Does Lumia 950 XL have support in 2018?

While I hope they support it, I seriously have my doubts. Microsoft makes a big deal about saying that they support N-1 for their OS, but they have stopped supporting WP8.1 (even though their Lifecycle page says that mainstream support hasn't ended yet) and there's some really frustrating ones that they just won't even look at, saying to upgrade.
Yup, once Spotify, eBay and Tapatalk left the platform, I back benched Windows phones and made an iPhone 6s+ my daily driver.
Even as media players....Groove Music sucks hard.

Spotify is on there.

I think in 2018, Microsoft will only support charcoal, and conche seashells, because we will have gone through the apocalypse.

Also, steve jobs will be resurrected as the anti-Christ.

In 2018 the fashion will be sweatbands. They will be very in.
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I think it will have some updates in the app store and so on. But for Windows 10 Mobile itself I think its basicly over with no new features etc..
And I think thats are also the reason we will not see any new hardware with Windows 10 Mobile. Microsoft might do a total reboot in 2018 with some new stuff. But none of the current devices will not be able to update to that.
I am happy with my 950 XL. Don't care about other platforms at all. My strategy is to use 950 XL until next MS phone.

iPhones and Androids are just ridiculous to me...

Same plan here! Will likely buy a back up 950 XL just in case.
Yup, once Spotify, eBay and Tapatalk left the platform, I back benched Windows phones and made an iPhone 6s+ my daily driver.
Even as media players....Groove Music sucks hard.
Spotify, Opera Mini and other Apps even if they are not listed in the store you find them via there respective Webpages.
Webapps are also a often unused source.
Windows 10 Mobile should be supported alongside Windows 10 PC, afterall theyre practically the same and pretty much up-to-date... Also, the developer Rings are still active so why not..

IMO, Windows 10 Mobile will close when Windows 11 or 12 on the PC arrives, so it should last into 2018, no issues.

As I mentioned in a post a few months ago.. Ide goto iPhone before I go back to Android, and the only Android exception ide make would be an HTC..

You should be fine for a good while yet, Plus MS will notify WP users of End of support Long before they cancel updates :)

Spotify, Opera Mini and other Apps even if they are not listed in the store you find them via there respective Webpages.
Webapps are also a often unused source.

This is actually very true.. I use eBay online and EyeEm webpages all the time..

Many people hate on WP for lack of apps... but to me, Android play / Apple store has so many apps because there can be anything from 5 - 50 of different apps all doing the same thing.. if you dont believe me... check out a simple "Notes" app... there are dozens of them, yet all you need is OneNote or Evernote..

So if WP lacks an App... theres probably a website somewhere :)

There are many Android / Apple users who hate on WP because either theyre bored and enjoy Trolling or theyve never used one and are just going off what theyve read online.. Try to ignore this and just enjoy your 950XL...

IMO, util MS tell me otherwise.. the 950Xl is still being supported :)
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So if WP lacks an App... theres probably a website somewhere :)
for the most part, yes. I actually refuse to install most apps if not needed. On my Android and Iphone I do not have the eBay app or Amazon app or the donut store app.

However there are some which just are convenient such as my banking app (which IS on WP but doesn't work a well as on Android/ ios) and Starbucks.
for the most part, yes. I actually refuse to install most apps if not needed. On my Android and Iphone I do not have the eBay app or Amazon app or the donut store app.

However there are some which just are convenient such as my banking app (which IS on WP but doesn't work a well as on Android/ ios) and Starbucks.

We're on the same page then because Im exactly the same... I think eBay on Android is so confusing to use and actually looks poorly rushed out.. Never used Amazon app either.. But has a great Lloyds (UK) online Banking app...

All i use my Phone for is.. My Business / Music / Photos and Video / News(RSS) and if im REALLY bored.. the odd game.. Dont do FB or Twitter on my phone either, my lifes tough enough without following someone elses..

