Do you have random battery drain

I've posted on this thread and similar ones here since way back. Now, with a lot more experience under the proverbial belt, I can tell you this with absolute confidence:

The WP OS is hugely erratic in terms of battery consumption. I experience everything from less than 1% per hour to 10%, and on odd occasions, 20%. The cruising average seems to be 2-3%. It can skyrocket and then return to reasonable levels. There is no rhyme of reason that I can see.

It is what it is until MS gets their act together.
glance make battery drain or not ??? glance background make battery drain or not ???
Of course it does. Depends on your settings. If it is "peek" and you don't peek much often, shouldn't be so bad then.
glance make battery drain or not ??? glance background make battery drain or not ???

I can't notice any difference with Glance on or off even on my L920 with LCD screen. However I don't use the glance background as the screen will go berserk (it keeps flickering the whole screen when charging)
Lumia 920, more frequently after Black update. Will drain from 90% to less than 15% in 2 hours or less. Turning off location seems to help. Also turn off phone, let it sit awhile and turn back on helps. When not having issue battery works great
After removing battery app, my L720 lasts for two days with more than average use of internet
(wifi, sometimes 3G) and texting and calling quite a lot. It has Black update. Two days ago i updated
some apps and settings via marketplace, and battery lasts day and a half now.
As @Paul Verizzo said, WP has some weird way of interaction with battery.
Hope that 8.1 will solve that. Finaly. :)
I think this just happened to my 920. I had it plugged into my PC at the time, and soon as I unplugged, it said the battery was critical. First time since I got it, but it was a little worrying, hope they fix it!
I've noticed battery "super drain" has occurred a LOT less since the latest update on my Lumia 920 (Black update, right?) It still happens though. I've also noticed my overall normal battery drain is 5-6% per hour which is phenomenal compared to the 6-10% per hour I used to get!
Got Lumia Black update in Serbia, everything's working fine. Battery drain was still present,
so then i finally removed battery app and it's working like a charm now. :D

I have 1520 and battery drain. Now I have just removed Battery app and am testing it now. Weired thing is Battery app in my 820 doesn't cause issue. 820 has GDR3 and black.
I have 1520 and battery drain. Now I have just removed Battery app and am testing it now. Weired thing is Battery app in my 820 doesn't cause issue. 820 has GDR3 and black.
I have done a quick test of enable flight mode for 1 hour. The result is good. No battery level change. I will do a full overnight test tonight and report, and may do a comparison test with Battery app installed again later.
I'm really unsatisfied with the battery life of my 720, it began happening 3 weeks ago I don't know why! I haven't installed any new apps, I'm planning on resetting my phone for the sake of battery life :(

EDIT: After the reset, I actually see an improvement!
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Lumia 525 shows 1 day 5 hours with 100% Battery full.

Here comes the fun part, with each drop in Percentage, battery remaining time increases, for example:


At 81%, estimated time remaining - 1 day 20 hours??

There's no issue of battery draining, if those live tiles and other power hungry stuff are not applied at all.

But when you use any app, games or anything The battery draining rate is then fast it chews out almost 10-15% within 10 minutes.
In my experience the Nokia mapping applications KILL battery. on my 810 if I do not use them, I can easily go 1.5 days with push enabled and about 8-12 hours of solid music streaming from Nokia Mix app.
I got Lumia 920, recenty when I'am using Here Maps I noticed that as closer to destination I'am as warmer my phone is (everytime I'am using Nokia Car charger) but most interesting is that when I reached my destination and I turned off Here Maps , my phone is getting hot as hell and battery drains 15% and more per 10 minutes. Before it wasn;t like it is now and I don't have any idea what changed in my phone. Any help ?

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