List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Sep 3, 2013
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Trust me. I can whine a lot harder. But it's all good. Microsoft already lost me as a customer going forward. This new direction they're taking Windows Phone in is a complete joke. It's just a deficient version of Android now.
I speculate if they ever had you as a customer. 29 Pages and all I've heard from you is constant whining and complaining about everything (Mostly Music). I can understand it may be annoying but others are looking at the positives or other features and all you're doing is bashing the music app, and Microsoft over and over. You're starting to sound like a broken record. :straight:


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Jul 29, 2013
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At least a broken record can play music. One thing Xbox Music certainly can't do right...

And it's fine. You can judge me all you want, but I did get two people to switch to Windows Phone from Android. It's too bad. They took a lot of potential in Windows Phone 8 and are really dropping the ball with it.


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Jan 31, 2013
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I speculate if they ever had you as a customer. 29 Pages and all I've heard from you is constant whining and complaining about everything (Mostly Music). I can understand it may be annoying but others are looking at the positives or other features and all you're doing is bashing the music app, and Microsoft over and over. You're starting to sound like a broken record. :straight:

There are many here that keep doing that. They seem to not understand how things work in terms of development. Like you have stated, this is an OS upgrade, the APP upgrades follow. This COULD have just been the most STABLE form of XBOX music. They stagger releases to allow major/minor bugs to show themselves so they arent OVERWHELMED by issues. I for one love how often we get updates from M$. I'm not deep into the other ecosystems out there, but M$ seems to update the most frequent. Ohh well you cant please everyone, I for one would LOVE to see some of these complainers take their attitude elsewhere.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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It only searches for music one time... then everytime you open it it checks for any new music or music that's removed. App is still usable, and it only takes 2 seconds. I dont know what you mean by "retagging" in the windows 8 version, but ive never had any of these issues.

Force what to sync against your will? Are you talking about when you plug your phone into your computer? All you have to do is check the box that says manually select folders.

Still confused by what you mean here... Shouldn't all of your music already be "tagged" with the correct artists/album/song name... Does none of your music have this info in it already? Never seen this EVER. I have almost 300GB of music and it all works in the PC version without issue. I have it organized very well tho in the directory.

More of your typical posts... They are always so difficult to read. I really dont understand what you are doing here half the time.

Since you cannot read and comprehend words without having it dumbed down like a child, I'll cover each issue in the simplest form possible (and I start with the snarky comment because you can't have a civilized discussion to save your life):

1. Tapped the Music tile, took about 8 seconds just for THAT to open, noticeably slower than the Music+Video tile. Tap "artists," and it took 19 seconds to load. I could get from the home screen and into the "artists" tabs in under 5 seconds on GDR3. It took another 23 seconds before it populated all of the artists into the app. It's now been more than 2 minutes, and it STILL says "Loading..." I even tried it a second time. THAT time, it took only 3 seconds to get the app open (which is totally tolerable), but it took 36 seconds to get the artists populated on my device this time. This wasn't even a TASK with GDR3, it just opened immediately and was ready to play.

2. When you first open the app, the app tries to sync to the cloud, and it starts pulling improperly-tagged music onto the device. If you don't switch it to only look locally, the stuff you already have on your device is going to get screwed up.

3. Yes, my music is meticulously tagged properly. I had it all tagged properly before I got Windows 8 back in October 2012. However, when I got that, Xbox Music decided it knew my music better than I did, so it re-tagged a bunch of it...incorrectly. And not kind-of incorrectly, like a different artist, track name, album name, genre, and decade of release wrong. If what you listen to isn't in the Xbox Music catalog, it'll try to guess your music into something totally different. So I went and installed MusicBee, and re-tagged everything with it (some of it could be done automatically, but a lot--mostly the genres--had to be done manually). Xbox Music isn't tagging untagged music, it's re-tagging already-tagged music. I can only really give an example visually, so here:

The Chariot.png

That is the same band, yet it comes up on Xbox Music as two artists (I had to use the web version to show you because I blocked the mobile and PC versions from tagging from the Internet because of this).

4. That's because you have no eyes to see. You take everything from Microsoft and love it unconditionally, so you pass off any dissension as "confusion" or "hatred."

Sorry, Microsoft's screwing up a lot of stuff in Windows Phone 8.1, it's becoming NO better than Android for what I use my device for (games and music). If you're big on the other stuff, it might not be the case, but my use case for this OS is getting thrown in the garbage, and it's not even because changing it makes anything better for the masses. How does removing the ability to delete games from the Games hub help anyone? I could tolerate putting the games in the app list a bit because I understand the familiarity to Android would help some during the transition. I could understand integrating the online features of Xbox Music to the mobile app, but why does that mean that I have to wait up to a minute to get my music loaded into the app locally?