Hence why Android is a bit of a waste on me... I just like a simple experience :)
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Web apps are no replacement for real apps. They're a poor 2nd best that shouldn't be needed to begin with
We're on the same page then because Im exactly the same... I think eBay on Android is so confusing to use and actually looks poorly rushed out.. Never used Amazon app either.. But has a great Lloyds (UK) online Banking app...

All i use my Phone for is.. My Business / Music / Photos and Video / News(RSS) and if im REALLY bored.. the odd game.. Dont do FB or Twitter on my phone either, my lifes tough enough without following someone elses..

Hence why Android is a bit of a waste on me... I just like a simple experience :)

Pretty much the same for me. No social ***. Don't need Amazon or eBay, since I am using that pages once or twice a month on PC. Candy Crush Saga when I am bored...

Still, I have a freedom to change ringtones and simple synchronization, unlike in iOS.
And I have beautiful and fluid design, without dumb advertisement and lurking, unlike in Android.
Pretty much the same for me. No social ***. Don't need Amazon or eBay, since I am using that pages once or twice a month on PC. Candy Crush Saga when I am bored...

Still, I have a freedom to change ringtones and simple synchronization, unlike in iOS.
And I have beautiful and fluid design, without dumb advertisement and lurking, unlike in Android.

So for you MS doesn't have to advance mobile at all, correct? No need for a surface phone, just security updates to the current OS.
As long as you realize you are in the minority.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Web apps are no replacement for real apps. They're a poor 2nd best that shouldn't be needed to begin with

Tell that to facebooks win10m developers. A web wrapper runs many times faster than their bloated POS.

So for you MS doesn't have to advance mobile at all, correct? No need for a surface phone, just security updates to the current OS.
As long as you realize you are in the minority.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

What exactly does a 'surface phone' really offer that people need?
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What exactly does a 'surface phone' really offer that people need?

That's a good question. I see it as just the next generation of mobile and will probably start out as an enterprise offering well before Consumer's are interested.
That doesn't mean the current mobile platform still doesn't have room to grow. That's where I wonder what MS's plans are. Just security updates or advancements? They can't fall behind any more.
So for you MS doesn't have to advance mobile at all, correct? No need for a surface phone, just security updates to the current OS.
As long as you realize you are in the minority.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Nothing bad in being in minority. Champions are in minority... Billionaires are in minority... etc.

About the rest - just read last Tim Cook's comments about absence of innovations in Apple products ;)
Nothing bad in being in minority.

About the rest - just read last Tim Cook's comments about absence of innovations in Apple products ;)

All I know is, side by side, anyone can see the iPhone is more innovative than Windows mobile. Apps, smart devices, etc. You'd probably have to say Android is more innovative than both because it's open source. It doesn't have the control iOS does.
The good thing, depending on your needs, there's a device that works for most people. Choice is always a good thing!
All I know is, side by side, anyone can see the iPhone is more innovative than Windows mobile. Apps, smart devices, etc. You'd probably have to say Android is more innovative than both because it's open source. It doesn't have the control iOS does.
The good thing, depending on your needs, there's a device that works for most people. Choice is always a good thing!

I totally disagree with You on all points: for me, MS is far ahead of iOS and Android.
I totally disagree with You on all points: for me, MS is far ahead of iOS and Android.

Yeah I'm generally with you on that. Saving for "handoff" (which really is timeline for less devices, sooner than MSFT has released timeline -that said, the features have differences), things like answering texts whilst driving in the car, inline replies, live tiles, vertical scrolling, notifications on your desktop, continuum - AFAIK that stuff is all stuff either only win10m has, or MSFT did first (I believe the next version of android will copy inline replies).

Having just come to the platform, all the handy tricks, I'm surprised MSFT doesn't get more praise for their mobile efforts. It's fairly comprehensively "different" in many innovative ways.

In fact I am not sure I can say much in iOS is innovative. Fluid computing was kind of the only thing I can think of. Great move for sure, but most of what apple does, is really just same old stuff everyone else is doing, or has already done, with higher margins and more spent on advertising.

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