Does Lumia 950 XL have support in 2018?

First of all, for sure, it's matter of choice. I have all needed features with a higher quality in W10m comparing to Android or iOS.

If some people have the opposite situation and need their features in Android or iOS, then they should take Android or iOS device. No problem here. Can't see why such people would be sitting here and arguing about W10m.

But people (me included) prefer Windows as their OS of choice for many reasons and dont want to jump to iOS or Android just to get the apps they need. I do jump often but I always come back til I get frustrated with the app situation then begin the cycle again. I've had my Lumia 950xl for around 7 months now but also had Samsung Galaxy S7, 2 iPhone 7 Plus', Samsung Galaxy s8 Plus and an LG G6 in that same 7 month period. If my Lumia had the same apps and features as those I'd have saved a small fortune by sticking to my Windows phone that whole time.
But people (me included) prefer Windows as their OS of choice for many reasons and dont want to jump to iOS or Android just to get the apps they need. I do jump often but I always come back til I get frustrated with the app situation then begin the cycle again. I've had my Lumia 950xl for around 7 months now but also had Samsung Galaxy S7, 2 iPhone 7 Plus', Samsung Galaxy s8 Plus and an LG G6 in that same 7 month period. If my Lumia had the same apps and features as those I'd have saved a small fortune by sticking to my Windows phone that whole time.

There is no perfect device, so you have to decide which is most important to you........ or continue to switch back and forth which, as you have discovered, just costs a lot of money.
Good luck!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
There is no perfect device, so you have to decide which is most important to you........ or continue to switch back and forth which, as you have discovered, just costs a lot of money.
Good luck!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Yeah, you're absolutely correct and the more I keep switching the more features I find that I like and miss on other phones. Obviously there is no one phone that has every feature only I like so I'm never going to be completely satisfied. I think that's why I've hung onto my 950xl and never sold it on like the others. It covers MOST bases for me and there's just enough apps that I need to keep me happy enough. Of course this phone won't last forever with no more Lumia's in the pipeline but I can easily get another year out of it all going well
Love my Lumia 950 XL alot! I never had the opportunity to use Symbian, Blackberry, iPhone or Android in the last 11 years because I was with only Microsoft Mobile OS's the hole time, WM5.0, WM6.0 & WM6.5, WP7.5 Tango, WP8.0 & WP8.1, Win10M TH2, RS1 & RS2 Windows OS's only experience I know is MS 😊. Microsoft is done with "Lumia" brand since they sold it too Foxcon! Now that I'm 18 months into my MS Lumia 950 XL Phablet with my basic every day apps I use witch is fine but now I losing my basic every day apps to having less than 1% world market share with canceled Lumia 960 XL in 2016 and now no Surface Phone Pro in 2017, with the only new hardware talk in 2018 is basically "Windows RT2" 64-bit ARMv8 version Except this time it can emulate full Win32 software and have Phone 📞 capabilities and not just another only app device. (Surface Mobile) a device that takes 4GB of RAM to operate from what I read. Means my 3GB of RAM Lumia 950 XL is outdated for next generation software OS. I been through this before From WM OS to WP OS was such a let down 👇 but here I am 6 years later......still with another MS Reboot? No....something different?......With 2018 coming fast with no 3rd party apps functionality addvailable for use. MS is leaving me no choice but too move to one of the only two other mobile platforms like the upcoming official Apple iPhone 8 "iOS11" or Google Pixel 2 "Android 8" platform devices'

I thank all of you for your opinion on the Lumia 950 XL on 2018 support!

Sent from Lumia 950XL
They argument goes back and forth - its about how phone-centric do you want your life to be. Which is pretty scary itself.

In that case, get a feature phone. I bought one for my 82-year-old father in law.

Exactly. The "I don't need this and I don't need that" comments aren't a viable argument. Companies don't build devices for one person, they build them for an entire market.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Exactly. The "I don't need this and I don't need that" comments aren't a viable argument. Companies don't build devices for one person, they build them for an entire market.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I guess the beginner's economics course you were given didn't take.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
I just have pleasure to use my 950 XL. Also, all that last updates just make it better. I don't know why people are so upset about apps - I don't use them! Can't understand that Android users with hundreds useless apps on their start screen.

IDK, I've got something like 80-90 apps/games on my windows phone, and I enjoy discovering more. I particularly like that I can use the same apps on my desktop, tablet and phone (which will be BOSS for timeline when it comes).

I also like that many of them are indie, and not trying to shake people down for money aggressively (or are paid apps). A slight bit less "freemium" feel to the windows store IMO. In that sense, which some noteable exceptions, the experience feels less like free-to-air tv, or a slot machine.

I also like giving money to app and game makers. I'd rather do that, and especially support indie devs, than contribute to some kind of eternal ad creep, or in-app shakedowns. Makes me feel good, knowing I'm supporting quality programming.

There's plenty of decent games for bus stop gaming. Some lovely photo editing apps. And the pre-loaded apps as mentioned by someone else here, cover a lot of stuff too.

I think my only real app disappointment is the FB app. Should be full UWP, and the same on tablet and phone, but isn't. But I just use slimsocial and its much faster.

