Banks giving up support for Windows Phone. The plane has hit the mountain

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The loss of poorly updated apps and weak web wrappers (which pretty much covers all we had) isn't really phasing any appeal.

Having Mint and Prism means the world to those who really care about mobile banking and mobile payments.

They were not wrappers both apps offered direct phone deposits for checks a feature that is not available on the mobile website. A feature I used alot

Their is NOTHING good about previously working apps being removed from users phones.
I'm a huge fan of Windows Phone as well. Purchased by HTC HD7 on launch day. Same with my Lumia 920. I am now running a Lumia 1520 with no upgrade path. Fortunately (funny term), I'm a Wells Fargo customer so at least their app still works. If they remove support for their app, my next phone will not be a Windows Phone. I'm eligible to upgrade in April. I'm hoping to stay with Windows Phone so hopefully, some new information will be available for future flagships by then. If not, if the situation is exactly the same as it is right now, if not worse, I'll be looking into other alternatives.
If my bank (Wells Fargo) removes their app then....well, nothing. If I REALLY need to look up my balance and do stuff, then I can use their mobile web site or, gasp, CALL THEM.

I'm not patronizing a company I detest (Apple or Google) because of my bank. Geez.
I think many already have as our market share is on the decline!

Lol I think you should stop reading Android fan sites as its definitely not declining. Maybe in the US, but Microsoft's Lumia sales are growing and they're growing faster than the smartphone market itself is growing, so market share is rising.
Not exactly, I'll need to find the article but I read that within the last year worldwide market share for Windows Phone fell from 3.5% to 3%. However sales have been growing so the only way for sales to be going up, but market share to be going down is for iOS and Android to be growing faster.

The numbers don't add up. Microsoft's Lumia line is growing faster YoY than the smartphone market itself. That means the market share it growing. Kantar is not (and has never been) a good source for market share
it was an article here on wincentral on the 9th were market share went down in most markets yes including USA believe me...i don't like it!

I shall say again, regardless of what Kantar says, it's literally impossible for market share to be down if you use logic. Microsoft's mobile division is shipping 30% more phones YoY while the general smartphone market is only shipping 22%. While it may have been down for one month, its not a trend.
check the title of the thread "Banks giving up support for Windows Phone. The plane has hit the mountain"

I hardly think the plane has hit the mountain. Two banks decide to discontinue the app due to low usage. Sounds like a sound business decision to me. Why pay the extra costs to maintain the security and app to make a few people happy? Given enough customers request support, the app may be back. What I am getting tired of is the "x app is no longer being supported, screw the other hundreds of thousands of apps, this ONE app missing (in this case two) means the platform is dead and the world is burning" threads . The A portion of the community is starting to sound like a bunch of teen girls that found out the guy they like has a new girlfriend.

To be honest MS had an uphill battle from the start coming so late. But they shouldn't be complacent look at Blackberry it used to be number one. They really have to develop their own apps if no one is doing it for them. or there must be a way they can make it so any app will run on the phone something like an emulator, I mean I can run windows 7 on a Ubuntu why not a I phone app on a windows phone.
Great discussion, I'm really sorry about the situation in the US, the drop of support from BoA and Chase is a big deal and the timing does seem very curious. This is one of those instances where the platform cannot afford not to have the continued support of two of the largest nationwide banks. So yes, the rules are entirely different. As much as I care about the WP platform worldwide, the US is the most important market whether I like or not. The argument that the banks are solely responsible and that all Microsoft can do is shrug its shoulders, is only partially true IMHO.

It's not the banks purpose to make you to use one phone platform over another in order to make use of their services. Mobile banking is becoming more important / convenient but until it becomes an essential service like electricity or a phone line, you have make choices that best suit you. There are still a lot of people out there that don't trust mobile banking or even web-based banking, period.

Now having said that, I also entirely agree with the viewpoint that Microsoft, in this instance, should step in and do whatever it takes to keep these apps alive on the platform. Why? Because for the reasons frequently levelled at WP:- still playing catch-up, the two reboots of OS and app architecture, the need to win mindshare, the seeming treacle-slow trickle of improvements to the OS feature-set, the painful fight with carriers for presence and shop floor space. All these things, when taken as a whole, add up to a big set of challenges on their own so it's not helped when important institutions like banks turn away for whatever reason, particularly when they were offering their support. This is too big, too important to fail.
No one here is trolling I'm an avid WP supporter but apps I use everyday are now getting removed from my phone. Split hairs about marketshare numbers but we are still talking way under 4% so it is obvious WP is not lighting the world on fire or gaining alot.

