Do you have random battery drain

Well, maybe things will be straightened out soon, via update? This was my log from earlier today, once from when I made that last post, once from a large drain not long after. Those huge drains really suck bad.



Terrible battery drain here on my 8X lately too. Reset the phone last week, which seemed to help for a couple days, not I'm back to random 10%/hour drains. This sucks.
Since the Amber update my battery drain is doing something else entirely.

I load the phone before ging to bed as I was used to it draining overnight. If I switch of the data connection and put the airplane mode in (which I did before to save battery) my battery drains between 20%-30%.
If I leave everything on it drains maybe 5%-10%. This might mean that if I switch connections off, my phone keeps trying to connect to them in the background. Which is the only explanation for the drain.
So since then I always leave everything on and my battery lasts much longer.
You must sometimes restart the phone to refresh the system and prevent battery drain fast

This is the way that I solve my battery drain problem. I have a battery app that notifies me when I get a high drain and all I do is restart the phone and it goes away.

Microsoft if you are listening please fix this issue or give us the tools to find out why it is happening.
I find it hilarious that people keep posting the 2 'ANSWERS' to our problems...

1. Restart your phone
> This is not acceptable...yes it works most of the time but come on. kill the goddamn hanging processes or implement a proper mgmt tool for the OS.

2. Turn Off/Disable X/Y/Z (i.e. Locations, NFC, Background processes, disable LTE)
> I think most of us here are aware of which options eat at the battery...and then some suggestions shouldnt be mentioned. Turn off LTE/3G...are you serious? Whats the point of having a smartphone??

Everything i dont need is dsiabled,except for Double Tap which i enjoy so im keeping it. i have 4 apps running in background (Battery, Weatherflow, WPC and Simple Calender) which is MINIMAL and less intensive apps. Nothing has changed for me expect for Double Tap Prior Amber and after Amber...and im losing around 12 hours of battery (standby)...And if im watching a Video or browsing the net, good luck getting more than 8 hours.
Guys, think i've noticed the pattern, i didn't have the drain for a month now. Unninstall all those battery apps, one of my suspicions, kill the tabs in IE, don't just back out of it, kill the tab if you know you won't use it for a while, also something i started doing and since then no drain, the wepbages stay loaded in it all the time, test it, back out of it and few hours later lounch the IE, the last page will still be there.
Kill a suspicious weather app, mine was Weather Flow, now i use Breez and no drain since. Kill any apps you don't use and for some reason find suspicious.
Those are the things i've gathered so far that are very pausible reasons for this.
I have installed Preview of GDR3 on my L820. I got 74% of battery left and it was 15 hours since I charge my phone last time. Before I have updated to GDR3, my baterry would drop to about 30% in 15 hours since last charging.
Guys, think i've noticed the pattern, i didn't have the drain for a month now. Unninstall all those battery apps, one of my suspicions, kill the tabs in IE, don't just back out of it, kill the tab if you know you won't use it for a while, also something i started doing and since then no drain, the wepbages stay loaded in it all the time, test it, back out of it and few hours later lounch the IE, the last page will still be there.
Kill a suspicious weather app, mine was Weather Flow, now i use Breez and no drain since. Kill any apps you don't use and for some reason find suspicious.
Those are the things i've gathered so far that are very pausible reasons for this.

Ok, uninstalled battery,weather flow and some others apps I dont care for I installed lately...rebooted device, reinstalled WF (paid for it, feel bad if I dont use it lol), a different battery app...lets see how this goes.
Ok, so i installed a different battery app and that drained my overall battery much quicker!! I uninstalled it, and reinstalled Arthur Sem's battery app...looks completely different now! Not sure why my last update of the app didn't apply the new features, but it seems to be working better now (less aggressive battery drain). hmmmm...
Man you're right, I uninstalled weather flow and installed Bing weather...big difference so far. I'll update again in a few days but so far decent.

Update: Ugh, was going well for a few hours after full recharge at work. Get home, do some surfing the net (not gaming,no calls, few SMS)...discharge is aggressive once it gets going. No extra tabs open, battery currently at 66% remaining...current discharge 10.3%! Its been idle for a good 3 hours! WTH is my phone doing...LOL. this routine has started since Amber update.
I did turn the double tap back it ;)
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I've had zero battery drain issues since updating to GDR3. My phone now only gets warm when I would expect it to.
Did what some suggested and deleted my battery app and....well it's doing even better now.
I can barely believe the battery app (not running in the background) did so much battery drain.

Consider me mind boggled.
Anyone else have really EXTREME battery drains for short periods of time? After a hard reset, my average battery life isn't terrible, but as soon as I get down to around 25% battery, it goes berserk. Before deleting my battery app, I logged over 100%/hr discharge one day. I deleted the battery app and toyed with the Battery Saver option to see if I can find the culprit, to no avail. Basically if I'm below 30% battery, I better find a charger within an hour.

Sent from my PM23300 using Tapatalk
Hmm, have you followed some of my culprints.. Closing the tabs in IE before exiting, trying different weather app?
Yes, I close all taps, allow no apps to run in background, NFC/wifi/bluetooth only weather app is and has no live tile updates or background running.

Sent from my PM23300 using Tapatalk
It's some of the apps then, since i factory reset it after Amber, installed only those apps i really use, started closing tabs in IE and changing the weather app from Weather Flow to Breeze, i had no drain.. It's an app that you use and that i may have used before.. It sucks that we can't pinpoint but i'm happy it stopped happening..
It didn't happen before the hard reset though, that's what is confusing me. I just had general bad battery life before the hard reset, not random drains. The only "new" app that was installed after the reset that I didn't have before was the battery app, which has since been removed.

Sent from my PM23300 using Tapatalk
I will say that battery jumps are very often related to the damaged cells in the battery from constant use...I'd recommend trying a new battery in your device and see if the issue is solved. Remember a warm battery will show it has more power and a cold battery will show it has less, the cells become more active in warmer temperatures.

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