Why do people hate Windows 8.?

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Sorry, i missed the 4 monitors thing. I checked the pic and there is no rocket science again. I still wonder if you get my question right.

The question is "Can you open multiple Modern UI (More than 2) and display them on the same screen?". Your scenario is useless to me.
How is that useless exactly? First, you can open 3, only 2 if you count the desktop. In windows 7 you have 0, so it's not even an option. Windows 8 has two to three more options than windows 7. And these apps are not even available in windows 7. So it's not even an issue. This is just an example of you trolling. On windows 8, you do not need windows store apps open all the time. you can just like in 7, have all your windowed apps open across the whole monitor. Your only complaint is that windows 8 can do more. That's what you are saying.
How is that useless exactly? First, you can open 3, only 2 if you count the desktop. In windows 7 you have 0, so it's not even an option. Windows 8 has two to three more options than windows 7. And these apps are not even available in windows 7. So it's not even an issue. This is just an example of you trolling. On windows 8, you do not need windows store apps open all the time. you can just like in 7, have all your windowed apps open across the whole monitor. Your only complaint is that windows 8 can do more. That's what you are saying.

Sorry Kev, you work with 4 screens at a time. I work on 3 screens based on need. a 14", an 18" and a 27" when at home. If you check my scenario up there you'll see none of my apps supports modern UI first of all, so even assuming i was using modern UI none of them would work with it. That's for a start. Assuming i had mixed scenario, (the one i simulated for you above in which you insist i am a troll for having the market open lol) i couldn't get more than two modern ui windows open + none of the desktop apps at the same time. Could you please elaborate how can exactly W8 do more in terms of multiwindow in the Modern environment?
Also, i am not comparing W8 to W7 (you're going there, i don't know why); i am comparing modern UI productivity with the traditional desktop in Win8. I claim the traditional desktop is more productive; you claim the modern UI is better. I ask you to show me how it is better. You keep insulting, send me a screenshot of your 4 screens each of which has 2 modern UI apps on it but you're not showing 1 single display with multiple modern UIs apps open. That was the reason of my original post you replied initiatlly.
PS is you showing Netflix a sign you're a troll, too? Do you need Netflix to model empty heads?
I wasn't actually watching Netflix. I wasn't reading stock news or checking the weather either. You demanded to see 2 windows 8 style apps running on each monitor, so I opened some things up. Normally I have one windows 8 style app open while working because i'm mostly on the desktop. And once again, you complain that your old apps are not windows 8 style. STOP IT! That's like saying electric cars are no good because you can't put electricity in your gas powered car. seriously?
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I wasn't actually watching Netflix. I wasn't reading stock news or checking the weather either. You demanded to see 2 windows 8 style apps running on each monitor, so I opened some things up. Normally I have one windows 8 style app open while working because i'm mostly on the desktop. And once again, you complain that your old apps are now windows 8 style. STOP IT! That's like saying electric cars are no good because you can't put electricity in your gas powered car. seriously?

Let me cut it short. Can you do this on 1 screen only with modern UI, assuming you need to do it?

2014-05-18 15_21_58-.png

There are 3 translating software, outlook, skype, MS word, yahoo on background but still clickable, Maxthon browser and 2 dictionaries missing because i thought these are enough to let you understand.
Now, 2 things
A) Can you do this on modern UI should you need to?
B) NETFLIX, then i think you understand judging people by what they open in a desktop to demonstrate things may not be the smartest thing to do.

PS: i never asked you to see 2 apps per monitor.
Let me cut it short. Can you do this on 1 screen only with modern UI, assuming you need to do it?

View attachment 66817

There are 3 translating software, outlook, skype, MS word, yahoo on background but still clickable, Maxthon browser and 2 dictionaries missing because i thought these are enough to let you understand.
Just to be clear.... You complain that your old apps are not windows 8 style. STOP IT! That's like saying electric cars are no good because you can't put electricity in your gas powered car. seriously?

The desktop is still there because it's needed. Windows 8 style apps are not intended to be the final solution for everything. USE THE DESKTOP!!!!! That's why it's there.

You are basically saying that jets suck because you cannot put your car's rims on the jet.
Isn't the problem that no Metro app offers more than a tab in a browser on desktops?

And there I don't have to use two kinds of software with an entirely different behavior or to rely on terrible developer support. This trying to convince us of how great Metro is on 4 screens seems almost like preaching religious believes.

It's very nice if it works for you on whatever number of screens, I just don't see any use in it.

(Just by the way, these 4 monitor screenshots look like a terrible mess, not like something productive.)
Isn't the problem that no Metro app offers more than a tab in a browser on desktops?

