I'm starting to hate Xbox Music app now, I used to be subtle about it, stuck with all its imperfections since 8. And now that it's the main music player in 8.1, I'm starting to hate it even more everytime I use it.
First was the skipping lag, whenever I press next or previous there's an awful delay or 2 seconds to skip a track. I've put up with it until the latest update which somehow fixed it.
And then a week ago I noticed I was getting the familiar song duplication. I don't know how I got it but somehow there are two tracks of the same song, and if I delete one it would indicate the track as missing and can be downloaded, but if I download it, then it will be 2 tracks again like wtf.
Now the worst one I had was just tonight (3AM), the app suddenly can't read meta! Like for example, if I play a song not on shuffle, about 15 or 20 tracks later, the rest of the songs would all be blank, as in nothing, and it will only display commas with nothing in between, so nothing comes in the volume bar. This really had me so frustrated that I actually couldn't take it anymore, like somehow it's the reason I wanted to throw my phone so bad (so instead I threw a TV remote just to vent frustration). So I thought I'd delete all my songs and re-download them again to fix it, but when I plugged it in the computer, the Xbox Music folder is empty! Nothings in there!!! LIKE WTF!!! Where are all the songs?!! Where were they?!! They were not streaming as I could play them offline, so I thought that the songs are somewhere in the Xbox Music app folder itself, and there's no way that I could delete them from there, so now I'm back to reset!!!!!! FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
I really really really really want to get zune back if possible. I think it was one of the best ever, it had everything in it - additional settings, a beautiful live tile, functional artist lock screen, support for music pass, and best of all - it just works!
What Microsoft could do now is totally scrap the Xbox Music app for Windows Phone and just bring back Zune from WP7, and rename it to Xbox Music! How hard could that be! I don't care if it should be a separate app for "constant updates" when every update they bring it just breaks it even more, besides playing music should be a basic thing a smartphone could easily do, even does java phones could easily read metas and play just fine, why is it such a horror with windows phone now... what the f happened.