Windows 10 after BlackBerry 10

More like word sub. Lt punches out local time etc

not like that but there's predictive word choices... so if do something like starting with "what"

I'll see some options to choose like "time, you, are, is" if I pick "time" then it gives you another set of options like "to, do , you, are"

so you can build some sentences by just picking the next word rather than actually typing.
On BB10 I am able to use speech to text in my native language, Romanian. It actually is accurate! Sometimes I reply to texts while driving and this is easily done by speaking to the phone.
I searched and posted a question in the forum about this but unfortunately W10 does not understand Romanian :(
More like word sub. Lt punches out local time etc

Yes, Word Substitution. Subs I can create for words and phrases I use frequently. If type WC, it types out as Windows Central. I have Phrase Express desk top software that does this too.
Mostly just getting my accounts setup. I don't know what Win Hello is but will find out. No swipe on the VKB so still awkward for me. Screen is excellent. Skype is excellent. My team and I are in various places around the world and use a group chat all day. I just had a nice talk with one of them using my blue tooth headset, while he screen shared an excel file with me. The Berry would have choked on that.
There is something not worse, than BB's keyboard. I've accidentally figured out that on Lumia 640. Instead of typing "H E L L O" by every letter try to move Your finger from "H" to "E", to "L" and so on... and type in that way (with only one touch) the whole phrases of few words. It will paste spaces and substitute needed words for You by itself.
There is something not worse, than BB's keyboard. I've accidentally figured out that on Lumia 640. Instead of typing "H E L L O" by every letter try to move Your finger from "H" to "E", to "L" and so on... and type in that way (with only one touch) the whole phrases of few words. It will paste spaces and substitute needed words for You by itself.
Yes, I stumbled upon this feature yesterday. It is slick. I showed my wife but she was unimpressed. Her old Kindle has had the ability for years
Yes, I stumbled upon this feature yesterday. It is slick. I showed my wife but she was unimpressed. Her old Kindle has had the ability for years
That's why I have no wife :D

Just kidding. But the point is not to impress, but to substitute BB's keyboard in speed of typing.
It took me a while to get used to BB's flick gesture for word prediction but I realized that this method gave more onscreen options compared to iOS or Android and didn't involve swiping the suggestion bar on Windows.
I got some cables yesterday. Will try out the display dock soon.

I'm still having trouble with email management. Friday night, I had to send to a person not in my contacts with text pasted from another email and an attachment. Couldn't get it right on WP. Fired up the Passport to get it done. I did have a few vodkas that night which likely explains why I drove the Lumia into the ditch. I can handle the Passport impaired due to familiarity and muscle memory.

I do like how WP syncs well with my MS account. Downloaded the tunein app and it had all the favorites I use on the PC. Edge knows me well too.

It also fits in the leg pocket of my carharrt pants. Passport doesn't.

I plan to post a Passport vs Lumia 950XL thread in Crackberry. As we know, many over there are looking for a new home. I'll link it here when its posted.
It took me a while to get used to BB's flick gesture for word prediction but I realized that this method gave more onscreen options compared to iOS or Android and didn't involve swiping the suggestion bar on Windows.
Android's and iOS's keyboards are nothing comparing to BB's VKB. That suggestions above the letters are absolutely worthless. W10's keyboard is the only one which could compete with BB's VKB.
Thanks Tim-ANC for giving hope to the EX Blackberry users at Crackberry ! were glad you made it to WC and 950XL. I haven't used a Blackberry keyboard but the 950Xl keyboard is very good for my use & the voice to txt for messaging is really good.
Thanks Tim-ANC for giving hope to the EX Blackberry users at Crackberry ! were glad you made it to WC and 950XL. I haven't used a Blackberry keyboard but the 950Xl keyboard is very good for my use & the voice to txt for messaging is really good.

Never used a BB PKB? I'm envious. Ignorance is bliss:winktongue:
Tim-ANC No, I haven't but my oldest daughter did and she really liked it. she went to an iPhone after that. Ugh. :-\
I've had nearly every Blackberry since their first color device and currently have a Passport and Priv as backups to my Windows Mobile HP Elite x3 and I previously used a 950 XL and a 1520 before that. I used to use a Z10 and then a Z30. I was hopeful that BB could fork Android in a way that preserved the best of BB10 but it just seems like a cluttered, confusing mess to me. At some point, BB's chasing iOS and Android cost them their mastery of email. At their peak, BB was terrific in handling multi-inbox emails. I've also used Samsung Notes, Galaxies and a couple of iterations of Iphones.

Windows Mobile's Live Tiles are a real differentiator. It didn't take much to get used to, and there's a wonderful level of customization available. I moved to Windows Mobile under protest as Blackberry floundered around in the Android backwaters. As others have noted, the "app gap" issue will be familiar to you, but you can get mostly what you need. I always ran BB betas and in some ways, the Windows Insider Program is even better. For me, Windows Mobile was the clear next-best-choice to vintage BB. By now, it is just my daily driver, period. What will also be familiar, is the kind of whistling-through-the-graveyard sense of using an under-supported platform under siege. And you will lose the ability to run Android apps.

I will keep a sharp eye out for Blackberry Mercury, which has caught my interest and made me realize my attachment to BB isn't dead.
I moved from a Z30 (and prior to that 2 x Z10s) to a Lumia 950 a while back now, when Amazon UK were doing a steep discount.

Like others posting here, I miss the BB virtual keyboard (flicking, whole word delete, flip down to switch keyboard layouts, multi-lingual word recognition etc), gesture navigation and the Hub most of all. The love of the Hub in fact almost drove me to BB Android but after reading reviews of the implementation at the time it was clear that it was a pale shadow of its BB10 ancestor. Plus the Priv was way too expensive and the DTEK50 was not out at that time.

However, there is so much to like with the L950 and Win10M. The OS and bundled apps have improved steadily since I bought the phone and although email management and the keyboard remain annoyances for me, the rest of the package is great. I don't even mind the app gap - it's far less pronounced than on BB10. I have a native banking app, native Audible, native Kindle etc and whilst not quite as full featured as their iOS/Android versions, they work perfectly well enough. Also it has the best Killer Sudoku app I have seen on any platform, so that keeps me happy when I have some spare time to kill :)

And the hardware is great for the money - fast, great camera, great screen, battery is decent enough.

If MS discontinue the phone side of their business, I guess I will head to something like a DTEK60 or maybe even the Mercury. But I do hope that they bring something out soon to at least keep the platform ticking along.

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