And there I don't have to use two kinds of software with an entirely different behavior or to rely on terrible developer support. This trying to convince us of how great Metro is on 4 screens seems almost like preaching religious believes.

It's very nice if it works for you on whatever number of screens, I just don't see any use in it.

(Just by the way, these 4 monitor screenshots look like a terrible mess, not like something productive.)
The point isn't about the number of monitors. And you don't need two different apps that work different. If you are slow, just stick with one. For instance, I like the Windows Store Skype app, I don't like the desktop version. So I use the full screen app for that. I use many windows store apps all the time, they are not terrible. And FYI, if you are doing the kind of work I do, you need 3-4 monitors to get things done. Just because you can't use it, doesn't make it wrong.

And the fact that you think windows store apps (what you call metro which is an old term) are nothing more than a browser tab, shows you have never used them. Or perhaps you are being narrow minded, or just trolling. Either way, Windows Store apps are very useful and great to use.
The point isn't about the number of monitors. And you don't need two different apps that work different. If you are slow, just stick with one. For instance, I like the Windows Store Skype app, I don't like the desktop version. So I use the full screen app for that. I use many windows store apps all the time, they are not terrible. And FYI, if you are doing the kind of work I do, you need 3-4 monitors to get things done. Just because you can't use it, doesn't make it wrong.

And the fact that you think windows store apps (what you call metro which is an old term) are nothing more than a browser tab, shows you have never used them. Or perhaps you are being narrow minded, or just trolling. Either way, Windows Store apps are very useful and great to use.

You are the most condescending and arrogant person I have ever encountered in these forums. They way you talk down to people doesn't strengthen your arguments, the way you think you're right and everybody else is wrong just lets you look like a fanatic person.

But this is not about some deep believes, there I do understand this behavior even though I don't approve of it, this is only about the preferences of how people use their software.

If I'd go to my boss and tell him I need four monitors that I can have Netflix, Xbox music and the WPC forum on two of them, he would not even understand what I'm talking about. If he did he would either laugh very hard or fire me. It might be that your example screenshot was just a terrible choice, but from them I really don't understand why you have to have four screens and for what you are using Metro apps that productively.

I have encountered no productive software that's more usable with Metro, they are not even available. I can't imagine somebody using a Metro version of Photoshop, Illustrator, Office, or any of the job specific programs I use. I wouldn't. Big buttons, less functions, that's something optimized to be used on a tablet, not to work with.

Again, I'm happy for you that you love the Metro apps, but you really should accept that other people don't. Speaking about a narrow mind.
Judging by your posts, you have not used windows 8 apps. The two of you just want to hate for no reason. I've presented many arguments, but you both just ignore them. You fail to explain how windows 8 apps are bad. And the fact that you keep saying metro shows that you don't even know what they are called. Metro hasn't been used in a very long time.
The point isn't about the number of monitors. And you don't need two different apps that work different. If you are slow, just stick with one. For instance, I like the Windows Store Skype app, I don't like the desktop version. So I use the full screen app for that. I use many windows store apps all the time, they are not terrible. And FYI, if you are doing the kind of work I do, you need 3-4 monitors to get things done. Just because you can't use it, doesn't make it wrong.

And the fact that you think windows store apps (what you call metro which is an old term) are nothing more than a browser tab, shows you have never used them. Or perhaps you are being narrow minded, or just trolling. Either way, Windows Store apps are very useful and great to use.


Let me explain once again. With W8 Modern UI you need 4 big screens to show 8 apps in all (+ 4 desktops). Your screens are big.
Me, with one 14" screen and using the classic desktop can open and keep alive on the same screen as many as 10 or 12.
A) you can only handle 2 per page on modern UI. More apps need to be brought back from behind to front
B) You can't position those vertically in any random place of the screen but only resize horizontally.
C) The amount of real estate you are wasting is huge.
D) All my apps are updated and kept in good order. They are not old.

I don't understand why can't you just admit what's obvious. You can't open 50 windows on Modern UI. So you just blathered a little initially and it was ok. Then you started to add to insult to wrong. For a moment, when you showed me those screenshots i even thought i was wrong, didn't make a big issue in asking you. However you sent me a screen with 8 miserable apps open in 4 huge screen (what's the total investment for that real estate? and how are you using it?) when my initial complaint was that modern UI in W8/8.1 wasn't suitable for productivity in multi windows environments.

Now you have changed strategy and insist with comparisons with jets, cars and other stuff. Do you realize the image you are projecting of yourself in the forum is not surely positive and it's not going to improve for sure insulting people.

Of course, should you manage to fit the same amount of apps i put in a screen in a modern UI for a single screen i am ready to publically apologize to you for my lack of knowledge on the OS and its functionalities. I rememeber you mentioning 50 pages but also 10 are ok and don't worry, i won't blame you for putting Netflix in it unlike you did with me for the Store.

