[Guide] How to revert back to WP8 GDR3 from WP8.1 DP

I already install SamsungUSBDriver but it still cant start the SMD Downloader. 12.PNG

When I plug my phone into laptop, it cant find driver Qualcomm MSM device

how should I fix it? :unhappysweat:
I had the same problem now as i have w7 again...i go at device manager select the unknowed device in my case was wp8 device...something like that..and right click on it and update software...and it worked...i hope it will work for you too.
i think you should follow the instructions step by step......

I follow step by step all the time but it still not working
Im not sure why it not working
someone who got bootloop with developer preview and can revert tell me please

by the way, I go to Samsung service center and they cant revert too
maybe it permanent brick :eck:
I follow step by step all the time but it still not working
Im not sure why it not working
someone who got bootloop with developer preview and can revert tell me please

by the way, I go to Samsung service center and they cant revert too
maybe it permanent brick :eck:

Strange, if its a software or firmware issue Samsung will definitely be able to fixed it. Even if there is hardware problem they should be able to fix as well. Is your phone still under warranty?

I had a similar problem back in May when I updated the WP 8.1 developer preview from WP 8 GDR 3. It when into continuous boot loop every one minute.

As my warranty was still valid and took it back to Samsung Service centre and they flashed it back to default WP 8 GDR1 (which was the official Hong Kong version in May 2014).
Thank you very much! :) Done! Just a little tip for Windows 8.1 Update 1 64 bit:
You need to disable the Win8 signed driver enforcement before installing the Samsung Windows Phone IO USB driver. Thanks again!
sal teodore..eu am reusit sa revert to wp8 dar cu alte programe..si firmware potrivit..da-mi private dak ai nevoie d ajutor
Has anybody tried this revert process with ATIV S model SGH-T889M? That's the model I have, and noticed there is a file on original poster's file share called "SGH-T889M VLCMK2_r_signed.wp8" for GDR3.
Hey guys I get a "Partition information is not equal." error.

The driver and everything installed fine.
OS Version: 8.10.14219.341
Firmware revision number: 2424.13.5.1

It gives me the option to "download all binary?" YES and NO.
I've opted for NO so far, is YES safe?

EDIT: I also wanted to revert to GDR2 as my firmware is very very old and I want to catch as many official updates as possible.

EDIT2: This is probably due to the little update that Windows Insider installs when you first register it. In THEORY I don't think it's a big problem, as Microsoft always hinted their "partition-stitching" technique, and loading a smaller, old WP8 GDR2 on my stitched, larger system partition should not be a problem? After all, the current OS does not take up all the partition either because it's just 8.1 Update 1, not 10. Unless they fill it with dummy files.

EDIT3: I yolo'd it and flashed GDR3 despite the partition size error. Worked perfectly!
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I think I might be screwed... I have installed W10M 10536 on my Ativ S and it is actually working pretty well. But now I want to revert back to WP8.1 and I just can't get the phone to be recognized by my computers. Both a Surface Pro 3 and a desktop PC running 8.1 Pro x64. I tried installing the driver with signature check disabled, the driver installs fine. But when I switch to download mode and plug my phone in the SMD download (v3.47/3.5/3.54) just stops responding...

I even tried running a virtual install of Windows 7 32-bit in Virtualbox and it installs the driver fine, but when I plug in the phone it still can't find a driver. Guess I'm stuck on W10M.
/!\ You must use SMD v3.54 in order to downgrade your phone from W10M to WP8.1.1 or you are going to brick it.
About SMD binary downloader crashing, I never encountered this problem... :S
Does it stop responding indefinitely? It's maybe a conflict with another program or an antivirus.
/!\ You must use SMD v3.54 in order to downgrade your phone from W10M to WP8.1.1 or you are going to brick it.
About SMD binary downloader crashing, I never encountered this problem... :S
Does it stop responding indefinitely? It's maybe a conflict with another program or an antivirus.

Sorry for the late reply.

Yeah, the SMD Binary Downloader 3.54 just stops responding indefinitely. Task Manager shows no activity, Windows Defender is disabled and any other software that might interfere is shutdown. Basically just running standard Windows services and programs.

It's really weird, because I have restored with the same software earlier from my Surface Pro 3, but I can't get it done anymore. The Binary Downloader does not recognize the phone except when I unplug it. The program will start responding then and show the left uppermost channel as "Disconnect Device!!!"
Did you try to completely uninstall the device (when in download mode) from the devices manager and then uninstall/reinstall the Samsung USB drivers?
I tried it on a laptop running Windows 7 owned by a friend and finally got it sorted yesterday. I still don't know what went wrong on my Surface Pro 3 and desktop PC, but happy to have 8.1 back on my Ativ ;).
Is there OS version higher than 8.10.14157.200 (2424.15.3.2) for Ativ S out there to flash?
Am looking for 8.10.15116.125 and above.

Can i use this combo when flash the phone?
GT-I8750 XXDOC2_RS_signed.wp8
By official means, no.
By faking your phone model, there are higher version than 8.10.14157.200 available.
And yes, you can. I even recommend you use this combo (it'll save you a lot of time).

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