Zune is Dead PLEASE NO!!!!


New member
Nov 1, 2010
Dear Microsoft,
Pleases tell me you are not killing off the zune ?
it is the best MP3 Device out in the market and It would only be better if you put WP7 on new devices, plus you only sell the dam thing in the US, its not like you tested the waters over seas !!!

I just read something that the Ipod sales for Q3 2010 was 19 million and its because with all the kids games on itunes it only makes sence for kids to have ipods and kids should also have zunes ..
this is a BIG BIG Big Mistake by microsoft..
I'm hoping its just a move to allow WP7 to be use in mp3 devices. It would make sense, strategically and financially
i was just on the zune website thinking about buying a zune hd... guess i'll wait to see what the deal is.
I really like the Zune hardware. I had a 1st gen one and now have the small one in OD. There are times I want a seperate device for music playing, and it would be sad to lose out on future Zune products. Hope they stick around.
I think that's what's gonna happen.

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actually I predicted it way last fall. It just makes sense, Apple is slowly folding their iPod business into the touch (the new Nano is a touch screen) and it only makes sense for Microsoft to do the same thing. Consolidate things together so you have less R&D cost and overhead. I'm sure the music player itself wont be dead, just absorbed into the WW7 OS.

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