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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It'll probably get updated soon hopefully. Even the games app received an update just now
Also to confirm, after the initial frustrating pull (which I waited out by backing away from my phone), it moves as fast as the old one. I have an 8.0 phone and an 8.1 phone and can't imagine going back to 8.0


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Jul 29, 2013
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There are many here that keep doing that. They seem to not understand how things work in terms of development. Like you have stated, this is an OS upgrade, the APP upgrades follow. This COULD have just been the most STABLE form of XBOX music. They stagger releases to allow major/minor bugs to show themselves so they arent OVERWHELMED by issues. I for one love how often we get updates from M$. I'm not deep into the other ecosystems out there, but M$ seems to update the most frequent. Ohh well you cant please everyone, I for one would LOVE to see some of these complainers take their attitude elsewhere.

You want us to take our attitude... out of the thread dedicated to the problems with Windows Phone 8.1? I'm not in the positive threads bashing up a storm. I'm containing it. I'm glad you're loving the update and you see the potential it has. Not everybody feels that way. If you don't want to read it, then you don't have to. Trust me, I'm not going to start sending you private messages with my complaints.


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Sep 3, 2013
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At least a broken record can play music. One thing Xbox Music certainly can't do right...

And it's fine. You can judge me all you want, but I did get two people to switch to Windows Phone from Android. It's too bad. They took a lot of potential in Windows Phone 8 and are really dropping the ball with it.
As I said my Xbox Music is now working fine, and I know I've heard other users that don't have issues. I'm beginning to think this is something on your end and you either refuse to try fixing it, or just don't even care to. Worst case you could use Nokia Mix Radio like I originally said and that will play all your local music fine.


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Sep 3, 2013
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You want us to take our attitude... out of the thread dedicated to the problems with Windows Phone 8.1? I'm not in the positive threads bashing up a storm. I'm containing it. I'm glad you're loving the update and you see the potential it has. Not everybody feels that way. If you don't want to read it, then you don't have to. Trust me, I'm not going to start sending you private messages with my complaints.
I'd think to think people in this thread could also contribute to troubleshooting. It sounds like a lot of the things people don't "like" are issues that aren't associated with the OS, or are issues that can be fixed but they just haven't found the option how to.


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Jul 29, 2013
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As I said my Xbox Music is now working fine, and I know I've heard other users that don't have issues. I'm beginning to think this is something on your end and you either refuse to try fixing it, or just don't even care to. Worst case you could use Nokia Mix Radio like I originally said and that will play all your local music fine.

Go check out the other 500 complaints in this thread about Xbox Music that didn't come from me, as well as my "Concerned about Xbox Music" thread. I'm not the only person with these issues, and thinking so is ignorant. It just sounds like you want to be right.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I speculate if they ever had you as a customer. 29 Pages and all I've heard from you is constant whining and complaining about everything (Mostly Music). I can understand it may be annoying but others are looking at the positives or other features and all you're doing is bashing the music app, and Microsoft over and over. You're starting to sound like a broken record. :straight:

Thing is, read the title of this thread. This thread IS FOR COMPLAINTS. I'm sure there are threads for the positives, and that's where those points go. The OP made this thread for folks to voice their opinions on what the negatives of 8.1 are. Just because we post our complaints in here doesn't mean that there aren't things that we like, it just means that we are keeping the thread on-topic.
I can tell people the positives about the update, but this isn't a tread for the positives. That, and the positives don't really help me, as Cortana doesn't offer any features I use. Maybe I'll discover uses for that aspect of the OS later, but right now, all I need is Bing search, and they've downgraded the quality of it by removing the lockscreen access.

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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Go check out the other 500 complaints in this thread about Xbox Music that didn't come from me, as well as my "Concerned about Xbox Music" thread. I'm not the only person with these issues, and thinking so is ignorant. It just sounds like you want to be right.

Xbox Music did not change at all from the preview version (actually got more stable, but besides thatP). The 8.1 app is shown on the website but not finished yet. Windows Phone 8.1 and Cortana | Windows Phone (United States)


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Apr 8, 2012
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Sharing Absolutely Sucks Now!!! What used to be way cool and easy to post videos via link (the video would actually show up on facebook) and website articles (name of the article would show up on facebook) just sucks now and just shows links!!!


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Jul 29, 2013
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Xbox Music did not change at all from the preview version (actually got more stable, but besides thatP). The 8.1 app is shown on the website but not finished yet. Windows Phone 8.1 and Cortana | Windows Phone (United States)

As much as I would like to believe that Microsoft will fix and improve the Xbox Music app, I just can't say I have much faith anymore. I don't see what they do right anymore. Any of the features of the past year that I've liked have been of Nokia's invention (Glance, the Pro Camera app) or from 3rd party app developers (Music Drop).