Given WP8 is still in a niche status MS must step in and prop up support for the platform until WP is healthy enough to stand on it's own and has enough demand that companies will want to put out apps on their own.
I don't know why everyone is obessessed with 'market share' and moving 'units'.... Let MS worry about that.
There is NO definitive answer. If there was a magic formula, everyone would be doing it. At the moment, people's heads are turned by overblown specs and functions that although 'cool', really add nothing for the average phone user...

It's a pity in the US that WP is struggling to gain a foothold, and that major banks are pulling apps. Outside the US, (in the civilised world - LOL) WP is everywhere and gaining ground. Plus carriers don't seem to be neutering the experience. You get a contract, and you have the full blown, full specced phone (max RAM, Qi charging etc), not some 'cut down exclusive'.
Bank apps are abundant too...

Nearly every TV program here in the UK has a Lumia phone being used very 2 seconds... Great 'product placement'. You can't miss the brightly coloured shell of a Lumia, the distinctive Nokia ringtone or text alert sound....

So before you blame MS for not controlling every company on the planet, blame the US carriers. They seem to be calling the shots, and in turn giving their users a cut down experience....
Nearly every TV program here in the UK has a Lumia phone being used very 2 seconds... Great 'product placement'. You can't miss the brightly coloured shell of a Lumia, the distinctive Nokia ringtone or text alert sound....

So before you blame MS for not controlling every company on the planet, blame the US carriers. They seem to be calling the shots, and in turn giving their users a cut down experience....

Even in the USA the phones have TV show product placement. But you're right. Carriers sell and push the iPhone because its easy and makes good money. I think the sales teams here (who are like a bunch of vultures) are much more commission based. Therefore they want to sell something that won't be returned. And with apps like snap chat and Chase missing, in the US that phone is then much more likely to get returned...

Perhaps Microsoft need to incentivize the sales people somehow. Derisk a Windows phone sale. And have some good phones available for sale.
Nearly every TV program here in the UK has a Lumia phone being used very 2 seconds... Great 'product placement'. You can't miss the brightly coloured shell of a Lumia, the distinctive Nokia ringtone or text alert sound....

I think that's more due to Nokia than anything else. I remember Nokia phones in movies ever since cell phones became commonplace.
I still can't help but believe that these apps were pulled to be replaced with better versions...aka Windows X. Maybe I'm just an optimist about this phone but something better is on the horizon.
I still can't help but believe that these apps were pulled to be replaced with better versions...aka Windows X. Maybe I'm just an optimist about this phone but something better is on the horizon.

Win 10 is probably 10 months away, Chase and BOA are not going to leave their customers without apps for 10 months just to reintroduce them.

They pulled them because WP8 does not have enough market share to justify them spending money to up keep the apps. If MS does not subsidize apps from large companies until WP8 market share is better the platform will die.
This Windows Phone user has given up support of those banks. They obviously don't want me as a customer, so I'm happy to comply.
I think that's more due to Nokia than anything else. I remember Nokia phones in movies ever since cell phones became commonplace.

Who could forget that Nokia slider in the first Matrix movie.

Sent from my YP-G1 using Tapatalk 2
I still can't help but believe that these apps were pulled to be replaced with better versions...aka Windows X. Maybe I'm just an optimist about this phone but something better is on the horizon.

I don't think this is the case... BoA is pulling their App from Windows Phone and Windows Desktop/Metro. I can't find any mention that they are backing off any other platform... It seems targeted to me.

This Windows Phone user has given up support of those banks. They obviously don't want me as a customer, so I'm happy to comply.

I'm most likely moving to Ally, as I said earlier in this thread.

After my conversation two days ago with BoA Mobile Banking Support (1-800-933-6262 give them a call if you are a BoA member), I today received a follow up survey. I made sure to politely rip into them there as well...
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