Cortana's witty replies

These work.

"Sing me a song." - She sings a line from a random song. I got 3 so far.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" - She has at least two answers.

"Tell me a knock knock joke." - Knows a few.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" - Sadly she doesnt know the movie. Got a generic 'I dont know' reply. Replace snowman with anything else.
I asked "what is the meaning of life the universe and everything". I just got a bing result with text saying 42. Then I asked "what does 42 mean?", just got a bing result. Then for some odd reason, I asked the first question again and got this...

View attachment 66300

How hard is it for Cortana to just say 42?

Because 42 is the answer. But we still don't know the question. The Earth was destroyed by the Vogans before it was done. :)

Are you a God?
Do you dream?
Can you cook?
Are you lonely?
I am happy


thanks for images...from which country u are from, does the apps and store works while all things changed to us like WhatsApp, update of apps ,new app download etc ??

Complicated to say which country I'm from... Europe - France/UK/Germany/Ireland. The L630 is set to US on all settings to get Fortuna. The store shows app prices/purchases in USD but I downloaded most app with the phone in French and they update fine. I have not yet set up WhatsApp on my L630 because it is on my 8X but I don't see why there should be any problems since it is associated to the phone number and shouldn't take into account the phone's region

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