Your turn - 8 things that Microsoft needs to fix in Windows Phone 8 right now.

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Re: Windows Phone has to catch Google Now, NOW!!

Honestly, Android has a lot of little nifty features. Sure, the average user might not utilise them all - or not even see them because they are running a modified and/or outdated version of Android. But if you're a computer enthusiast and don't mind tinkering (and some terrible programmer UI), you're going to get huge kicks out of it. Heck, just think of the possibilities of the RGB notification LED on the Nexus 4.

I'm interested in developing for WP8 though, so I guess I'm keeping my hands off the Nexus 4 for now.
Re: Windows Phone has to catch Google Now, NOW!!

You seem to worry too much on things you cannot control. Best learn to put your energies somewhere else. You'll give yourself a heart attack when you get older.
Saw the Google now video and thought that it is just live tiles with bigger display. The information could be easily replaced with more dynamic information in live tiles. E.g., display the traffic and eta information for usual routes in the Nokia Drive tile.
1. Show SMS Delivery reports as a tick or something inside message, NOT as a separate message.
2. Independent volume and profiles
3. A better music player
4. A Simple File Manager
5. Installing apps to SD Card or allow some apps to write on SD Card.
6. Instagram
7. Folders
8. Support navigation in Iran (Nokia Drive+ app) - This more relates to Nokia...

I'm happy with my Lumia 620 right now, but if those 8 things become available, then I'll be much more happy :)
The only thing i?m really missing is VPN Support. So i could stop carrying my old 6.5 Phone around.
Saw the Google now video and thought that it is just live tiles with bigger display. The information could be easily replaced with more dynamic information in live tiles. E.g., display the traffic and eta information for usual routes in the Nokia Drive tile.

The ability to display information in a vaguely square format does not make something a "live tile". Google Now is context aware and tied into Google products in a kinda creepy way that's much deeper than traffic data. I googled a band a couple weeks ago on my laptop, listened to some of their stuff, liked it, but kinda forgot about it--a Google Now card popped up the other day on my phone letting me know they're playing in my town, where, what time, and how to buy tickets. Microsoft, as far as I know, doesn't have anything close to that kind of context-awareness.
This is what I feel is important:

* A file manager and the possibility to see files transferred via bluetooth wich I cant today
* Solve the problem of growing "other" memory
* Make it possible to install maps and at least some apps to SD-car so phones like Htc 8S can be useful
* A notification center
* Independent volume for sound and phone-signal
Ok so I've read through the many pages of suggestions and below will be a conglomeration of what I think are the best suggestions for Microsoft to implement ...not in any order at all!

  • Notification center: Of course Swipe style with volume profiles and brightness and basic comm options like wifi, internet sharing, airplane mode or options to have as many of them or none.

  • Landscape mode for start screen a la Windows 8

  • Custom SMS message tones and while they're at it for alarms too

  • On device File Explorer with options for deleting, copy, paste, send to.

  • In relation to the File Explorer I want better sync options. Cloud is cool but I want to sync My documents and whatever files I see fit to My device and to have intelligent sync.

  • Integrated Skype

  • "Select all" function expanded to entire device and not just SMS

  • Flashing or glowing Windows logo for visual notification (Silent mode?)

  • Option to disable text preview on start screen.

  • Calender: Live tile options for a clock and date with different size, style and layout options. Live tile flip to show upcoming events or a ticker option

  • Volume profiles (Silent with no vibe, Vibe, Low, Medium and High) Also, completely separate sliders for games, music and alarms

  • Exit button in Task Manager

  • DIRECT TO DIALER FOR PHONE BUTTON (with buttons at top or bottom or swipe left or right for phone book and recent calls. Also recent calls should have tabs for out and in calls with search function) Dialer should auto complete as you dial to show either recent call or contacts JUST LIKE Windows Mobile did

  • Device wide search function

  • A FORWARD BUTTON IN IE only because UC doesn't work for my banking website or I would just use that all the time.

  • One point for Office I noticed is Excel is missing some options I would very much like to have ie add or remove lines or columns

I understand that's more than 8 but that's what the forums are for. What do you guys think is my list overkill or perfect?

I'm going to say this again and again, this is the best list of upgrades Windows Phone NEEDS
We really need number four which is the X to close apps or swipe to close apps or something. Its so frustrating BASHING my back button to close apps which sometimes freezes my phone
1. A common storage area for user files, accessible by all apps, with a standard file browser that apps can use
(by far the most important)

2. Orientation lock
3. Music player with gapless playback and browsing by folder (3rd party apps can do this but only if 1. is implemented)
4. Parental controls. (Like the controls on Windows. Kid's corner is a gimmick.)
5. Built-in SIP VOIP
6. VPN
7. Notifications
8. True multitasking and option to close applications
Hi guys,

the major missing features for me with WP 8 are

- ntp synced Date and Time
- Profile Management (Offline/Outside/General/etc.) allowing which devices to activate, controlling volume, etc.
- Use SD-Card for other data than media (like Maps, Offline Wiki, etc..)
- File Explorer for local SD-Card and SMB servers
- mVPN
- Better calendar (weekly views, monthly view is almost unreadable, import of calendar dates, etc.)
- official facebook/twitter apps
- weblinks links should also launch local apps (I guess MS has reserved too many file name extensions and protocol names as internal, but doesn't provide the apps for them)

Thank God they fixed most of their Bluetooth issues in the Portico-Update

If MS would provide a less limited API to us independent programmers - they would have the fixes very soon.

Best regards

File explorer of some sort and ability to save, email, etc ANY file type.
Office program to be fixed. Embarrassing how inadequate office is. I can't even edit an excel file. Ridiculous
100% Backup - I just want to be able to backup my phone, everything, settings, accent color, apps , app settings, app save date, tile position, game save files.. everything
i really like that "use xbox avatar as phone assistant" that would really be cool and kick ass compared to dumb siri
Please click the link below and vote for displaying of categories with colors in synchronized Exchange objects!

Integration Outlook Categories

Hey Zuldrum

You might also be interested in this entry:

Full Sync with Outlook
Sync tasks including categories, calendar including categories, contacts including categories, and notes including categories

According to the description, that is the exact same feature you are interested in, except it already has almost 5000 votes.
we should make a poll, of which people can add their suggestions to. regulated of course, to omit duplicates/combine similar suggestions. as general or as detailed as you like
I have moved from Android to WP8
1. Most important is VPN (IT guys like windows, if they to need to like WP then this is a must)
2. Better integration with Windows (not necessarilty with windows 8)
2. seperate volume controls from ringer, system and notifications
3. better management of WIFI and mobile data toggles
4. More info on tiles
5. Encourage 3rd Party cloud services (dropbox, sugarsync) to integrate with people hub and other components, open up the API to people hub, the reason why people developed for windows is the openness of win32
1- Folders

2- Emailing attachments other than photos (using the "share" feature is rather child-like and limited to certain file types).

3- VPN
i have just put the xbox avatar phone assistent idea in suggestions box
u can all put your votes in here
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