Why do people hate Windows 8.?

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The multiwindow function is very limiting. It's like working into cages. Do you understand what i mean? .
Yes, I understand that you cannot comprehend new ideas. I use 4 monitors mixing desktop with windows 8 apps with NO PROBLEMS. In fact, it's super sleek and awesome. There are no limited boxes, that's all in your head. I constantly have about 10-50 windows open. There are no limits. Part of your problem is that you can either see metro style or desktop mode. It's not one or the other, it's BOTH. Maybe someday soon i'll make a video showing how you can mix and match this stuff, it's not hard. I'll bet someone else already made one.
Yes, I understand that you cannot comprehend new ideas. I use 4 monitors mixing desktop with windows 8 apps with NO PROBLEMS. In fact, it's super sleek and awesome. There are no limited boxes, that's all in your head. I constantly have about 10-50 windows open. There are no limits. Part of your problem is that you can either see metro style or desktop mode. It's not one or the other, it's BOTH. Maybe someday soon i'll make a video showing how you can mix and match this stuff, it's not hard. I'll bet someone else already made one.

What are the advantages of using Metro apps?
What are the advantages of using Metro apps?

1. Security
2. Updated live tiles
3. Easy app update process
4. A metro app that crashes won't cause your whole computer to freeze
5. I can easily download to all my computers that use W8. I can even log in to someone else's computer using my account.
What are the advantages of using Metro apps?
For one, you can download and install all kinds of apps without having to worry about spyware or stupid stuff. Also, I can keep Skype or other programs off to a side of a monitor and it never gets buried under desktop windows. Also what this guy said.. and much more.
1. Security
2. Updated live tiles
3. Easy app update process
4. A metro app that crashes won't cause your whole computer to freeze
5. I can easily download to all my computers that use W8. I can even log in to someone else's computer using my account.
What are the advantages of using Metro apps?

Also, window management is better because you can just shove them around where you need them without micromanaging them or relying on Aero snap which only works if you're doing two apps per screen. Assuming you don't want the micromanage window dimensions, metro is better at multiple windows than Aero since Aero only does full or half screen without lot of hassle.
1. Security
2. Updated live tiles
3. Easy app update process
4. A metro app that crashes won't cause your whole computer to freeze
5. I can easily download to all my computers that use W8. I can even log in to someone else's computer using my account.

A) There is no security in Windows OS, for a variety of reasons. If we mean security from normal threats we may agree. In terms of real security the OS is not safe (it's a long story)
B) My apps on the Market don't update. I actually have even issues at loading the market. Maybe only me though.
C) My apps crash sometimes but i rarely have whole PC freezes since Win 8. Technicalities aside, is there any difference between desktop and ModUI?
D) Remote desktop is not a peculiarity of Modern UI. I don't think that's a plus.
For one, you can download and install all kinds of apps without having to worry about spyware or stupid stuff. Also, I can keep Skype or other programs off to a side of a monitor and it never gets buried under desktop windows. Also what this guy said.. and much more.
You may not be aware that just yesterday a bunch of fake Kaspersky apps ended up in the WP market. So i guess that doesn't apply much. This issue will increase as both OS' take off (because WP will gain traction sooner or later).
Yes, I understand that you cannot comprehend new ideas. I use 4 monitors mixing desktop with windows 8 apps with NO PROBLEMS. In fact, it's super sleek and awesome. There are no limited boxes, that's all in your head. I constantly have about 10-50 windows open. There are no limits. Part of your problem is that you can either see metro style or desktop mode. It's not one or the other, it's BOTH. Maybe someday soon i'll make a video showing how you can mix and match this stuff, it's not hard. I'll bet someone else already made one.

Yes let's see that video where you work in hybrid desktop/modern mode with 50 resizable, overlappable windows open in ONE SINGLE screen (not 4, i don't need that) so that we understand. When you have a minute also enlighten me on the usefulness of the hybrid mode if i can have it all on a desktop. Would you? It's always for the sake of learning. I hope i am not asking too much.
I'm quite certain that either you're 70, or just trolling. Some of your comments don't even make sense. You do realize that if you boot strait to the desktop and work in the desktop, there really isn't much that's different from w7 to w8.
I'm quite certain that either you're 70, or just trolling. Some of your comments don't even make sense. You do realize that if you boot strait to the desktop and work in the desktop, there really isn't much that's different from w7 to w8.

I am quite certain you are unable to do what you say and now you're edging in insults due to your own limitations. I am patient but you can't come tell me multiwindow in Modern UI is as functional as it is in the normal Desktop mode. Since i am trolling i am also gonna show you


Now, this is a scenario in Hybrid mode. Left side has 2 Modern UI open (1 can't be seen because your beloved interface can't overlap them so you need to act in some way to hide one and show the other in the section of screen i have reserved to Modern UI. the other side is on desktop mode and is showing the other apps i need to work. If you notice in the pic, the Modern UI side non only CANNOT be resized verticall (who tells you i need so much room?) but it also covers the taskbar (or better if moves it to the right covering other apps i need on the taskbar). This is 1 of the limitations that i call "BIRDCAGE".

