Why does Edge suck so bad

Since I can't access any local pages (192.168.x.x) in Edge, it is unusable as a browser. Opera is my go-to browser now.

What? It's not something inherent to Edge - do this all the time for local device/service admin pages. Likely dodgy coding on the page itself
I use it as my only browser. It has seen its share of us and downs with various preview Builds, with the exception of two builds, where Edge was unusable, I would use Chrome for a moment. I currently use Edge on all my devices, to include my Note 8.
As a developer I use Visual Studio to develop applications (no surprise here). But when I develop I always target FireFox and IE. Coding to both of those browsers means my application will compatible just about anywhere. I'll never download Chrome but the question asks why not Edge? Simple - I cannot debug in Edge without attaching the "Scripting" process to the browser whereas IE it is done automatically.

Until this changes, I will never target Edge. I do not like debugging "in the browser" with Developer Tools. With this option checked and attached it moves the debugging process inside Visual Studio so I can work in one place. That's my sole reason. (If anybody has a permanent solution I want to hear about it).
I just started developing a PWA and mostly to target Edge as well. And no matter just how hard I try to support the Microsoft platform, it always turns out to letting me down. Edge has become a nightmare to develop for. Full of bugs. Within three months had to open the third problem feedback that not only it not supports features, but even the ones it supports, supports badly, in an unexplicable way.
I've been using Edge as my primary browser since its introduction in Windows 10. With a few exceptions it worked ok. There were a few occasions when it didn't properly displayed a web-page due to some strange popup boxes with weird placements and then I had to use Chrome. I think my usage of Edge is close to 95% of time.
Works for me 100%. In fact, I fully made it my main browser six months ago and I don't regret it.
I use edge all the time on all devices and have zero problem with it. So, not sure what people are accessing to have trouble????
I use edge all the time on all devices and have zero problem with it. So, not sure what people are accessing to have trouble????

One that doesn't work for me is Amazon Prime video. I can get to Amazon fine but when I drill down into Prime Video to play, the tab goes unresponsive.

So there are some pretty major websites that have issues. Saying that, I still use it as my primary browser.
I have only been using Edge on both PC and Windows Phone 10 for over a year for sure, maybe longer. I have never had any problems with the browser crashing or any web pages not working correctly. However, I did have my bookmarks completely disappear once (thank goodness for a relatively recent backup of my bookmarks), but then just a few days ago I noticed yet another instance of where some bookmarks were simply gone. Most were still there, but some very frequently used bookmarks had again disappeared. I have no idea why that keeps happening, but it IS very frustrating. Otherwise, I have had no problems with Edge.
Trouble, trouble, trouble! Frees too often.

The mobile one cannot open. pdf files. No option to change the defaults, great, just great..?..
I've been using the W10 version since it's release and it's gotten even better with extensions. The Android version started off strong but without ad blocking extensions it gets bogged down which is ashame. the bookmark sync doesn't seem to work well either. I do prefer it's speed on desktop
Using edge for everything possible. It seems more and more sites is blocking it citing lack of functionality.
My main online accounting system did just that last year, recommending internet explorer or other browser (Chrome Firefox etc).
To me it feels like Microsoft once again is dropping the ball, creating something good, too late.
It is unbelievable edge is not compliant enough after more than two year, to be used by market leading online sites.
Its my Primary browser on my Windows 10 machine and works pretty well. I use it 90% of the time. I mostly use Chrome for GSuite and WebEx. I think people have a preconceived notion in their heads that Edge will suck because of some early review they saw.
The original post is seriously messed up. I've used Edge as my only browser (yes I uninstalled Chrome) since it came out and Edge is a great browser. Once in a blue moon there is some site that is messed up on Edge, but seriously I can't even remember the last time that was the case.

Edge is clean. And frankly it's not a memory hog like Chrome has become. Just do a Task Manager and click on the Processes tab (I'm doing it right now on a device in the household which still has Chrome), and what do I see 11, yes 11 stinking Chrome.exe *32 processes. What the what?

If anything... Chrome... has become the new Internet Explorer. The 1000 pound elephant, corporate monolith, that the greedy Alphabet corp keeps stuffing down our throats.

Plus Edge has some really cool unique features, like the reading list (in addition to the favorites list), which I use all the time when I want to finish reading a particular article, but not necessarily pin it forever in my favorites list, and an integrated eBook reader that will read aloud to you. Plus reward points! And when used with Bing, the search experience is beautiful, even educational, with it's picture of the day.

Edge for me, is what Chrome used to be. Simple, clean, fast, innovative, standards based... refreshing.
It mostly works well for me, and I would like to go with it full time instead of Chrome. However, Chrome's dev tools blow Edge out of the water and that's really the only thing holding me back at this point. I'll admit that they've improved upon them recently, but they still don't match Chrome, so I'm stuck with Chrome until Edge catches up (if it ever does).
use it everyday! never have any issues! I am a systems engineer for global publishing company.

this is an absolute lie. do you work for Microsoft? I have an amazing system that I hand built.
installed pure, clean windows downloaded directly from Microsoft and Edge freezes, chops and chokes quite often. There is No way that you've never had issues with this browser.
I am trying to make it my default. I want it to be my default. I use it 99% of the time.
I love Edge, but to say it doesn't have issues discredits you being any kind of engineer. For anyone.
or are companies now giving out titles like they do trophies to kids that don't win?
Global publishing.. hmm meaning you can copy and paste a link from another web site?
I use Edge everyday, but for some tasks I must use Firefox because: it has the "view image" option, feed RSS reader, a better favourites menu, a "search on Google" contextual menu and password view.
I used to use Edge all the time but now I use Firefox Quantum. Once the UWP Edge on Xbox actually syncs and book sync arrives on mobile I'll porbably switch back. Edge is also sorta slow relative to Firefox, but it's not a huge deal.
I have a number of issues with Edge as well. Initially it was my browser for locking myself into "study mode" where the only favourites I had in it were related to my uni courses. But after the way they changed how flash works in it and a few other changes that I can't explain away, a lot of pages are just plain broken in Edge.

I don't know if this is something Microsoft has done, or if it's because Chrome or Safari have ruined how web developers handle browser compatibility, but pages that are absolutely fine in Firefox just fail to work in Edge.

Now I use Edge as my Facebook browser so I can be productive in Firefox.

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