Die hard windows fans

got windows phone since the begining and was a pocket pc from long time ago before... now i got 950 and my wife my before 930... but right now there is so many problems... app gaps like linkedin no more supported, FB totally outdated... and my bank is not on wm... my battery is dying, i got crashes sometimes twice a day... when i want to wake up my phone to take a picture or call someone... sometimes it take more than 2 minutes... with a crazy black screen... saving photos on the phone to onedrive... its good but sometimes the pictures become bad file... for no reasons... and if i use it for testing some 3d games i'm developing its start burning my hands... so for now i keep using it... but after they dies.... well i think i will go on android because for me its the less worst of the 2 left... As a developper... i'm a little bit disepointed too... some APIS are awesome some are totally old or pushy.... compare to IOS APIS... so its hurting me but what else i can do... they will pull out a micro tablet to use a phone on it... but no windows phone anymore... and it will be way overprice... anyway thats how it goes...
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shut down the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

At least I found one more smartly crazy person like me. And I am sure there are many others who are just shy about their mobile platform choice.

Microsoft is not loyal to me* and still, here I am.

Microsoft lately acting up like step-parent to their MS fans. We are last to get any feature {ANGRY}. Microsoft needs to change their attitude or MS fans will be forced to act like abused step-child.

* - I can say this because, despite my 2-hour call with them for Skype issue on my Lumia 950 XL, they promised me a follow up call which never happened.
Not until they stop being supported. Even with the "app gap" the OS is worth it over iOS and Android.

I kind of regret not buying an elite X3 when they dropped to $499 on MS. I will probably look to get a used one when the 950 I have gets a little long in the tooth.

Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
Independent consultant. My Lumia 950 is part of my "system" usage in my computing eco-system. I rely on W10M to make a living.

I don't screw around with apps; I couldn't care any less, really.

W10 Mobile is my main communications device away from my office. (Well, for involved client requests, I always carry either my older Latitude 6230 or Surface Pro 2 when I'm out-and-about - it depends lol ...but for traveling, it's the 16GB/500GB SSD with LTE 6230 and trackball for sure - "just in case".)

I now expect that when I get texts, they will appear on my current PC. And to be able to respond to messaging instantly without picking up my phone (which might be in the next room ...especially in the early morning, when I've left it sitting on the wireless charger).

I "semi"-rely on Cortana: Hello Cortana. I need to text "Client Name 1" mobile. I expect to hear her friendly voice leading me through her script(s). She "just works" something like 98% plus of the time. (I blame the failures on AT&T, not her, lol.)

Fully half-plus of my texts are transcribed these days; maybe a quarter of my emails. The transcription results in fewer mistakes than swyping and the execrable auto-correct not learning my vocabulary fast enough lol. Just talk, check, and send.

I rely on the live tiles telling me "stuff" at-a-glance. I don't have time to screw around at this: I need to glance-and-go.

So. I'm so pissed about Microsoft's mobile unknowns at this point I could spit. May Satya rot in hell.

But I can't change. Sigh.

W10M has made making a living easier for me the past couple of years. I'm old. Easy is good.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. Wait and see is all I got so far.

Well, I am keeping my eyes open for a good deal on a refurb'd/new 950. Or maybe one of those HP's people laud?

Sucks to be me though.

NOTE: ...I have both an iPhone (5s) and an inexpensive Huawei Honor 5. Both are used strictly for client support (all my clients use iOS or Android) so I can quickly walk them through stuff remotely (everything I do is remote lol). So I'm semi-current, and semi-literate with the alternatives to Windows Mobile. In the distant past, I was an iOS and then a 'Droid user. I didn't look back after buying a cheapie W8 Phone "just to see" (and immediately bought 1020's for myself and my lovely bride).

Now though?

Crap. I dunno.

(FWIW, I had just told my wife to pick up an Honor 8 while they were on close-out, for a song. She's not as reliant as I am on W10M features.)

...maybe Microsoft will come through with their whatever-in-hell-they're-planning.

Yeah. And maybe the horse will sing.

EDIT: I never thought I'd miss Steve Balmer, sigh.

Curse you Satya.

EDIT 2: W10M has always felt like The Future. So it is hard to contemplate a return to the past when you've visited the future.

...I bet Satya has always used an iPhone. And that's what this is really all about.

Did I mention "curse you Satya" yet?
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Replaced the battery on my 950 a few months ago. I'm good. Hate iOS and Droid is evil.