So maybe i am 70 or trolling but you either don't seem worried at such limitations and think the rest of the world spins around you and your multimonitors or you are simply trying to diminish people's opinions with subtle insults without bringing facts.
Now, i ask you again, are you able to demonstrate that modern UI has the same flexibility of a full fledged desktop PC with fully resizable and manageable windows? Just invest some minutes in thinking of what you may say. It may make a difference in how i judge your IQ.
Also, can you show me how to overcome the issues i am showing you in hybrid mode with facts rather than implying you're the only one smart in here?

Last but not least, some respect wouldn't hurt. If you have an answer go for it and make it constructive. If you don't have one just go do something else.
Why, if you are trying to do real work on your desktop are you trying to view the windows store at the same time? Just close your windows store and BAM, you have a full desktop which is EXACTLY THE SAME AS USINING WINDOWS 7. It's not hard. And my suspicions of you being 70 was because you called the Windows Phone Store 'WP Marketplace'. That sounds like something my grandfather would have said. And for the record, i'm an expert at multitasking. So don't tell me to do something else because i'm already doing many other things right now. If you must know, i'm 3d modeling a human head right now. I'M BUSY!
I currently use windows 7 because it works well and I am waiting for Microsoft to fine tune things for desktop. I can understand some peoples frustration with it as I have a friend that codes custom dental software, manages websites, and other things and there are many aspects for his use that were frustrating and didn't offer common sense usability things at first. I also have seen the benefits and as he has it on his Fujitsu tablet PC and it runs/ starts up much quicker than 7 and it does have some great features as well. For his desktop ( if you can call the monster that) he uses 7. Microsoft has addressed many of peoples concerns with 8 on desktops per updates but for some it still lacks things that were useful in 7. I'm sure that will change as it matures. For me I would be open to it but don't have the need currently and am happy with 7. I will probably put 8 on my tablet PC after I upgrade it for a newer one and eventually upgrade the PC. I can understand both sides of the argument. But I do also agree that many people are very hesitant to use and resistant to 8 without learning its benefits.
Screenshot (36).jpg

You see here 4 monitors with the desktop on all of them. On the top left monitor, Netflix is pinned. On the top right monitor, you see xbox music and Skype pinned with wpc open in ie on the desktop. And this is a bit toned down compared to some days.
Why, if you are trying to do real work on your desktop are you trying to view the windows store at the same time? Just close your windows store and BAM, you have a full desktop which is EXACTLY THE SAME AS USINING WINDOWS 7. It's not hard. And my suspicions of you being 70 was because you called the Windows Phone Store 'WP Marketplace'. That sounds like something my grandfather would have said. And for the record, i'm an expert at multitasking. So don't tell me to do something else because i'm already doing many other things right now. If you must know, i'm 3d modeling a human head right now. I'M BUSY!

Wonder why you insist in throwing the potato on me. You claimed you can do incredible things with the modern UI (you haven't shown); you claimed you work with 50 open windows (send us a screenshot); you have claimed a lot of things. I am just asking you how you do and you cover me with insults. It's beyond me. Then you tell me why i don't use the desktop. I told you i use the desktop due to UI limitations. Stop sweating and trying hard if you just realized you can't do what you say. There are no videos simply because that UI is limited. Do you understand it? How old are you? 16?

Getting back to your uselesness
A) I was trying to show you why your theory on 50 windows open sounds like an overstated bull****, at best. Opened two random apps and showed your theories and reality clash, IMHO (Unless you have some secret version of the OS that does miracles specific for multitasking 3D modellers, lol).
B) The rationale applied to define people's age based on a wrong term doesn't deserve a comment, lol. It's self explanatory. If i apply the same rationale how should i define you for using the proper terminology to claim a bunch of lies you can't even show?
C) You're still not answering the question. Worrying trend for an expert of "multitasking".
D) Since you're busy modeling heads, avoid making a shame of yourself in blogs, especially when you are unable to do what you say. You give a terrible impression on people. And don't forget that after modeling the head, you have to put something into it. Don't leave it empty. Just a suggestion, i am not an expert of 3D modeling.

Please, save yourself.

Have a great day!
View attachment 66811

You see here 4 monitors with the desktop on all of them. On the top left monitor, Netflix is pinned. On the top right monitor, you see xbox music and Skype pinned with wpc open in ie on the desktop. And this is a bit toned down compared to some days.

Sorry, i missed the 4 monitors thing. I checked the pic and there is no rocket science again. I still wonder if you get my question right.

The question is "Can you open multiple Modern UI apps (More than 2) and display them on the same screen?". Your scenario is useless to me.
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Later when I have time i'll look at youtube and see if someone already has a tutorial.

Sorry, but I just don't understand people who don't get windows 8. It's so easy.

I insist you may be missing the point. You're working on 4 screens and send me a show off of 4 screens with 2 modern UI apps in each of them. I am glad you showed me your hardware and the empty head you're modeling but that's not answering my question.
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