HTC beat Nokia at it's own game.

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I think am agreeing to this to some extent.

The Metro was all about slickness and content. It hides design in content yet content consumption is enhanced by design. Its minimal.

I can sat pretty much the same about the HTC's design.

Its slick. (Oh man its really slick) Its light. Its a mobile, not with a feature full design. The design doesn't pops out of the fact that its a mobile but when you look / feel it, it enhances the experiences. Seriously its minimal.

With Lumia that wasn't the case. Lumia design is bold, really bold and beautiful. Not slick and light. But that's makes it not to align with Metro. Its sharp cuts at top and bottom are just too awesome to feel, but those make it not-minimal.

You will keep feeling that you are handling such a gorgeous handset while using the mobile and you frequently temp to flaunt it to others to show its cuts, so its hardware design seriously pops out of the content.

Windows Phone is not just the colors. Its a design that is deliberately developed to be minimal to enhance content consumption.

And I feel HTC design follow the similar philosophy.

It is not just the colors in HTC. Its designs seem to be deliberately developed to forget that you are using a specific mobile, but just to use it.

I think with Lumia and its innovations, Windows Phone Platform became bold. With HTC, it has become philosophically rich. And with Sammy, I feel it will fill the hole of copying other old/traditional/Android style designs :lol:

Anyone agrees?
Are you guys done debating now? Let's see the score:

Poll - Nokia Lumia 920, HTC 8X, Samsung ATIV S, which will be yours? | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews

People appreciate innovations. It shows.

Unfortunately for Nokia, wanting a Lumia 920 does not translate into buying a Lumia 920 if it's not offered on their carrier of choice. HTC has committed to getting the 8X and 8S on 150 carriers in 50 countries. From what we here, Nokia is taking the opposite tact with the Lumia AT&T exclusive in the US, most likely, and similar arrangements elsewhere.

If both the Lumia 920 and the 8X were offered on US Cellular, I'd probably get the Lumia (withholding final judgment until I see them). But I place the 8X at about 85% likely to be on US Cellular, and I place the Lumia 920 at about 0.01% chance of being on US Cellular.
But one point I think. HTC 8S or 8X will surely outsell Lumia 820.

It's hard to call, but I find this more likely than any other WP device beating the L920. :)

a sig bet? I accept.


If I lose, I will state I am secretly in love with Apple products and Winterfang was right about Nokia being over-hyped junk.

If I win, you will have "Nokia saved WP... and my love for smartphones! Big Supes shows me right".

Ok but I'm making a banner saying "Winterfang was right". You will have to wear it for at least a month.

What's the bet.

Nokia 920 will sell better than HTC 8X or the ATIV or
Nokia lumia 920/820/822 will outsell the ATIV,8X and 8S combined?

You did say Nokia was going to destroy, I need to be sure now. So neither of us can back out.
How does that poll change anything? It just show the 920 is more popular in this site. That's all there is to it.
People on this site are very knowledgable about all the newly coming WP8 devices. They are less likely to be fooled by trolls than the general public. They are very particular and demanding for innovations. But I have to give HTC some credits though. I thought it would be polled below 10%. Nokia 920 wins in features - Display, Pureview technology, Wireless Chanrging and Nokia's excellent exclusive apps. HTC 8x wins in audio and weight. Apparently, the innovative features matter the most for most people.

There is another thing that separate Nokia from the crowd. HTC and Samsung are basically hardware only companies while Nokia is both a hardware and software company. You will get much better support service from Nokia in broader fronts. Their exclusive apps really show the quality. They have invested billions in camera technology and now it is time to rip the fruits as they deserve. People are appreciative of their efforts.
Unfortunately for Nokia, wanting a Lumia 920 does not translate into buying a Lumia 920 if it's not offered on their carrier of choice. HTC has committed to getting the 8X and 8S on 150 carriers in 50 countries. From what we here, Nokia is taking the opposite tact with the Lumia AT&T exclusive in the US, most likely, and similar arrangements elsewhere.

If both the Lumia 920 and the 8X were offered on US Cellular, I'd probably get the Lumia (withholding final judgment until I see them). But I place the 8X at about 85% likely to be on US Cellular, and I place the Lumia 920 at about 0.01% chance of being on US Cellular.

