Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?

I don't think MS see themselves as #1 or #2. They'll be happy with the 3rd spot. MS has too much invested to drop out. That's why when people get all hype, and the sales numbers are released, MS and WP7/8 gets bashed.

Microsoft is NEVER content with being third. They love coming into a market and gaining ground until one day they've been on top for months and people are like, "WTF?! When did THAT happen?!"
lets all calm down... keep it professional. no sense in getting hostile over any of this
Microsoft is NEVER content with being third. They love coming into a market and gaining ground until one day they've been on top for months and people are like, "WTF?! When did THAT happen?!"

And when people go "OMGWTFHAX! MICROSOFT ARE CHEATING! KILL THEM ALL!" I'll be sitting there laughing my head off as I supported the platform from WP7 (I wasn't aware of Windows Mobile before WP7 had succeeded it)
I was shocked (and I mean SHOCKED) at how bad Apple's event was.

Boring. Uninspiring. New product behind competitors who were out to market months ago.

Everyone knows I wasn't impressed with Nokia's presentation last week, but this one made Nokia's look good in comparison.

I'm now convinced that an early November release for WP8 won't be all that bad. Apple's hardware is far enough behind that even 4S and 4 users are going to think twice before springing for a 5.

The person finishing behind Usin Bolt isn't content finishing second. But oh well.
Microsoft is NEVER content with being third. They love coming into a market and gaining ground until one day they've been on top for months and people are like, "WTF?! When did THAT happen?!"
Spec for spec, Galaxy and Nokia win. The only thing left for iPhone is their legion of fanatics.

iPhone 5 vs the competition: fight! -- Engadget

'1984' Apple Macintosh Commercial (Full advert, Hi-Quality) - YouTube
I wouldn't say that, the iPhone 5 seems to be a fantastic device, it does not have Pureview or supersensitive touch screen, but the iPhone have never been a cheap phone, it is a good phone, not for everybody... but it's a very nice device as always.

I don't now if you've seen Siri's new capabilities, it's now comparable to the local scout but with voice recognition...

Also it as some awesome specs for a phone that is that thin and that is way smaller than the Lumia 920

Overall I'm not STUNNED by the iPhone 5, but it does not deserves a laugh... I believe there is a lack of objectivity on this thread.
You can't be objective with some people
I wouldn't say that, the iPhone 5 seems to be a fantastic device, it does not have Pureview or supersensitive touch screen, but the iPhone have never been a cheap phone, it is a good phone, not for everybody... but it's a very nice device as always.

I don't now if you've seen Siri's new capabilities, it's now comparable to the local scout but with voice recognition...

Also it as some awesome specs for a phone that is that thin and that is way smaller than the Lumia 920

Overall I'm not STUNNED by the iPhone 5, but it does not deserves a laugh... I believe there is a lack of objectivity on this thread.
You guys DID read the subject of the thread, right? I mean, what part of it lead you to believe it would be objective? #DUH ;)

In any case, posting a link to the direct technical specs, it is purely objective to say that the other devices are superior. The exceptions being weight and thinness, but it is a factual observation otherwise. #NotAskingIfYouLikeIt
We all know that specs don't mean everything. What we DO know is that technically speaking, the iPhone 5 is gonna be faster than its predecessors but technically inferior to its competitors. Android is going to continue to outsell it, and Windows Phone 8 will bring its first real challenge to market to gain some traction.

At this point, Microsoft would really have to blow it in order to screw this launch up, and I'm confident they're gonna "bring it".

So yeah, I'm laughing at Apple's blunder here. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't fall in a day either, but the city is being pillaged and plundered and it's definitely burning.

I don't care if it's Nokia or Samsung or HTC leading the charge, as long as it's Windows Phone kicking butt and taking names.
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Bwahahaha. Soooo nooow we pointing out specs eh. Too funny. #SpecsVsPerformance

You know this is a fan site, right? This is where Windows Phone enthusiasts congregate.

