Do you have random battery drain

For fcks sake, it should be the other way around. Updates should IMPROVE the phone. This is pretty serious issue now i don't know if you realised that? I mean i didn't have it for a long time but it's kinda 'there' all the time, waiting to happen.
And again it started, in the last few days. Not as drastic as before, but still losing 20% while sleeping, with internet turned off.. I'm getting so fcking tired of this shi*.
It could be the Nokia Mix Radio, or the Nokia Camera Beta.. beats me. It seems you can't BREATHE differently with these phones, or it will start the drain..
If y'all (southern USA speak) haven't figured it out and accepted it, WP battery drain has no consistency or logic. Keeping my wifi on, 4G data on, battery app on, I can experience anywhere from .5% per hour to 12%. It goes up, it goes down. I can often get a reset to the low end by turning the phone off and then on. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

At this point we are all just circle jerking. It's the way WP is, apparently. Sure, we would like better, or consistency, but bottom line is, it is what it is.
So yeah... installed Bing Weather two days ago, yesterday had a 40% drain during the night, with internet turned off. This OS obviously doesn't like when you turn off your internet (!!???).
Their OWN FCKING applications gets confused when it can't refresh the weather... "where's the connection DUUUDEEE, where is it, i don't know what to do now, DUUUDEEE"..
I have the Battery application and sometimes (specially when I'm listening to music, loud) is showing me a remaining time very low. Is like a battery drain, but is never going flat. My lifetime battery in this case is about 2 days with one complete charge-discharge. And the WiFi is always on! And the data from my operator. I'm listening to music. I really think is a little bug. Never my phone went dead, but somehow the battery indicator has dropped! I own a Nokia Lumia 520 and I think is cool!
If anything gets me back to Android it will be this issue.. and i would hate that cause i love WP8. But having no clue what is causing this is frustrating to say the least..
Piece of fudge.. (trying to stop with the swearing). Hadn't TOUCHED my phone whole day, it managed to drain 90% of battery, and it's not stopping... Hadn't literally touched it.
Piece of fudge.. (trying to stop with the swearing). Hadn't TOUCHED my phone whole day, it managed to drain 90% of battery, and it's not stopping... Hadn't literally touched it.

Something is causing the drain. Why not troubleshoot by hard resetting the phone and installing apps slowly over a few days and have a battery monitor app running to see when the discharge rates jump?

If you can narrow down the timing you can figure out which app causes it.
Already done that.. getting so tired of this. I only do install just the best rated apps, hell i don't even have that many of them. Stupid modern OS'es..
Then that means it is a third party app with the problem.

That's why I asked about the troubleshooting steps.

The draining issue can sometimes be derived from 3rd party Apps hanging, and sometimes its OS layer processes hanging to cause draining problems. The issue is some people are victims of the drain while others aren't, and the ones that aren't believe the users with the issue are causing the problem or have an application causing the problem...and thats unfair. "I dont have the problem so you're obviously wrong" is the false attitude, TONS of people have the drainage problem (i was one and it drove me up the wall). With all the processes/applications killed, 50% of the time my battery life would just diminish quicker than it should...very frustrating. Like some here, including Boris, we spent months on months troubleshooting this battery drain troll that magically exists somewhere...but the truth is more likely caused by the OS and how it handles the app processes (including the built in ones such as IE).

I feel for the frustrated, like i said i was one of them. I no longer suffer from the drain and was able to leave the stress not here to brag or say my new phone is better. But its nice to have a phone that software wise is consistent 100% of them time from a battery usage prospective.
I was just about to post a separate topic about my recent battery drains but might as well add to this one. My biggest issue with the WP 8 platform right now is the random battery drains. First thing, I have followed all the recommend WP battery saving tips, and usually have most settings turned off at any time except cellular LTE.

Most days I get excellent battery life on my Lumia 920, especially when not using the phone much. However, whenever using a certain app for a few minutes and then exiting, I will notice rapid drain that continues to drain until I turn the phone off or do a soft reset.

I have experienced this with the following apps: TV Show, Facebook Beta, and now recently 6tag. I am new to using Instagram and 6tag so I recently installed both apps to see what all the fuss was about. I like 6tag more right now so I pinned my feed to a wide live tile and allowed it to run in the background. I only have 4-5 apps running in the background at any given time. Most apps are blocked. The past few nights, the battery was fine for most of the apps I was using until I opened 6tag. Used it for a few minutes, the phone was getting warm, closed out of it, and then over 20% battery drain in 2 hours. Same thing happens often with the Facebook Beta app.

It would be nice if we knew exactly which apps were using all the system resources at any given time. And what’s the point of trying to enjoy some actual “Live Tiles,” and have their background tasks allowed, if all we are going to get is a rapid battery drain? It’s starting to get very frustrating. Guess I need to uninstall these garbage apps or block them all from running in the background. Hopefully a big fix is coming in WP 8.1!!! :asleep:
I use my 920 only for work which means I don't use it as much as my iPhone but recently, after the extras+network update (if I'm not mistaken) the battery drains within 24 hours! I used to be able to get a few good days without recharging and now need to recharge every morning. Quite annoying.

I have just rebooted and hopefully that might resolve the issue.
Hi, in my 925 (gd3+black) last night the battery goes from 70% to 30%, 1 or 2% every 30 minutes
connection speed 3g
wi-fi,location,bluetooth off
glance off
double tap on
2 apps in backgroud & battery performance

overnight normally it consumes about 3% max 10%

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