List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Another nice touch was removed in 8.1 where when you began installing an app from the Store it immediately took you to the app list so you would know where it will be once fully installed. Now nothing happens and you have to exit the Store and hunt for the app in the app list afterwards.

Update: After the app installs there's a View option that will take to where it is in the app list. Not as simple as before but still nice they included it.

I actually like the new way better. I usually install apps in batches and the old way was too much back and forth.


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Jul 24, 2013
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I mentioned it in several threads as soon as I heard what was happening to the music and videos hub...and I got censored here. What a laugh...are people really that mesmerized by a voice telling them about a schedule they should already know that they can't see what they are losing? I will admit there are a lot of good added features in the 8.1 update, but is it necessary to take away stuff to add. I really loved the live tile for the music hub and the ability to use MPATool to choose what artist background picture would display there...everyone I showed this to was in awe...know it is just shock and awe.


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Aug 30, 2013
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All these great things they added into 8.1 was supposed to elevate wp but instead they butchered so much good about wp8 in the process.

xbox music
photos hub - fixing things that weren't broke
games in app list
bing vision taking extra steps
many other things mentioned in this thread

password still for kids corner
still no vibrate AND ring

This is only a "preview" in name and we all know that. Only the music can be fixed quickly since it is an app but it should not have shipped in this state in 8.1 to replace the current music+videos hub. I've known full well what to expect and happy with that but wasn't expecting to lose a lot of good about wp8 in the process.

Whats just as disappointing is WPC never hinted at any of this or even now mention these setbacks. I know they put a more positive spin to things and that is fine and expected but when stuff as obvious as this gets skipped over it doesn't do any good, people will find out anyway.

+1000000000 someone with a brain :D


Jan 3, 2013
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My four biggest gripes that make me pull my hair out.
  • Permanent status bar
  • No kids corner password change
  • Removal of OneDrive upload from the Photo's Hub
  • Removal of app integration from the Me Tile/hub (they did the same thing with WIndows 8.1 with removing facebook/flickr photos from the photo hub. Ridiculous.)

I understand the frustrations with many of the problems/changes listed. I also LOATHE most of them. But for the love of God, please give feedback to Microsoft regarding these issues. Just don't b**ch about them here, it does no good. Thanks.


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Apr 14, 2014
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One more thing :D The notifications center works when the phone is locked under a password, too. It allows anyone to see the previews and even to clear all the notifications, which kills the point of locking the phone in the first place. While you can prevent these from showing up, some of the buttons can still be used without unlocking the phone. I'm not sure I like that "feature" -.-


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Apr 3, 2014
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Ouch. I like the new additions, all the things that were added were added because of user feedback. Anything facebook related is facebook's fault. Beyond that, the people hub still works. The Music and Pictures hub....well....
Pictures hub change is a meh, it makes no difference as I always headed straught for Albums anyway. Music + Videos hub change? The music player's getting an update soon so I reserve my comment. It's the same as the WP8 version with some minor bug fixes. Beyond that, everything's fine for me. What bugs you?

What changes are coming to music?


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Aug 30, 2013
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I'm shocked to say that, but 8.1 seems to be a bit like Android..

Yep !!! There is nothing more that's keeping me at wp !!

Xbox live is also a another thing that kinda had some points but that's no longer being used

It seems if i could upgrade its gonna be android :'(
Fyi i hate android with a passion ill rather die before i use it !!


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Aug 30, 2013
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I'd say they're making it exactly like Android. The people hub and the "me" tile were the best parts, followed by the pictures hub (to me, anyway), and now they are all effectively ruined :D I turned Cortana off, as well as the terrible Facebook app (I left it installed, because it has to be there, as you know, but I prevented it from running in the background, so now I don't get Facebook notifications) and the notifications center is meh at best (we had live tiles for that).

I don't mind them adding stuff, but removing stuff is just silly. I'll wait till the end of the year and then see if I stick to this or go back to Apple.

Also, the notifications center doesn't understand when the screen is rotated, so when you are in landscape mode, it slides from the side instead from the top :D Really, ffs :D

The good thing I did find is that the HTML5 version of Grooveshark site now skips to the next song in the queue when the screen is locked, but I really will rarely need that, anyway.

The problem with the update is that they removed a lot of functionality, and there is no justification for that (also, maintaining Facebook integration now has to be done in two places - in the app and in the OS that uses the app). I can't understand how the Facebook application is sooo terrible.

Oh well, rant over. Hopefully they put the things back as they were, otherwise, this is just another app launcher and nothing else, and for that, I might as well use Apple again.

+1000000 LOL
By the way what's ffs ? :D


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May 15, 2013
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I dislike how I have to have location services on for Cortana to work, otherwise it just reverts to Bing.

I also don't like how if I have a notification for multiple emails, and I tap it to go in once I do anything with that initial email it takes me to the home screen. Not like I wanted to read the OTHER new emails or anything. I have to open the email app again. Just a hassle to have to relaunch the app.


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Apr 3, 2014
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One more thing :D The notifications center works when the phone is locked under a password, too. It allows anyone to see the previews and even to clear all the notifications, which kills the point of locking the phone in the first place. While you can prevent these from showing up, some of the buttons can still be used without unlocking the phone. I'm not sure I like that "feature" -.-

Open settings --> notifications+actions --> there is a tickbox under the shortcut boxes - "show notifications in action centre when my phone is locked"

Bingo :)


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Apr 14, 2014
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Open settings --> notifications+actions --> there is a tickbox under the shortcut boxes - "show notifications in action centre when my phone is locked"

Bingo :)

Yeah, the notifications, but the buttons part (wi-fi, bluetooth etc) is still there and some of them work without the password.

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