I agree with you I want a L920 but will not change my carrier to get it. so it's 8X on US T-MO. Also what did they not list the L820 and 8S In the poll?
Ok but I'm making a banner saying "Winterfang was right". You will have to wear it for at least a month.

What's the bet.

Nokia 920 will sell better than HTC 8X or the ATIV or
Nokia lumia 920/820/822 will outsell the ATIV,8X and 8S combined?

You did say Nokia was going to destroy, I need to be sure now. So neither of us can back out.

the 920/820 will outsell both within the quarter, but maybe not both the first month.
Nokia doesn't have a billion to spend on camera technology. Super LCD2 is arguable the best screen in the market and at that size the ppi should be nothing sort of mesmerizing. I wouldn't call Nokia for better screen yet.
the 920/820 will outsell both within the quarter, but maybe not both the first month.

Not if they're not made widely available.

It's pointless to speculate as to who will outsell whom until we know all the carriers for both. If the Lumia 920 is on several carriers and the 820 is with everyone, it may do extremely well. If the Lumia 920 is just on AT&T and the 820 is just on one or two carriers (think L900 and L710), HTC will probably dominate. We just don't know yet and you can't accurately predict until we do.

In Medford, almost nobody drives Infinitis and lots of people drive Acuras. Why? Is it because Acuras are sooooooo much better than Infinitis? Not at all. It's that there's an Acura dealer here but no Infiniti dealer within five hours. Same idea with smartphones and carriers.
We don't know yet, is best to make the bet now. I don't even know how Nokia did compared to HTC in Windows Phone 7.5 but I still say Nokia won't beat HTC and Samsung's offerings. And ill put a sig space on the line.
Screwing up in general. Bad sales, bad advertising, underwhelming devices.
The 8X and the 920 are kind of different to compared. They both have their pros and cons.

I don't know with bad sales but Nokia outsold other windows phone eoms in just few months, HTC's support was so lame! Been using this their product and never recommend it to anyone. There were some article here saying that the word "lumia" is alot popular than windows phone itself. The only advantage HTC have is weight and thickness.

Sent from my Radar C110e using Board Express
Like I always say, Nokia is just a bluff, they just want more attention and nothing else to recapture the US market and then they'll just go stale. To tell you the truth, they can never compare themselves to HTC and real techy pioneers will believe what I'm saying.
And if you really want the real Windows Phone Expierience, get an HTC. HTC is the NEXUS'S of Windows Phone.
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Honestly I don't care which OEM outsells whom as long as WP is selling. Lets try not to bash and flame each other over it like on previous pages in this thread.
Nokia doesn't have a billion to spend on camera technology. Super LCD2 is arguable the best screen in the market and at that size the ppi should be nothing sort of mesmerizing. I wouldn't call Nokia for better screen yet.
I meant to say that Nokia has invested billions in camera and mapping technology with a purchase of Navteq. Nokia is generously sharing the top notch Nokia Map with the whole Windows platform, otherwise the HTC and Samsung users will be stucked with the lowly rated Bing Map. But I won't do that if I'm running Nokia though. I will use Nokia Map, location services and the Pureview technology as the differentiators to leave all the Nokia's competitors in the dust. :)

The quality of display screen is not just based on the ppi count. The brightness, LCD speed and screen sensitivity are all added up to become PureMotion HD+.
Knock it off already Miller. Your ridiculous assertions about Nokia dropping the ball and putting WP8 in jeopardy are silly at the very least.

Your refutation isn't based on fact, but on fandom.

You want Nokia to succeed. I understand. Believe it or not, I want them to succeed too.

They're not succeeding. They're failing on every count that matters.

They need to get moving NOW. Period. End of story. No more excuses. Flawless execution. Pricing. Availability. ASAP. Or they're done.

Pretending otherwise and screaming down people who observe it won't change that fact one iota.

Living in a pleasant fantasy that things will work out OK even as the ship goes down didn't work for Commodore in 1993. It didn't work for Palm in 2010. And it won't work for Nokia in 2012.
I meant to say that Nokia has invested billions in camera and mapping technology with a purchase of Navteq. Nokia is generously sharing the top notch Nokia Map with the whole Windows platform

Nokia's getting licensing revenues from Microsoft for that map data, which likely fattens up those already large bailout payments that Redmond is sending to Espoo every quarter.
It's nobody's wish, and again, fact-based observation of Nokia's failure is not "hate." It's fact-based observation. Don't shoot the messenger!
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