMOLED screen of 820 was soo good looking it was everthing was painted on the surface of the mobile. SO to sum it up for me it was the good looks of the hardware and sultriness of OS ;) .

Thanks for your time.. :)
For the camera.. I got a 1020
Was pretty happy with my gs4 but dont miss android, wp turned out way better than I expected - i tried a omnia w a few years back but didnt like the OS (And ZUNE!!!!) so went back to android.

The only thing I really miss is swiftkey and the screen from my gs4 :)
Lol, no, nothing like that.

I meant there are lots of junk apps in the WP store compared to iOS and Android. Or in other words: apps that are of "lesser" quality.
Also the amount of apps is much less for WP, but that number is still rapidly growing, so that is still open to future discussion and can't really be mentioned as a con...so I left that out.

Remember that that list is from "my" experiences. I can understand that not everyone would totally agree. As said it is all biased anyway. :wink:
You must be joking...

Same goes for the Play Store. A whole heap of crappy apps that have no use or function. There's a few on the WP Store, but the number pales in comparison.

If you were talking about sheer quality between the platforms, then yes, WP usually comes out last, as a result of less focus and resources diverted its way. But oftentimes, the design language and strengths of the platform make up that discrepancy.
Oh really? I'm a WP8 User and really impressed about the less features of the WP apps, for example whatsapp. And i'm very happy about those useless apps like "Hitlers paintings". WTF is going on Microsoft? Are you not able use filter to give those apps an kick in the ***? Who needs that crap? They should also introduce the paintings of Bin Laden and Hussein. I know the developer of that app isn't MS, but MS gives them the chance to be in the marketplace.
I used to be a happy MS user, but I'm always the guy without all the features. I need to wait till the middle or the end of this year to get an notification- or action center. I'm always the last one with WP8. Android and IOS got this feature last year. And it doesn't matter, that WP is younger that IOS or Android. If they wan't to play in the same league, they need to be as new as the others. Same with apps. If the developers can't use the needed api's, they can't give us the features like on IOS or Android apps. And what's the deal to make the sytem more colourful. It's nice to have colourful tiles, but what's about the background. Only black and white. Is it that hard to find a good designer? I don't think so.

I will change the system, because I don't want to be always the last one who get's an app (if I get it) or feature.
There are many reasons...

In the first place, I've bought a Lumia 920 for testing Lotus Traveler on WP for our business. Then I realized what a great product WP was! More reasons are:

I was sick of the iOS/iTunes drama...
I was sick of the expensive Apple accesories...
I was sick of the problems after each update...
I wanted to try out something new :-)
I love the design
I love the camera (Lumia 1020)

And maybe it helped a little bit that I didn't have to pay for it :-)

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