Sadsack Nutella must go.
My 950 got washed 6 months ago. I have missed it every day since. I went back to Android and miss everything about using my Windows phone. The only thing holding me back from buying another Windows phone is that my wife bought me a fancy Fossil watch that is the only bright light in my Android experience.
I'm hunting around for a replacement battery for my 950XL. If I can find one I'll keep it going. I love Continuum and can't imagine a phone without it. However, I did give in a buy an old iPhone to help bridge the app gap. I use certain apps intermittently on the iPhone (don't need to carry it with me); it's just nice to have the option. I'll see how long I can last though.
Still rocking my Lumia 735 here on VZW (Of course I think its the only one they still have but I don't think you can get them anymore at all). Will be using it until I cant get replacements for it anymore...hope the rumor of an HP x3 coming to VZW is true....if so I will go for that one....

Was on Verizon's website today to see if the x3 was there and they still have the 735 listed as available.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I've just bought yet another 950xl, so i guess I'll be using it until W10M no longer works! I read Richard Devine's item on his Elite X3 a few minutes ago and wish I'd bought one of those instead but I do love this phone and W10M. I also have an Huawei P10 and had an S7 before that yet W10M on the Lumia remains my preferred and go to experience...am i certifiable??? My partner also uses a W10M on a L950 as their daily driver (he was a convert from iPhone when the L950 was released and loved it) although is about to go back to The Appledom because he sees there's no other path for him. I DO feel exasperated at MS's (Nadella's??) complete lack of interest in his mobile platform but he's worth millions of dollars and I'm not, so I'll assume, for the time being, he's smarter than me!
I have a 735, happy with it and have no intention of changing to iOS or Android until I am forced to. I like the simplicity, the live tiles, the seamless sync with all my Windows devices. I dropped the last one, totally trashed it. I was almost in a panic when it looked like no ISP had a Windows phone.

Every once in a while my wife needs me to fix her Android and it drives me crazy. To me that interface with the icons and apps that no one needs is cluttered and more difficult to navigate than my phone.

There is also the factor of membership in a select group, the Windows Phone people. When you whip it out in public with a superior attitude and folks ask you about it - priceless.

I have 2 Triumph motorcycles and get a similar reaction from people. The Triumphs are a pain when it comes to scarcity of repair parts and shops, and worth it anyway. My 735 is headed into a forced retirement but, like the bikes, I refuse to go with the same thing everyone else has.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
As an owner of an IPhone 6 and a Lumia 950XL after several months on the Apple I have reverted to the Lumia but I only basically use it for a phone and the connection to the Microsoft echo system. I retain a mini IPAD for my apple special apps as all my magazine, paper and books are read digitally.
However I really don't like the Apple/Mobile approach to data storage and really appreciate microsoft File Explorer and the Cloud environment.
My only remaining regret is that the Lumia is not integrated into the syc features of One Drive. That's a strategic failure for mobile users. Office is fully integrated, why not one drive. If that does not happen soon I will give up on Microsoft mobile
Roger Stenson
I became a Windows phone convert, because I always had a Nokia phone. I loved Windows mobile. I loved my Lumia 920, 1020, 1320, 1520.....and then got frustrated. Acer Liquid Primo turned out to be a **** with a poor battery life. Then it proved un-upgradeable to Creators Update. Then my bank informed me they will no longer support the Windows app. Then my favourite airline said the same....in the end, it was more hassle than it's worth. So goodbye Windows mobile, hello Android 7 and Huawei Mate9. And it does not cost $1000, unlike certain a-phones.
Nope. Love mine, even while it's W8.1 on a 920, and support for it is dropping (Facebook messenger gone, LinkedIn gone).
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I am on my 2nd Lumia 950. When my first was misbehaving, I tried Google phone. It can not do the things that are important to me. So search and found another L 950. Waiting for the surface phone. Hurry please
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I will never give it up! It is a paradox, we are fighting for a product against it's producing company:)
And they just want to roll over and die. WP is just the beginning of their end. But i will never give up this beautiful OS and replace it with hillbilly Android or snobbish IOS
I will never give it up! It is a paradox, we are fighting for a product against it's producing company:)
And they just want to roll over and die. WP is just the beginning of their end. But i will never give up this beautiful OS and replace it with hillbilly Android or snobbish IOS

I agree, I have my 950XL and have tried out both IOS with my wife's old Fruit 6 and a One Plus phone, currently on the fruit 6 to see if i can adjust to it.

I still think that the WM10 is far better and way smoother to use, except that the apps were not updated regularly and important apps like Uber don't work very well anymore.
I really miss the camera of the 950XL and nothing has come close to it till now, maybe the samsung Note8 / Fruit 8 will be good.

There are just too many limitations in IOS but at least it works most of the time. The android phone used to drive me crazy with its notifications and the absolutely creepy "You are at this restaurant, would you like to rate it".

And of course, nothing compares to the start screen on WM... I used to love double tapping the screen to look at the start screen.

The WM10 was a really good balance of Design and customization capability between Andriod and IOS but I am sad to say that unless a new phone comes along with the latest processor, I will have to jump ship permanently.

Its a sad sad situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL42GI-X5WA

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