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- Sep 28, 2014
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Yeah I'm generally with you on that. Saving for "handoff" (which really is timeline for less devices, sooner than MSFT has released timeline -that said, the features have differences), things like answering texts whilst driving in the car, inline replies, live tiles, vertical scrolling, notifications on your desktop, continuum - AFAIK that stuff is all stuff either only win10m has, or MSFT did first (I believe the next version of android will copy inline replies).
Having just come to the platform, all the handy tricks, I'm surprised MSFT doesn't get more praise for their mobile efforts. It's fairly comprehensively "different" in many innovative ways.
In fact I am not sure I can say much in iOS is innovative. Fluid computing was kind of the only thing I can think of. Great move for sure, but most of what apple does, is really just same old stuff everyone else is doing, or has already done, with higher margins and more spent on advertising.
Good points, thought many of them are not exclusive to MS. For instance, iPhone has live tiles but you swipe left to see them. I actually like it better because its a much cleaner look on your home page. That's one thing that bothers me with W10, the home page looks cluttered.
Innovation is truly in the eye of the beholder. I see it as things most people would find useful. Continuum is entirely innovative but how many people would use it? Maybe in the future if things change but not today. I think MS has to build relationships with other companies so accessories, etc. can be made to work with their devices. This is where Apple and Google excel. For instance, I have a Honeywell wireless thermostat that I can control from anywhere with my iPhone (I wish it worked with my Idol4s also). Last week we were out and it got hotter than we thought it would. I have 2 dogs at home so while we were out I was able to adjust my thermostat accordingly. I can also turn certain lights on when I'm away if it gets dark so it looks like someone is home. Those are the types of useful things I'm speaking about. MS had the band smartwatch and then dropped it. People love those types of devices. Its not just about the phone but the ecosystem build around it. MS has so much potential but have yet to make use of it. You can have all the potential in the world but what good is it if it doesn't have real life implications?
Great conversation by the way. I love talking about these things and appreciate your input.
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