[Guide] How to revert back to WP8 GDR3 from WP8.1 DP

I flashed my PH with 8.10.14203.306 (2424.15.3.2) for Ativ S, with GT-I8750 XXDOC2_RS_signed.wp8 and GT-I8750OXXCMK2_R_SIGNED.csc.
But it still would NOT update to the 8.10.14219.341
So am looking for 8.10.15116.125 and above files.

By faking phone model, wath you men with that?

Is there a Software for WPs there you can make a backup on your OS, setting, apps, sms, or wath ever you want to backup from your WPn, and then flash back to it again if something goes bad?
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I mean that you make your phone appears as another model (Lumia 930...) to the Windows update servers by editing your phone registry.
Note that you need to find a phone model that will receive the update your looking for. You can start with this guide.

And no, there are no such tools except the ones embedded in the WP system (especially for the system settings). There is one exception: the contacts can be saved on a SD card using a application Microsoft published in the store.
I tried this steps as he write

I recommend you at first do this*:
1. Flash CMJ1 with ATO CSC.
2. Install all latest updates (14157 with 2424.15.3.2 f/w).

"Done that i got 8.10.14157.200 with 2424.15.3.2"

* - If you updated the you phone to 14219 using Windows Insider - it's necessary!

"I cant install Windows Insider on Ativa S just Preview for delvelopers?"

Windows Insider after activating makes permanent changes to the system. So only hard reset or flash will help you. If you are not sure whether you can flash you phone - try at first simple hard reset.

"Done that does not help"

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