Ah, please stop using metaphoric sentences to divert the topic again. All what i asked, since you insisted, is how can you fit so many windows in a modern UI (sorry for repeating myself).
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Metro hasn't been used in a very long time.

That is probably my fault. I call them metro apps too. I know they are officially called windows store apps, and that the UI design language is called ModernUI, but I can't get used to either.
That is probably my fault. I call them metro apps too. I know they are officially called windows store apps, and that the UI design language is called ModernUI, but I can't get used to either.

I still accidentally say SkyDrive sometimes too.
I think Windows RT 8.1 is great (RT 8.0 not so much), but ONLY on my Surface RT. I love it so much on an RT style device.
As for full Windows 8.1, why did they bring a tablet OS to a desktop operating system? Windows RT is unfinished because it still has the god awful desktop, but in full windows, the dekstop should be the only environment!
Full screen "apps" on a 22'' monitor that take 10 seconds to load on a piece of s*** intel i3 laptop with 4gb of ram are a lot less appealing than desktop programs that take little to no time at all to start up.

I love metro on Windows RT, hate it on Windows 8. It should never have come to Windows 8, and should have been developed as a tablet OS for Windows RT. That's not to say I hate the idea of the store on Desktop Windows, however the amount downloadable files from the internet (probably above 10 million at least) are a lot more useful than the Windows Store's 150000 apps.
... That's not to say I hate the idea of the store on Desktop Windows, however the amount downloadable files from the internet (probably above 10 million at least) are a lot more useful than the Windows Store's 150000 apps.
Most of those 10 million apps are either complete garbage or full of malware, spyware or viruses.
As for full Windows 8.1, why did they bring a tablet OS to a desktop operating system?

That's a very good question. I suspect they were pointing at the portable device market first and foremost while trying to keep an eye to the business area. That's why you had Metro/Modern + the old desktop beneath it and everything was duplicated in Win 8. They have been very very daring indeed. However they screwed with 8. People like me got adapted quick with some small software to just add up the old start button etc. Many users are in their late 40s, 50s and aren't eager to do tricks to get the thing to work. The OS must be familiar and work out of the box. That's why everyone told MSFT to make Win 8 bootable in desktop mode. Something they did now with 8.1 and more will come to make 8.1 more similar to 7. Modern UI, not the tiles is to be blamed. They built it as a cage, like Android. So you have a paradoxical situation where the Desktop OS went from real multiwindow/classic desktop to birdcage 2 window/modern UI and then the WP environment, where those 2 windows would be good VS Android can just handle one single one. All in all, in this specific area they have managed to reach the incredible result of keeping everyone unhappy or partially happy
That's no reason to live in the past. I know many older people that have no problems using the modern os.

For once i agree with you. In fact i live in the present and fit well in the future too. I am an early adopter of a variety of software.
I am more worried at those living in alternative dimensions where the world is upside down.
Let me cut it short. Can you do this on 1 screen only with modern UI, assuming you need to do it?

View attachment 66817

There are 3 translating software, outlook, skype, MS word, yahoo on background but still clickable, Maxthon browser and 2 dictionaries missing because i thought these are enough to let you understand.
Now, 2 things
A) Can you do this on modern UI should you need to?
B) NETFLIX, then i think you understand judging people by what they open in a desktop to demonstrate things may not be the smartest thing to do.

PS: i never asked you to see 2 apps per monitor.

No you can't but for such cases as this, there is still desktop mode for such cases. Besides, there are no modern apps like that, so you have to rely on desktop programs. I managed to get 3 modern apps running side-by-side, one of those could be dekstop on which you could arrange programs even further.

3 modern apps:

2 modern + dekstop:

2 modern + desktop split further, you could split it even more, like you did already on your screenshot before.

No I don't use this feature often on my desktop because I have two screen, but I do snap 2 desktop windows on each screen, sometimes email (modern app) is one of them. You can use Windows 8 without even touching modern apps the same way you did before on 7, or you could take advantage of modern apps (pros for those: writing an app is simpler, distribution is much simpler (you submit it to the store, no need to set up your own servers), you can take advantage of Azure to sync settings across devices - all those things are built in the SDK and had to be taken care of by developer before, including the whole infrastructure behind it).
I don't use many modern apps except calendar and email, those I use regularly. Desktop isn't going anywhere, they are even further improving in the summer as stated by M$ on their Build in April, it will allow you to run modern apps in windowed mode and then it will be possible to arrange them in the way you want to (like in your screenshot).

A word of advice though, invest in a second screen if you multitask so much. You can get a decent 1080p for 150$ and it makes your life much easier.
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