Discussion on tutorial for force-updating to 8107

Force update on my Venue Pro worked great however it killed my phone dialer, I hit tile nothing happens. Any suggestions. Went back to 7720 dialer works fine:confused:

Same thing happened to me. It's b/c you didn't have the language pack cab file in the folder where you run the update from. Download the correct language pack(s) into that folder and update it.
moved language into folder replaced update still no dialer, went back to 7720. I'll just wait for the update from T-Mobile (yea right)
Wooo Fixed My Brick

So my phone was bricked after a bad restore and I thought that due to an OS re-install on my PC that I did not have any old restore points....I thought wrong, just found my nodo restore point from September, moved it from the backup location into my C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Phone Update folder and convinced Zune to do a restore, I am running nodo 7.0.7390.0 as we speak!!!

Yay to No paperweights!!!! and also a huge sigh of relief as I can throw away my nokia 2120 I have been using now lol
I tried to restore my Focus S yesterday and my PC crashed (Went Blue Screen) in the middle of the update. I convinced my self that the problem was my C/ drive didn't have enough space to complete the install. So I started moving and deleting files guess what I deleted my restore file... :@ I know I know I of all people should know better. lucky for me I make a system image once a week. After 14 hours of restore watching my Focus S hold paper down I Finlay got my backup file. I tried once again to restore with Zune and got the blue screen of death. Then I read in this thread about using the install tool to do the restore worked like a charm.

2 rules of thumb never I said NEVER delete your restore file and always restore your backup the same way it was made.
I did mine by changing my registery so my carrier was Vodafone and plugged it into zune and it updated. Piece of Cake.
Here is where everyone can discuss force-updating their Windows Phone to the latest 8107 OS version as discussed on the front page: www.wpcentral.com/force-updating-your-windows-phone-os-build-8107-tutorial

Have problems? Have questions? Want to verify your setup? Ask here. :cool:

Just tried this and got the following:

UpdateWP version 4.8.2345.0

Error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {77CB935D-D0CC-
4249-8643-3C387A514A27} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
Call stack:
at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate.DeviceManager.Initialize()
at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate.DeviceManager.get_Instance()
at wm7update.Program.Main(String[] args)

╚══════? Done
Press any key to continue . . .

Please help :-(

Just so you know, ever since upgrading to Mango, Zune doesn't detect my phone anymore either....

Communicating with device. Please wait for Recover button to be enabled.
Support Tool version 4.8.2345.0

The tool cannot recover this phone. Please contact technical support.

Is this still a good update for the Focus Flash?

Gone through 2 phones and just got a new SIM. Still locks.
Just wondering if the ROM image is still viable for me to push to.
I tried updating my Lumia 900 to tango last night using this methed. I installed the tango update as well as the language files (English & Spanish) using the links to the language cabs in the tutorial post. Update was successful except I had all the problems you get from not installing the language cabs. I restored to my back up with no issues.

Anyone have a guess what went wrong for me? I may give it another try today.
Apparently even though the Lumina 900 in the us only shows two languages you still need all 22 language cab.

Sent from my Nokia L900 using Board Express
Error running WP Update CAB sender

After selecting "B" I get this message.
System can not find the path specified
UpdateWP is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
Error: The resource loader failed to find MUI file. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8 0073

Hello ,

I have a HTC HD7 AT&T device with 7.10,7720.68 version.

I have tried to update it using the procedure you have describrd above but after number of errors and resolutions i stuck at strange error,


Error: The resource loader failed to find MUI file. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8
Call stack:
at wm7update.Program.UpdateDevice(IDeviceInfo deviceInfo, List`1 updates, Upd
ateType type)
at wm7update.Program.Main(String[] args)

╚══════? Done
Press any key to continue . . .


Can you please help and let me know what was wrong with it ?


Worked perfectly on my AT&T HTC Titan.

Thanks for the step-by-step. I had put it off, but the disappearing keyboard finally got me so frustrated I couldn't stand it anymore.
Here is where everyone can discuss force-updating their Windows Phone to the latest 8107 OS version as discussed on the front page: Force updating your Windows Phone to OS build 8107 -- a WPCentral Tutorial | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews

Have problems? Have questions? Want to verify your setup? Ask here. :cool:
Does anyone have any direct links to the files needed for this? I have 2 Titans that have all but been abandoned by AT&T and HTC at this point so I think I'm willing to do this over 'debranding' since that sounds like a nightmare!
I'm trying to do the 7.8 update via the tutorial. I followed the instructions and the whole process completed until I got this error:

Update device ea30826e - 3527d6f7 - c88b23c2 - 76e00133 Complete with error code: 8018004D, error message: IU (Image Update) installation failed on phone: No applicable packages.

Does anyone know what this means?
Oh, I tried to follow the instructions on the Support tool, but when I keep holding camera button after it powers on, it never shows the Connect to Pc screen
This worked great for my Verizon Trophy after installing the WP Support, thank you. Trying to update a friend's Titan now and it's not working. It never reaches the backup step, instead I get an error:

Error: SystemException: Firmware Device is null at wm7update.Program.UpdateDevice( IDeviceInfo deviceInfo, List`1 updates, UpdateType type ) at wm7update.program.Main( String[] args )

Any suggestions?
Updated my T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 710 successfully to 7.10.8858.136 after reading through tutorials and suggestions. I shared my experiences in the 710 forum: http://forums.windowscentral.com/lumia-710/215027-wp-7-8-710-t-mobile.html

After the update I noticed that some of the photos in my "Saved Pictures" album no longer show up. They were Bing backgrounds that I downloaded, so it's not a huge deal and they were backed up.

Are there other things I should look out for after the update has been installed to verify it went smoothly?
I tried updating my HTC Arrive (Sprint). I went through the update process and am not sure if it worked. My settings/about says I am running Windows Phone 7.5 OS 7.10.8107.79. Is this the most updated version (equivilent to Windows Phone 7.8)? If so, what features does this actually add because I don't notice any difference?
It doesn't sound like your update worked, youshould have seen a major change in your start screen and the latest version is 7.10.8858.136.

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