Your turn - 8 things that Microsoft needs to fix in Windows Phone 8 right now.

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Oh and one I forgot - have the hardware search button include the phone itself and not just the internet. No brainer.
I am currently running a Windows 8 desktop and Windows 8 Phone and have not had to many problems that way. I can't comment as to the whole gaming thing as I don't do to much of that. As for everything else, it all seems to work flawlessly:
1. Pictures upload to Skydrive automatically so I get to them on either device
2. Music purchased on the phone downloads to my computer
3. Notes made in OneNote sync back and forth flawlessly
4. All document changes will update automatically once I go into the app and it asks my permission
5. All PIM (calendar/contacts/email/To Do's) syncs flawlessly
Daniel just posted a really great editorial on what needs to be fixed right now in Windows Phone 8. He picked the top 8 issues that are most pressing for Windows Phone.
Read the article here.

For the lazy:
  1. Notification Center
  2. Universal Search
  3. Instagram
  4. 'X' to Close Apps
  5. Better Xbox Gaming
  6. Folders
  7. Independent volume and profiles
  8. Fix Xbox Music and Video

Do yourself a favor and read the article so you can see the logic behind those concerns. In the meantime, I want to ask you what are some issues you want Microsoft to address right now?

One thing I'd love to see is tighter integration between all my devices: Xbox, Windows 8 devices (Desktop/laptop/Surface) and my Windows Phone gluing the whole experience together. For example bookmarks between my laptop and phone should sync, my browsing history should also sync between any device I use IE on.

Your turn :cool: What do you want in Windows Phone 8 right now?

I agree with most of these request!

1.Notification Center (LEDs to show a notification is in)
2.Universal Search
4.'X' to Close Apps
5.Better Xbox Gaming
7.Independent volume and profiles (yes, this sucks listening to music then your ringer is all the way down too)
8.Fix Xbox Music and Video (ability to sink to the old zune software, to confusting trying to connect with xbox music) (select all function, having to select one song at a time) (play all, not sure if I have figured out how to play all)
I love my 8X and decided to try it for a month to see if I can live with the shortcomings. Personally, I don't care about games and really don't need that many apps. I'm not the one that's going to complain about no instagram, or angry birds.

For me the few things that are fundamentally broken and I can't do without are:

Google maps - i know gmaps is there, but I would prefer a native solution. I don't mind the bing maps or whatever, but Transit directions with timetables are a must have for me. I don't own a car and I live in NYC. Nokia drive is there now, but I don't drive. If I did, I'd just carry a dedicated GPS anyway.
Heck, Bing Maps has transit maps on their website, I don't see why the app doesn't have this. I depend on transit directions multiple times a day to get around.

PDF Reader - Ok, to deal with the maps solution, I know I can read a map and timetable using a pdf reader, but the PDF reader for WP8 is broken and you can't open pretty much anything. Try opening a NYC subway map. If you get a pdf of a restaurant menu to open, try getting rid of the file from your phone. You cannot. For so much focus on office functionality, it's a shame that PDF is so broken.

The few NYC subway and transit apps in the store are okay, but look like garbage or scaled for lower resolutions. I haven't tried any of the paid apps yet.
Better Music experience. It would be incredibly nice to be able to add remove songs from the current playlist

Multiple Sound types / volumes (media, alarm, ringer, etc...)
It's nice that Joe Belfiore indicated that people are listening to these (and I've gotten that impression in talking to other people I've run into that work at Microsoft on the Windows Phone team), but in addition to all the issues that have been mentioned here, it would be really nice to get a bit more transparency on what's going on and what's planned for the future.

It seems like a lot of stuff got put on hold with the jump to the NT kernel for WP8 and it would be nice to know what's going on with that.
.WAV file playback. Seriously! Not being able to play voicemails emailed to you by corporate or even Vonage is super annoying. Having to fwd your vmail to your staff to listen to it and text me back what it said, embarrassing.

.wav.. FIX IT:devil:
Better keyboard the buttons are just to small, although the prediction is good still always typing errors, give us a 12 key keypad, there are chinese, Japanese and Korean ones you can download, but not English.

Make the keys bigger!

Two people I know complain about the small keys, and in landscape they don't even utilise the full width of the screen.

More customisation for background colour, light and dark is not enough.

Better cut copy and paste functions

Ability for the app list to have rows, with lots of apps installed one single List view can make it harder and longer to find stuff. And have the ability to disable the alphabetical list.

Internet explorer 10 is fast but the browser has very poor customisation and options

I have migrated from android , so it is a bit if a culture shock, but so far impressed , fix these things and will make the platform more attractive

Sent from my N70 using Tapatalk HD
Please for the love of god no X's. I prefer the Windows 8 gesture of dragging down to close apps!
Doesn't the back button close apps?

yes, but the down gesture seems more universal. Back button you have to run through the menus and then back out. plus the down gesture can work when you are viewing the open apps in the multitasking view!
1. Facebook notifications. I have a hard time recommending this phone because of this. I'd like to get FB messages in the messages app but can't figure out how to do this without being online all the time. And FB app notifications are super unreliable. Me tile doesn't show all things and updates only every 30 minutes with no toast or lock screen details. Let it show everything the notifications list on Facebook shows and let us display this on the lock screen.

2. People app. Listen,Facebook is super important to people. Let us see who "likes" things. Let us like comments. Let us view friends of friends and search FB. Lets us share articles. For the photo app, let us upload to specific albums. If we can't use the built in apps for all the basic functions, they are essentially useless. Unfortunately the FB app suck, too.

3. Live tiles stop working. Sometimes they just don't work and I have to go fiddle with background tasks (they just randomly disable themselves....?) or options in the app. Try explaining this to girlfriends and moms and....anyone really. They need to just work.

All I got for now.
Google maps - i know gmaps is there, but I would prefer a native solution. I don't mind the bing maps or whatever, but Transit directions with timetables are a must have for me. I don't own a car and I live in NYC. Nokia drive is there now, but I don't drive. If I did, I'd just carry a dedicated GPS anyway.
Heck, Bing Maps has transit maps on their website, I don't see why the app doesn't have this. I depend on transit directions multiple times a day to get around.

The few NYC subway and transit apps in the store are okay, but look like garbage or scaled for lower resolutions. I haven't tried any of the paid apps yet.

May I suggest GMaps Pro, NYC Travel and Mango Transit? Not sure if you go back and forth to NJ, but if you do, PATH and NJ Transit Helper are very good additions. NYC Travel does have the map without the need to go into the PDF reader and the service updates are decent.
I don't think we'll ever get it but I want a detailed data and battery monitor.
A break down of which apps and features use how much data and a battery usage monitor that shows detail of what's using the most and screen on time etc.
May I suggest GMaps Pro, NYC Travel and Mango Transit? Not sure if you go back and forth to NJ, but if you do, PATH and NJ Transit Helper are very good additions. NYC Travel does have the map without the need to go into the PDF reader and the service updates are decent.

What about Nokia Transit? I don't really use transit that much but that might be worth trying.
  1. Alarms - be able to create your own alarms & notification sounds (like Android).
  2. Lock screen - put live tiles and shortcuts on lock screen.
  3. Lock screen - add the ability to unlock via a pattern (like Android, IPhone).
  4. Live Tiles - add my own custom colors, and enable transparency (so I can see the background).
  5. Wallpaper - set Home screen wall paper, use live wall papers (papers that have movement (like in Android)).
  6. Alarm - should have options to disable/mute all notifications except incoming call.
  7. App store/music store - integrate both into 1 (buying music takes you to a separate site wich works horrible (can't download your songs more than once, downloads fail (but you get charged), etc.).
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