Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I would love this phone to replace my old 930, it's been a good phone but I would like a bigger screen + updated hardware. 'Rolls dice'
it would be so lovely to have this amazing phone! :D

1. Continuum seems to be exciting
2. a good replacement for my well loved 535
3. phone looks so good!
4. official windows mobile 10 will be delivered to this handset 1st.
5 everything about lumias are great!

Goodluck to all! A must have Windows phone! :D
i used to have an android device until i lost it at the university last October when i was in a programming class learning c++. since then, i haven't got a phone of any kind, so i been looking for the latest smartphones for a couple of weeks now, most of people talks about android devices, until i found out that windows 10 is available in smartphones too, so since i love windows 10 so much i would like to carry it out whit me everywhere in a small device such an smartphone, i think it's the best OS right now.
Well, i want this device because a couple months ago i bought a used L925 with my almost 0 money. BUUUUT, the Sim card thingy was missing for some random reason. Sooo now i have a malfunctioning phone, and no money. ;-;
Getting a bit tired of androids buggy experience. After the update to marshmallow my lg g4 crashed and stopped working. Want to replace my current galaxy s3 replacement with a shattered screen. Plus the camera is amazing on this phone. Love windows phones!
I use windows 10 and so I love to have lumia 950 xl.
I do a lot with office on the go.
I like the design and looks.
Its battery and memory card facility.
the configuration is one which I have been waiting for a long time.
The design and configuration like os, phone, battery, dual sim and memory card slot, office,etc all are which have been in my mind and waiting to have in a lumia phone.
I'm using lumia 525 and i've heard that my phone don't have the luck to get anymore updates so that i just wanna know how great lumia 950 XL :love: :excited: and just wanna make my friends say lumia is awesome!!!! than their android :orly: .Even if i don't get it(*fingers crossed*) .Its cool :cool: i'm still happy to be part of this :grin:
Why?I want upgrade my lumia 625 phone, so far for me Win-phone is awesome product, perfect OS even on the minimum spec-phone. I will use Lumia 950 XL mostly as my assistant at work and another fun-time:grin:. Thx before, Windows central for this amazing contest! wish me luck!:evil:
Would like to win this device as my thrustworty lumia 920 isn't coping with times already, slowly becoming more and more obsolete.

Would mainly use the new one for productivity.
i Want one cause i actually had a 530 and it broke and crushed my dream to use windows 10 mobile
also im stuck with a 16$ micromax which is good for not
Aaaaand continuum!!!
Well I had a lumia 925, and I fell In love, the problem is that it is broken right now and I am forced to use an android smartphone. I need to come back to Windows Mobile, please Windows Central, Help me.:love: By the way, continium would be a great help for my university projects.
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