Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

I too got a new white one on Ebay for $200. First I got a refurb from Amazon, had camera button issues and returned it. This should tie me over for a while until SOMEONE releases a solid wp10 phone. What I can't find is a good case, and I'm not into having a fortress in my jeans pocket. The one I got at the Verizon store when I got my 928 is a perfect fitting TPU case with perfect cutouts. I've tried 3 different cases and have yet to find one I like. Luckily they're cheap and with free shipping I don't mind tossing them out.
I too got a new white one on Ebay for $200. First I got a refurb from Amazon, had camera button issues and returned it. This should tie me over for a while until SOMEONE releases a solid wp10 phone. What I can't find is a good case, and I'm not into having a fortress in my jeans pocket. The one I got at the Verizon store when I got my 928 is a perfect fitting TPU case with perfect cutouts. I've tried 3 different cases and have yet to find one I like. Luckily they're cheap and with free shipping I don't mind tossing them out.
I've had this one for about the past year, and like it.
Thank you for your suggestion on the case. It looks like the buttons are covered by the case, which is the problem. I just want one with cutouts.
Thank you for your suggestion on the case. It looks like the buttons are covered by the case, which is the problem. I just want one with cutouts.
This one is pretty good. It's thin, buttons aren't covered, and it does a decent job protecting from chipping and scratches. Only drawback is because of the button cutouts, that part is a little flimsy and I've torn two of them in the same spot.
Back on topic: Who's going to jump on the new fast ring build for us?

I did.

Pretty fine so far but then I've only had about two hours with it. Two things:

1. Don't know if anyone else had this issue but with the last build (14356?) after the update was complete there seemed to be some sort of process that was stuck in a loop that was destroying my battery. I let it go thinking it would iron itself out but it didn't after about two days so I did a Pwr-VolDwn reset which seemed to have taken care of it. Just a Power->slide down to power off reset didn't. Anyway, same problem this time but instead of waiting for two days this time I just did another Pwr-VolDwn reset and it was taken care of. So just something to keep in mind if you run into severe battery drain after updating.

2. During the update it appeared to be stuck in a boot loop. Once the spinning gears portion of the update was complete it rebooted, got to the Win logo, hung there for a few, rebooted back to the Win logo and repeated this for about an hour. I was preoccupied so I figured I'd handle it when I was free but eventually it worked itself past this and continued to the "We're getting there..." portion (data migration) of the update. Then that took about five minutes and I was all set.

Like I said, it looks kosher so far but it's only been a couple of hours. I'll report back with more if there is anything.
Thank you for your suggestion on the case. It looks like the buttons are covered by the case, which is the problem. I just want one with cutouts.

This is the only case with cutouts I got that the cut outs were accurate. I got it off ebay from China. No guarentees.
Matte TPU Silicone Gel Case Cover for Nokia Lumia 930 | eBay

Almost anything else it seemed like were taken from other templates and were bad fits. Bought one for $2 last year that covered and rubbed the buttons. Fortunately only a $2 loss.

I'm upgrading to the latest build now. Will report later.
The past few fast ring builds for me - still no live tile updates on outlook. I have performed a hard reset on each one. Am I the only one having this issue?
Experience, so far, with build 14391.

Took just under an hour from download to ready to use. No bootloop or any other issues.

I performed only a Soft Reset.

Allowed the phone to completely change over night. Phone has been off charge for 5.5 hrs and battery is currently at 49% with moderate use (email, Facebook, news, searching).

No crashes so far. Noticed that Interests are now "nested" at the bottom of the window when searching and pulled up via a tab. Never seen this before, time will tell if I like it.

Hey Cortana:
Still doesn't work. When going to Hey Cortana in Settings there is a message that I need to "turn Cortana on." Not sure what I'm missing unless it means I need to talk dirty to her 🙄.
I updated my Icon to Redstone for the firs time last night. So far the only negative thing I've noticed is even more, and louder random audio pops. and i guess the store still sucks and is pretty slow

it does seem generally more smooth to scroll than TH2.
the battery life is almost unbelievable [like, I wonder if it's still calibrating]. The idle battery life is waaaayy better, and in use it seems the same or maybe slightly better - will need more time with it to know for sure.
messaging everywhere works and is great! been waiting/expecting this since wp8 came out.

also, i should mention that this is an upgrade, no reset. i haven't hard reset my phone since 10 RTM'd in November.
Update: made it through an unusually long day at work with medium-heavy usage and my phone is at 36%. in the past if i didn't charge my phone on a day like today i'm pretty sure it would be dead, or very nearly close.

very cool. no major issues.
Update: made it through an unusually long day at work with medium-heavy usage and my phone is at 36%. in the past if i didn't charge my phone on a day like today i'm pretty sure it would be dead, or very nearly close.

very cool. no major issues.

Same here Battery seems to be working better for me than the 10586 builds. Haven't been on the latest fast ring build for too long but I haven't got many app crashes so far like I did before.

So far my only major annoyance is.... Cortana doesn't notify me of and read incoming texts when I am driving connected via Bluetooth to my 2013 Malibu's stereo system. I don't know if there is a setting I am missing or what.

I too had the turn on Cortana dfor Hey Cortana issue and for the life of me can not remember where I went to get it working but I do have hey Cortana working on mine.

I happen to have 3 Icons here (work) and as an experiment wiped one out using the recovery tool to go back to the latest 8.1 build Verizon was pushing out. I took my phone which at the time was on build 10586.338 (or whatever the latest production build was?) and had been hard reset with the Power volume down, vol up, vol down method. So fresh install of both OS... nothing else installed. Woke up Saturday morning and didn't touch either phone other than to pull them off the chargers and make sure they were both at 100%. I left them sit all day and when I checked back on them both before bed (around 10PM) the 10586 build was down to 20%.... 8.1 75%. That was literally doing nothing but sitting on a table both had active sims, neither were restored from any backup.

Just figured I would share that last bit of info.
I have also noticed the Cortana doesn't read my text and is a little glitchy when I'm asking her to text while on headphones or bluetooth. Also found that my selected tone for text messages wont hold. I look down and have 5 text and my phone didn't make a noise.
Minor things though. otherwise I'm thrilled.
I'm on 10586.338 and have been having issues with my cellular data connection, where I'll be connected to the LTE network but won't have a data connection. Anyone else having issues or had a similar issue like this?

EDIT: I'm now on .420 and everything seems to be going much better. In addition, my battery life seems to be better than in the previous build.
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It updated in the middle of the night for me. It appears battery drain may have came back (Big issue a few builds ago, that was fixed). I tried a soft reset and am letting it charge back up to observe it again. I hope it's not back.

Keep in mind, the hours following an update are always pretty battery intensive.

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