Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

Ok - I've been trimming lawn, hedges, and other yardwork for about three hours now, listening to podcasts the entire time, and occasionally surfing / Facebook / Slack / and such when taking breaks (it's 89? out there!), and I'm down to 58%, so definitely a HUGE improvement over 1003. This is more along the lines of what I'd expect, as my battery is almost two years old (first day of Icon availability). Also, my upgrade went perfectly - none of the hiccups that I had with 1002/3, or that someone else above had with 1004. I'm not disappointed at all.

Now I'm going to go sit on the mower for about an hour or so, again, listening to another podcast. :grin:
Ok - I started about 4 1/2 hours ago, and I've run out of gas, so I'm waiting for my wife to get home. I have had a problem. Twice the phone has rebooted. Once in the middle of playing a podcast (through BT) with nothing else going on, and once when I tried using Cortana to send a text while playing the podcast (hit Cortana, podcast pauses and phone reboots). The battery is at 46%, and I've been listening for most of the time, less maybe half an hour of talking when my wife got home from work. I'm satisfied with the battery life, but I'm hoping the rebooting doesn't become habitual.
I just walked into the other room while my phone was on the charger. BT disconnected because I was out of range. When I came back, my phone was rebooting. This is not cool.
So it's been about a day now.

A lot of the funkiness is gone. Mostly everything is back to normal except notifications for some apps are still coming in late. The weird thing is that the notifications have the right timestamps on them but I don't get some until lots of minutes later. For example, I got a notification from the ESPN app. The notification itself is timestamped at 8:15pm but I wasn't notified of it until 9:03pm.

Otherwise, the battery issue is gone. Not only that but whatever happened...I'm getting better battery life now than I have since the first build of 10 I put on probably over a year ago. I mean, since the early previews of 10 I'd be at something like 30% battery by this time of the day, or lower depending on usage. I had decent battery life by this time of the day on 8/8.1. It would be closer to 50% at this time. But still, I was never too pleased with it because my phone would come off the charger at around 4pm and by 10pm it was down to 50%. And with W10M 30%. I never felt like that was right, but it was what it was.

Today, I took my phone off the charger at 3pm. It is now 9:39pm. I'm at 75%. And I've been using it more than I would on an average day because being a newer build it's just what I do for the first day or two after updating. So hopefully subsequent builds don't revert whatever changed because this makes me happier than any other thing that's happened since I got my Icon. If this keeps up I will finally not have to keep myself close to a charger at pretty much all times.
I haven't experienced any more reboots of my phone. I'm thinking it must have something to do with BT, since every reboot was while BT connected, and one of the reboots seems to have been initiated by my going out of range with the headset. Still not good, but with my use pattern, I can deal with it - as long as it doesn't do it in the car while listening to podcasts. That would be bad.
I updated yesterday morning and after the update my phone was warm also but after a while it cooled down. I have not had any issues at all. Battery life is great. After using the phone all day I watched an hour of Netflix on the phone and when I was done I still had 43%. Everything is on. I will use bluetooth a lot today so I hope I don't have reboots but I will let you know if I do.
My experience with build 14342.1004

Downloaded and installed update yesterday at 0800hrs.
Battery went from 100% to 5% in 4hrs.

Hard Reset at 0630hrs this morning and performed restore.
Removed from charger at 0700hrs with 100% battery.
Downloaded, on Wifi, 39 apps.
Reestablished connection to Band 2.
Battery at 5% by 1300hrs.
That works out to 6hrs, with regular usage PLUS download, install and update of 39 apps.

Placed phone on charge (wired) and charging rate is approximately 25% per hour.

This is all with a 2 year old phone so the battery probably isn't as good as it could be. Overall, I am very impressed with this build and look forward to how well the battery holds up under a normal day.
Maybe I'm just lucky. 3 hours of podcast and youtube cruising and I went from 100% to 67%. On a two year old battery getting 10 hours isn't awful. Not desirable though, so I'm thinking a new battery off of ebay is coming up.
Well I have a brand new Icon and I'm thinking about trying this build out tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'm honestly not really impressed with the battery life I'm currently seeing on production ring.
after reading this thread I went to .1004 today. All was going really well, battery seemed normal or better than on 8.1.
I unplugged from charger at 80% at approximately 10am. After higher-than-average use, I was only down to about 50% by 6pm, including listening to music, bluetooth, location services, and extensive internet browsing during that time period.

However, I put my phone down around 6pm to watch a movie and all went south - when I picked my phone back up at around 8:30 after the movie was over, the phone was hot, and my battery as at about 12%, decreasing at a rate of about 39% per hour according to my "battery sense" app.

I've since restarted the phone and the battery decline seems to be back to normal - going to give it another day or so, but if it does the battery drain again at this ~40% per hour, I think I'll be forced to go back to 8.1
Well I have a brand new Icon and I'm thinking about trying this build out tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'm honestly not really impressed with the battery life I'm currently seeing on production ring.
If you didn't do a hard reset after upgrading, try that. Disabling MS Health from running in the background and turning off motion data also helped mine a lot.
I'm now on 10586.318 on Release Preview and my wifi hotspot works perfectly. I just flashed back to 8.1 and re-joined Release Preview yesterday. You may need to do a hard reset of your phone.

Hotspot now works for me too, AFTER doing a hard reset.
I have gone all the way to 14342.1003 without a functional hotspot, so it looks like the hard reset is the (only?) true fix.

Did a hard reset yesterday and started fresh. Did NOT restore from a back-up and my Mobile Hotspot works now. Thanks for the suggestion. Even though it sucks having to set everything back up, I think it has been the best choice. I think it has cleared out some misc files and info.
Ok, how do I get the Facebook birthdays off my Outlook Calendar?

I've checked my settings on FB and thought only contacts would sync.

New info: Ok, for Facebook, I found: Turn off the Facebook calendar on the phone (... -> Settings -> Calendar(Facebook): off).
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So after a couple days with .1004 here are some things that I have noticed. I have had a couple random reboots with one I plugged my phone in to charge and after a couple minutes disconnected it and it rebooted.. Another thing I noticed was with bluetooth in my car. My phone was connected in the morning for my commute which is usually about an hour. When I got in car to go home the phone was no longer paired with car so I had to re-pair with car. I don't like the new store at all. I liked seeing a description of the app I was wanting to install, to make sure it was what I really wanted now there is no description just an install with no reviews. Mail is having problems too When I send a message I just get a white screen. Other than those things it seems good with battery life for me.
I have started experiencing issues with the keyboard not appearing.

Also, still having issues with Cortana crashing when trying to search.

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