[Guide] How to revert back to WP8 GDR3 from WP8.1 DP

Tried SMD downloader ver 3.47 and 3.33.1, changed cable and usb port, nothing happens. Only thing is to try on win 7, because i'm on Win 8.1 now.

On win 7 my phone is not reconigzed, I have installed the samsung usb driver, but in device manager my phone appears as unknown device or base device. What can I do? The SMD downloader does not see the phone neither.
On win 7 my phone is not reconigzed, I have installed the samsung usb driver, but in device manager my phone appears as unknown device or base device. What can I do? The SMD downloader does not see the phone neither.

sorry to tell you but you bricked your phone, it wont recognize it coz its dead

I am encountering a problem here..... I can't manage to press the start button... its not activated
Any suggestions on what I might hv done wrong
I hv put my phone on download mode.

sorry to tell you but you bricked your phone, it wont recognize it coz its dead

Finally I managed to make the phone work. I've tried the same process on Win 10 Tehnical Preview and with SMD downloader ver. 3.47. I had to power off the phone to get reconigzed again. Strange thing, when you power off the phone it goes in a persistent restart (it shows the windows logo than a blue screen and restarts itself over and over again) so you need to press the buttons for download mode. After I've put the phone in download mode again, I had no more problems.

I am encountering a problem here..... I can't manage to press the start button... its not activated
Any suggestions on what I might hv done wrong
I hv put my phone on download mode.


You need to corectly install the drivers, if you are on win 8 or later you need to activate the option for installing unassigned drivers.

Can you or anyone tell me where you got the Firmware downloads and csc ? Im trying to downgrade my Samsung Ativ Odyssey and this method looks like it would work with the correct firmware to flash.

I went back to GDR2 yesterday. No problems.
I now also have those arrows by my WiFi and Data connection indicating traffic which I didn't have before.
And no "after flash" when using camera

Hmm. Just noticed I don't have ability to select random MP3 for my ringtone anymore. :angry:
Bummer. Anyone an idea how to fix?!
I went back to GDR2 yesterday. No problems.
I now also have those arrows by my WiFi and Data connection indicating traffic which I didn't have before.
And no "after flash" when using camera

Hmm. Just noticed I don't have ability to select random MP3 for my ringtone anymore. :angry:
Bummer. Anyone an idea how to fix?!

go to the store and download a program called Skydrive ringtone maker
just upload the ringtone to your OneDrive folder, start the app, find the ringtone and save it as ringtone

Can you or anyone tell me where you got the Firmware downloads and csc ? Im trying to downgrade my Samsung Ativ Odyssey and this method looks like it would work with the correct firmware to flash.


This roms is ONLY for Samsung Ativ S I8750, it's not for Odyssey. You will brick your device if you flash with this files
Anyone tried this with the official 8.1 and firmware? doesn't seem to work any more. I think the firmware has changed the download mode somehow and it mo longer is picked up and able to be flashed by the binary downloader. Just never sees phone and phone does not show up as a com device any more when in download mode.
Anyone tried this with the official 8.1 and firmware? doesn't seem to work any more. I think the firmware has changed the download mode somehow and it mo longer is picked up and able to be flashed by the binary downloader. Just never sees phone and phone does not show up as a com device any more when in download mode.
I?ll be damned. IT WORKED !! I got my camera back !:kiss:
The camera stopped working after 8.1 "upgrade".
You just made my day.
Thank your for the post.

I followed the instructions and I was able to revert my unstable WP8.1.1 back to WP 8 GDR3.
Thanks, it worked fine, and after nearly a day of updating, updating, updating, reinstalling apps, and typing in passwords, my ATIV is where it ought to be. It remembers its name. It remembers the ringtone and message tone I selected. And talking over Bluetooth seems to work consistently well in my car.

BUT: It still doesn't notice there are many gigabytes of pictures on the phone. And it didn't find all the music on it - and in some cases the album art was wrong or missing, and perfectly tagged albums showed up as "Unknown Artist." Guess you can't have it all.
I hope you didn't install the PfD update as you will loose another day tomorrow. :/
Help, I installed the update yesterday and now my phone is in reboot loop and I can't revert back! I've done everything as the first guy instructed, but my Ativ S is only recognized as 'WP8 USB Manager' in Device Manager, and so isn't reconized in SMB. I installed the driver from the yandex link and it said it's correctly installed, but it still isn't working. In device manager properties of my phone, it sais no driver is assigned. I've tried repairing, removing etc. of the driver.. nothing works. I have Windows 10.
Help, I installed the update yesterday and now my phone is in reboot loop and I can't revert back! I've done everything as the first guy instructed, but my Ativ S is only recognized as 'WP8 USB Manager' in Device Manager, and so isn't reconized in SMB. I installed the driver from the yandex link and it said it's correctly installed, but it still isn't working. In device manager properties of my phone, it sais no driver is assigned. I've tried repairing, removing etc. of the driver.. nothing works. I have Windows 10.

Windows 10 is not supported, switch to Windows 8/7

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