Developer Preview Program - Please read first post before asking questions

Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

is the preview gonna be usable on a daytoday phone? I just got a student dreamspark account(not premium) and im gonna dev unlock my phone in a few days around april 11
so like what will i lose?any features which may no longer be present or any issues which i may encounter
i understand itll be a beta but i cant wait :D and would love to hear from people who had previous preview releases in the past as to how it might be :)
the phone im planning to dev unlock is my 720(maybe my other lumias too if its worth it)

As stated in the very first post of the thread, this is not a beta program. Go back and read it. It's good stuff.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I've registered my device and really looking forward to check all the sweetnes of WP8.1. Just one question - when 8.1 will be available for all users will I have to disable Preview for Developers and, I don't know, reset my device? Or it will by default update with current OS and firmware updates with the program set as enabled?
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I've registered my device and really looking forward to check all the sweetnes of WP8.1. Just one question - when 8.1 will be available for all users will I have to disable Preview for Developers and, I don't know, reset my device? Or it will by default update with current OS and firmware updates with the program set as enabled?

You can leave the app on :)
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Oh, but, do I need to unregister to get the notification when Lumia Cyan is ready to download?
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Great thread...thanks!

Registered and ready to rock!
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Do you have to download the preview for developers app and enable it per device? I did it on my 920, but with my 1520 I have not(no reason as it came with .155 version) Or will it not allow me because I thought the free app studio way only alowed for one device per email address. Thanks
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Do you have to download the preview for developers app and enable it per device? I did it on my 920, but with my 1520 I have not(no reason as it came with .155 version) Or will it not allow me because I thought the free app studio way only alowed for one device per email address. Thanks

you can unregister the 920, when you're finished testing your apps with it, then register your 1520. If your 920 is on dev preview it will be stuck on that version of preview until its next retail version is released. Last preview had the GDR3, then retail, then a small update after retail. So you'd have been upgraded to retail but not the tiny one.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I am only concerned about the warranty thing. I hope this update is not buggy. I have never tried it but thinking of it. I hope I get the CYAN too after updating to preview.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I made an app studio acc and installed that app, I hope that it. :) Lets see.

Oh wait an update is ready to be installed what should I do? Should I update my phone to this?
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Awesome..looks like I got my 1520 at the right time. Thanks for this informative thread


Sent from my Nokia 1520
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

So much confusion now plz tell me release date of preview for developers WP 8.1
you can unregister the 920, when you're finished testing your apps with it, then register your 1520. If your 920 is on dev preview it will be stuck on that version of preview until its next retail version is released. Last preview had the GDR3, then retail, then a small update after retail. So you'd have been upgraded to retail but not the tiny one.

How and where can I unregister a device linked to my email regarding app studio program? Or would that have just been done within the app where you uncheck box for enroll or whatever it was?
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Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

There was a small update after GDR3 but before retail that preview phones will get.

As for the number of phones allowed on the AppStudio, I don't know. I suspect that it won't matter, though, since you don't have to unlock the phone in order to use the Preview for Developers app. I would go ahead and do it on both phones, expecting it to work.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Does preview for developers implies sending anonimous reports on system usage? After uninstalling the dev prev App, do i uninstall also the certificate that allow updating?
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

thanks for ur previous replies guys,but u misunderstood me :(
what i wanted to ask was ur previous experiences of a preview wp version
like have u guys faced issues before etc etc and if it is safe for an everyday phone
thanks in advance :)
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

thanks for ur previous replies guys,but u misunderstood me :(
what i wanted to ask was ur previous experiences of a preview wp version
like have u guys faced issues before etc etc and if it is safe for an everyday phone
thanks in advance :)

I'm game for a reply to this too ! Requesting some people who used the dev preview to share their experiences.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

thanks for ur previous replies guys,but u misunderstood me :(
what i wanted to ask was ur previous experiences of a preview wp version
like have u guys faced issues before etc etc and if it is safe for an everyday phone
thanks in advance :)

I'm game for a reply to this too ! Requesting some people who used the dev preview to share their experiences.

Read the first post in this thread in its entirety.

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