All that said, UX isn't just about apps. Win10m brings quite a few OS level features that are very practical.
Typically all companies support their phones around 3-4 years, so yeah there is a possibility.

Actually it's usually 1-2 years.

The two ongoing shining examples is Apple at 5 years per phone and Google at two years of OS updates + one more year of security patches.
This November 25/2017 my Lumia 950 XL is two years old! ...... thus this topic about support in 2018! .....

2018 support for my Lumia 950 XL is uncertain. With Win10M story losing apps on a weekly basis! There WON'T be a Win10M store by my Lumia 950 XL 3rd birthday!

Microsoft is spending more time on cross platforming all there Services on iOS & Android with better quality then on there own platform!

If there is NO other new MSFT Phone to jump on to like aka "Surface Phone" or "Surface Note" or something for all of us Lumia 950 XL owners to move on too, are only options are iOS11 or Android 8 next generation platforms.

I'm very anti Apple! Mostlikely move to Android 8? If so I have to try to keep everything intact....MSFT Services "all 11 years worth of data must be saved from this dying platform.

Probably gonna have to use MSFT Arrow app to feel less Android like? ....some say it feels more like iOS? ......I hope it doesn't come down to this!

Sent from Lumia 950XL
Probably gonna have to use MSFT Arrow app to feel less Android like? ....some say it feels more like iOS? ......I hope it doesn't come down to this!

Sent from Lumia 950XL
I use Arrow on my SGS6, as we as the Hub keyboard. Way better than TouchWiz or even other Launchers Ive tried.

Android dead icons vs Win10M live tiles!

Win10M OS living tiles is definitely far superior in desktop! I don't know if I'll ever get over Android dead icon look? Yet developers Love this platform for some reason?? So confusing...

Guess we wait and see what Android 8 looks like?....maybe living icons lol

I'll probably upgrade from my (26 months old) Lumia 950 XL to Pixel 2 XL in January 2018.....probably be using next generation Arrowlauncher 4 on Android 8 with all MSFT services installed MSFT Office, OneDrive, Xbox, Groove Music, Filim/TV, Cortana, OneNote, Skype and Outlook calendar and even the Edge browser!

I'll keep watching MSFT Arrow over the next 6-7 months until the end of my Lumia 950 XL as it becomes my second backup Phone/music player maybe....till the battery stops working. (around 36 months)

Sent from Lumia 950XL

Android dead Icons reminds me of my first MSFT Mobile OS Phone just remembered lol (Motorola MOTO Q9c) with WM5/WM6/WM6.1 days! Even my (LG IQ) used WM6.5 till I flashed it to WP7.5 Tango, but yeah Android sure reminds me of Windows Mobile OS back in the day!

Sent from Lumia 950XL
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Impressive 90F

My Lumia 950 XL turned off taking pictures @Chichen Itza last year! It was 100F in last May there!

Sent from Lumia 950XL
I'm using the Mate 9 at the moment. It's a really nice device. The screen, while not as crisp as the 950Xl, is very, very good. I miss the dark black color, but not having that is a miniscule concern. The screen is big and super bright. The build is fantastic. The EMUI software has really improved over the years. Battery life is phenomenal. All notifications come through as expected - this was always an issue I had with Huawei/Honor phones. Battery optimization was so over the top on their devices, apps we're unable to push notifications. Anyway, that's all been worked out with the 9. Now, the camera.... It's not as good as the 950 series cameras. Having said that, the 9's camera isn't bad at all, but it struggles in some areas, mainly low light. In good lighting, the camera on the 9 is top notch, maybe even matching the 950 cameras. But, for me, there are times when it's just not consistently reliable. That might be said for the 950 series cameras as well, I guess. What the 9 lacks in image quality, it more than makes up for in camera functionality and gimmicky software add-ons. In that department, the 9's camera beats the 950's hands down. I've had lots of fun using it. Overall, it's a really good camera, but not the best on the market.
There's no reason even if they do end feature updates for the 950xl that it can't keep working fine for a few more years. Afterall plenty of Androids are sold with ancient android OS versions installed which never get updates. I love my 950XL, the camera is unbeatable as is the screen and it's speed. Apple is so backwards and out of date technology wise especially the camera (only just got widescreen for goodness sake) and screen (STILL not OLED!?) and so overpriced. Android has its advantages, but the UI is horrible and messy, updates are sparse and I find myself having to reset Android devices every couple of weeks (or more often) to keep them working. I'm holding onto my Lumia either until the surface phone is released or someone prys it from my cold dead hands.... The 950XL is still way ahead of almost every other smartphone in the world, there's no kind of urgency to upgrade unless you have some desperate need for a particular app on android or iOS, but most people don't really have that.

I love my 950XL too and Windows Mobile as well. Unfortunately, unless MS (or someone else) comes out with a competitive Windows phone, the build out of the new LTE spectrum will force me to retire it in favor of something that can use the new spectrum.

Afterall plenty of Androids are sold with ancient android OS versions installed which never get updates.
Exactly! Most of people do not realize that! As well, as annoying ads in Android in most unexpected places, along with freezes and stuttering even on flagships.

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