Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Why am I just seeing this now? I feel terrible.
I really do hope I win it, what better way to start using the Windows mobile!?
I would just use it to photograph my 4 month long south american journey. Could bring atop of mountains of Andes. Can't wait to own my new phone!
Long time a Windows Phone fan, since 2013 with a Nokia Lumia 520, which broke up last October, just 2 weeks after the warranty expired...
Really bad luck, the device wouldn't boot and could not be hard-reset via Windows Device Recovery tool, and its repair would involve the motherboard, which would cost as much as a brand new (low-end) device, so not an option.
Nokia people there said that it's not common, like 1 in a million chances, but still... I got really angry with that...
Anyways, I decided to give it another chance with a MS Lumia 532 DS, staying low-end until something better comes up...
And maybe this is the Lumia 950 XL of this competition, who knows!! ��

I really hope that the platform doesn't die, as many enemies (Apple &Google shareholders) are in a rush to predict...
Many people are attached to it!.. It can stand up on its feet and do well some time, by providing choices in devices, some great flagships, by maturing as an ecosystem and by finally closing the famous "app gap" that plagues it since birth...

So, why not... Windows Phone is dead, long live Windows 10 Mobile!!!..
950 XL will be my next Windows device! I love its power and decent camera, and I hope the bright future of Windows 10 will make it even better! My Lumia 925 can't wait to meet its brother!
I really need to win this thing. My girl just got a 950 so now she has a newer better phone than me. This can't happen. I'm the tech geek in this relationship. So ashamed.
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