Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

After a couple days and deciding I was okay with MMS not working as I can share stuff using OneDrive instead for now, SMS has stopped working altogether. My troubleshooting has gone like this...

- Tried fixing MMS, hard reset phone. Couldn't stop old texts from restoring so MMS stayed broken
- Yesterday morning I tried sending a normal text and phone crashed
- After the crash I tried sending a text again and plain SMS failed with a really odd popup error.
- Eventually error went away but no one was responding. It would randomly send numerous copies of text messages and I'd very rarely receive one.
- Hard reset again with the intention of not setting up my MS account and testing first without any config
- Hard reset got stuck in a setup loop and would never boot
- Fought like hell with the phone to get it to restore to Windows 8.1
- Got it restored, text messaging worked
- Disabled SMS backup/restore on Windows 8.1
- Upgraded to Windows 10 10149 again (I'm stubborn)
- Some random issues so I hard reset again
- Booted without adding MS account, was able to send a couple texts
- Added MS account, texts not working again.
- Rebooting the phone causes it to send 4 copies of any texts that weren't sent to the user
- Incoming texts almost never show up, and when they do I'm not sure why
- MMS still not working, I suppose that's a given at this point.

Well, I'm done troubleshooting this build. I can live without MMS, even if it kind of sucks. SMS is too critical though.

pls send all these feedbacks to MS.
Well mine has officially died. I used the newest build and while I was doing a hard reset the battery drained so fast (Even though it was plugged into computer) that it died and now its in a update loop... And it won't even connect to the Windows Phone recovery tool.
Try a soft reset while it is plugged in to the PC. That worked for my 822 when it ws caught in the updated/frowny face loop.
Before deciding to roll back to 8.1, first do a clean install via "hard reset" (Settings/About/Factory defaults). It will conciderably improve your experience. The latest build at this time 10136 is quite stable for all the basic tasks. It has some bugs with the Store (beta) /thus use the old Store/, Edge sometimes has problems (i.e. mobile facebook - use desktop version) and the white theme is buggy, but all the rest is working fine. Nokia apps should be installed via SysAppPusher (because of the Store problems). Also you could see some UI bugs but nothing major.
agreed, this is a good build. I put it on my daily driverand alanning to leave it there. it did freeze ouple of times, and ther few sloppy things, but for the most it is ready to go.
Oh, I definitely sent the same feedback to MS. I love the build for the most part. It finally felt like an OS I'd want to use. Which is a very big plus.
Quick update - based on feedback from a forum post at MS, last night I used the recovery tool to go back to 8.1. Verified MMS is working, and naturally it is. I didn't do any restore from backup, just installed the Insider app and updated to 149 build. Walla, MMS is still working. It does in fact suggest that doing a reset after the update breaks the MMS functionality. I've got quite a few apps to install and start screen/personalization to do, but it looks like I'll be in pretty good shape with this build now that I've got MMS working again.
Quick update - based on feedback from a forum post at MS, last night I used the recovery tool to go back to 8.1. Verified MMS is working, and naturally it is. I didn't do any restore from backup, just installed the Insider app and updated to 149 build. Walla, MMS is still working. It does in fact suggest that doing a reset after the update breaks the MMS functionality. I've got quite a few apps to install and start screen/personalization to do, but it looks like I'll be in pretty good shape with this build now that I've got MMS working again.
awesome news!
I think I'm reverting after a few days. no missed/dialed call list is an unacceptable oversight even for an early build. also, can't seem to share photos but that's minor. and I have the overheating/battery-drain issues others do.

lastly, annoying that I can't pin different mailboxes to Start. it says you can, but the icons just bring up whichever mailbox you were looking at last time.
Just installed Windows 10 Mobile build 10149 (Slow) and its actually almost running perfectly on my Lumia Icon. This build could be used daily with not many problems...
I'm ready to put the preview on but if MMS is not running then it's a no go. Glad to hear about all the progress and see the new screens.
I've sent pictures and group texts, so it's not totally broken. have not tried receiving pictures though.
OK, I've got 10166 running on my Icon...looks pretty so far, but I've just started playing.

Issue #1 - How the hell do I shut off the haptic feedback on the Home, Back, and Search keys? I always hated it, and as soon as it was available as a setting, I shut it I can't find it in the settings.

Issue #2 - How do I get push notifications turned on so I can re-download some of my old apps from the store? I should be able to send them to the phone right from the PC, and yet the store can't seem to contact my phone...

I believe in the notification screen, go to "ALL" I think and go to notification and should be able to turn on.
OK, I've got 10166 running on my Icon...looks pretty so far, but I've just started playing.

Issue #1 - How the hell do I shut off the haptic feedback on the Home, Back, and Search keys? I always hated it, and as soon as it was available as a setting, I shut it I can't find it in the settings.

Issue #2 - How do I get push notifications turned on so I can re-download some of my old apps from the store? I should be able to send them to the phone right from the PC, and yet the store can't seem to contact my phone...

Turn off haptic under settings>> extras>> touch

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