I'm not sure if you've been on a forum before but I'm pretty sure:
-The Android site takes shots at the others
-The iPhone site takes shots at the others
-The BlackBerry site takes shots at the others

Lighten up Francis...
You shouldn't respond when you don't know what's being discussed.

My comment is referencing what was said in another thread.

It may be a enthusiasts site for you. But for some it may be a information site, it may be a lurking site, it may be many things for different people. Don't put everyone in your basket.
You shouldn't respond when you don't know what's being discussed.

My comment is referencing what was said in another thread.

It may be a enthusiasts site for you. But for some it may be a information site, it may be a lurking site, it may be many things for different people. Don't put everyone in your basket.

Look man..I don't know what your problem is..but do u agree somewhere that Apple failed?? Do u not see that the things they talked about last night was anything but innovation... LTE? Bigger screen size? They are so riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy its not funny. I still remember when Steve Jobs so vehemently argued that this iPhone size (3.5) is perfect. Look what they did now? "We will be pioneers of change and WE will lead the market into a mobile revolution." And all they do is give us a 4" display with LTE?? (Heck my last TWO phones were 4.3"...)

Where is the innovation. I will admit that the iPhone could have been the world's first smartphone. But that's about it.
Its time for them to accept defeat with respect and let others take over.

And I just have one point to make...Steve Jobs was a creative mind. Tim Cook is a businessman. Do u see the difference?

This guy only sees numbers.

Please bear in mind I'm NOT trying to argue with u in anyway. I'm merely trying to show u what majority of us believe in. This is not some hate reply or something...

And go through this. This article more or less sums up and backs my arguments with facts.


Sent from my DROID RaZr.
And a question to all: I come back to my theory that the leaks killed it for the Lumia.

I think it did so for the iPhone too...dont ya think???

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
-The BlackBerry site takes shots at the others


The mind boggles.

"Windows Phone users don't have a clamshell flip phone like the BB Style... they cannot compete in the clamshell smartphone market, which RIM dominates."

"Android might have Angry Birds, but we have Slider Puzzle IV! Exclusive to RIM!"

"So the iPhone might have native Exchange support, but big deal. We have flashing LED indicator lights that can be customized!"

I don't know what your problem is. no i don't see apple failing. They released a newer version of their popular phone. You must think innovation grows on trees. Have some link to a BBC article don't mean ****.

If they sell a ton of phones, which they will, all your talk of doom and gloom is useless.

Hoping someone else fails so you have a chance to succeed is a coward position. Imo.

Look man..I don't know what your problem is..but do u agree somewhere that Apple failed?? Do u not see that the things they talked about last night was anything but innovation... LTE? Bigger screen size? They are so riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy its not funny. I still remember when Steve Jobs so vehemently argued that this iPhone size (3.5) is perfect. Look what they did now? "We will be pioneers of change and WE will lead the market into a mobile revolution." And all they do is give us a 4" display with LTE?? (Heck my last TWO phones were 4.3"...)

Where is the innovation. I will admit that the iPhone could have been the world's first smartphone. But that's about it.
Its time for them to accept defeat with respect and let others take over.

And I just have one point to make...Steve Jobs was a creative mind. Tim Cook is a businessman. Do u see the difference?

This guy only sees numbers.

Please bear in mind I'm NOT trying to argue with u in anyway. I'm merely trying to show u what majority of us believe in. This is not some hate reply or something...

And go through this. This article more or less sums up and backs my arguments with facts.


Sent from my DROID RaZr.
I don't see why you're getting so upset over people laughing at Apple's lackluster launch today. 99% of mainstream sources are going to be gushing over the iFail 5 so there is plenty of positivity about Apple for you to bask in.

The rest of us are just happy to see Apple and their fanboys get humbled after their incredible arrogance over the years.
yea..I tried knoncking some sense into his head...now I now why so many gave up. Talking politely to people now a days is a crime.

And to answer your question, my problem is people like you 1jaxstate1.

Keep shooting down well written articles and you will soon find yourself lonely. VEry very lonely...hehehe...

All the best spitting venom at people...hope u prosper and grow... :D LOL!

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