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Jan 31, 2013
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I'm sorry to me it seems like your music is the issue not the program and I'll leave it at that. Like i said I have over 300GB of music (My uncle is a wedding DJ and gets most if not all of his music from me). I am very anal about my music collection and how its organized. i've never had any re-tagging issues ever. Is your music on an SD card, sounds like slow read speeds, like i said to a previous poster it could be that you need a firmware update that hasnt come down yet. I have 10 GB of music on my phone the initial loading of the songs into the app maybe took 1 min (everything is local on the phones HDD), after that everything has worked fine.

If the inability to uninstall games from the games hub makes you "throw this OS in the garbage" I feel for you. You are 100% the person who should not be an early adopter. Wait for your carrier to push this update to you, when the apps have been updated as well.

I have my own issues with this update, but overall I'm more happy then mad and I'm able to give the company/developers TIME to fix issues rather then ***** and moan the way you write your posts. Its one thing to say. I dont like that i have to go to the app list to uninstall games, its another to write. ZOMG NOW THIS OS IS A POS BECAUSE IT MIGHT TAKE ME 5 MORE SECONDS TO DO WHAT I WANTED TO DO! after you figure it out, then it wont even take you the 5 seconds.


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Sep 3, 2013
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Go check out the other 500 complaints in this thread about Xbox Music that didn't come from me, as well as my "Concerned about Xbox Music" thread. I'm not the only person with these issues, and thinking so is ignorant. It just sounds like you want to be right.
I'm not really sure what else to say, I already stated the app isn't working because it isn't optimized for WP8.1 and that is exactly why these issues are occurring. Those other threads also ignore this as well, people think that Xbox Music is updated now and it just sucks but the truth is, this is the same app as before except it's worse off because it's on a new OS. Once the WP8.1 version arrives all of these issues will be fixed, and I know people think that should have arrived with this update but again this update wasn't targeted towards consumers. If you had waited and downloaded the official Windows Phone 8.1 update that app would have been fine and you would have never known there were any issues.

As I said before go use Nokia Mix Radio. It works completely fine and is a great alternative until Xbox Music is updated.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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As I said my Xbox Music is now working fine, and I know I've heard other users that don't have issues. I'm beginning to think this is something on your end and you either refuse to try fixing it, or just don't even care to. Worst case you could use Nokia Mix Radio like I originally said and that will play all your local music fine.

I actually just gave this a try. The problem with Xbox Music is that it's really slow to load music, and Nokia Mix Radio's actually no faster about it. I tried just pinning its "My Music" tile to the Start screen, and it either took longer than Xbox Music to launch, or it crashed. IDK if it's because Nokia needs to update its app for 8.1 or what, but it turned out to not be a suitable alternative. There might be an app that is (I know I saw a few other apps that handled the local library over time), but I don't have one I have found yet.


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Jan 31, 2013
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You want us to take our attitude... out of the thread dedicated to the problems with Windows Phone 8.1? I'm not in the positive threads bashing up a storm. I'm containing it. I'm glad you're loving the update and you see the potential it has. Not everybody feels that way. If you don't want to read it, then you don't have to. Trust me, I'm not going to start sending you private messages with my complaints.

Posting complaints and issues are different then bashing. This update has been out for what 30 hours and you're already taking it out to pasture. I'm not targeting the users who are not writing bash pieces only the ones who seem incapable of looking at the big picture, and only targeting the issues I SEE as either USER ERROR, or pointing out that you may need other updates too. There is a reason this OS upgrade hasn't gone to the public and you have to VOLUNTEER to get it. You are beta testing, your posts should be BUG REPORTS not spewing hatred.


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Dec 31, 2012
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All I can say is that on my Lumia 521 the Music app ran fine and was snappy before, just like the People hub was a quick way to get to FB statuses and comments.

With the Xbox Music update and need to have FB apps for Messaging and/or viewing status updates and comments, the phone suddenly feels incredibly slow (it literally took me 45 seconds just to start a song this morning - the song that was the most recently played!). Yes, I will upgrade, etc, etc. But the point of the Windows Phone OS was always its light footprint and integration. That is gone. Good or bad, is up to you, but it's an indisputable fact that it's gone.

I hope the optimists are right and that we'll get new apps that are snappier and with more features (that IS the point of the de-integration after all, right?) soon. But for now, in these major areas, WP8.1 is worse, FOR ME. There are tons of small and little things I love about the update, and if I didn't use it much for music and/or had a slightly faster phone for the FB app maybe I wouldn't care. The change in philosophy behind the OS is still not something I feel great about though.

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