List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Dec 31, 2012
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Quick question. Where is the background tasks menu which used to be next to the applications tab in the settings part? You know the area which let you know which apps were allowed to run in the background and you could toggle them to be on or off?
Battery Settings app, in the app list


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Jul 29, 2013
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1. The Lumia 920 does not have an SD slot.
2. I have 16.92 GB of music on my device (according to the phone).
3. Comparing wedding DJ music to my music isn't the best of moves. I'm guessing that music is almost entirely popular music that Xbox Music has in its library and has been on the radio over the years and so on. However, I have probably 5-10 artists in my library that likely aren't on Xbox Music, and that gives it a fit, as it'll try to turn that music into a something else if I don't stop it.
4. My music tagging issues are 100% the fault of Xbox Music. If I'm not on their "cloud," I'm 100% fine. It never had a problem on my Zune. It never had a problem on the Zune software. MusicBee handled it perfectly. My Droid Incredible had no issue. My device on GDR3 had no problem with it. My device on 8.1 has no issue, once I get it off of "the cloud."
5. You misread my statement. I never said that the OS should be in the garbage, I'm saying the way I use the OS is begin put in the garbage by these changes. If I break down my device usage, it's probably about like this:

60% Music
10% Games
10% Texting
8% Internet Searching
7% Internet Browsing
4% Calling
1% Other

The 8.1 update has made my experience with music, games, and Internet searching worse. That covers 78% of my device usage (very rough estimates). The texting's POTENTIALLY better (depends on how I adjust to the idea of swipe-based texting), so maybe 10% of my usage is improved. The rest is untouched, or 12%. So, if 78% is worse, 12% is unchanged, and 10% is MAYBE better, then the best-case scenario (if we weight this all evenly) would have the device at 68% worse.

Regardless, you decide to deal solely in absolutes, where as I do not. I've said that this ARE problems, and that the update IS bad. I've not said that they will ALWAYS be problems, or that this will ALWAYS be bad. It's the same thing as with the Xbox One. I made it clear that in its original state, I wasn't touching it. Everyone took that as my saying that I'd never get a One, but when it improved, I got it. As I said, if I had the chance, I'd be back on GDR3. I won't recommend updating the device to anyone I know. If it improves, then my opinion will change. However, I'm not going to make my opinion on the present based on an unforeseeable future.

So, as it stands, this update IS bad. It might not be bad when it officially releases, but I'm not going to say that the update is good now because it might be good later, given that we have 0 information on what will be changed by release. I mean, you obviously give them time, but when you take something that's good for 18 months and break it, it's hard to say "sure, I'll wait 6 more months to get what I had before."

I just needed to quote this for truth.

Ben Willson

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Jun 18, 2013
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1) the app list totally killing the purpose of the hubs (namely the game hub) i.e. it shows every flipping app rather than grouping games and such in the appropriate hub only -- at least give us an option to change it back
2) the game hub reloads every flipping time it opens -- have they never heard of caching the list so it loads faster
3) the most recent apps in the game hub are GONE
4) Cannot uninstall or pin to start from the game hub any more.
5) Live sight difficult to get to.

Arya Satya

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Mar 13, 2013
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I really miss the twitter/facebook/linkedin native integration. Now, I have no way to share some article simultaneously to these 3 social media :(

Chris Sandiford

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Jun 30, 2013
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Another nice touch was removed in 8.1 where when you began installing an app from the Store it immediately took you to the app list so you would know where it will be once fully installed. Now nothing happens and you have to exit the Store and hunt for the app in the app list afterwards.

Update: After the app installs there's a View option that will take to where it is in the app list. Not as simple as before but still nice they included it.
Even when you leave the store, newly installed apps are marked in your apps list as new until you've used them for the first time.


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May 21, 2013
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App list
Dont like games being showed there

I also loathe this. Them previously being all organized under the Games Hub was more than adequate. I don't need 3 dozen games cluttering up my app list. So dumb. Is it possible to turn off this "feature"? Whoever thought that would be a good idea?


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Feb 21, 2013
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I don't like it that the apps listed in telephone or sd-storage are not alphabeticly sorted and there is no jumplist. Makes it hard to find an app quickly


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Sep 28, 2009
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So you're done with Windows Phone because of this?

Do Android(Stock I mean) have this feature properly integrated into the OS like WP8 originally was?
So you're going to leave WP because you can't update a status which means you're likely will migrate to another OS which is even less integrated with FB, Twitter, Linked in and doesn't allow you to do it all at the same time?

makes PERFECT SENSE....that was sarcasm btw.

Actually, you do have this with 3rd party Apps for Android... Take HootSuite for example. You can post to 5 different social pages at once without paying a cent - all from a widget on your home page. This one is close to a deal breaker for me as well since I love double posting to Twitter and Facebook. I love the third row, don't really care about the notification center and probably won't use Cortana too much... Overall, the update is just decent so far. I haven't updated my daily driver yet, but we will see.


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Apr 6, 2014
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Another nice touch was removed in 8.1 where when you began installing an app from the Store it immediately took you to the app list so you would know where it will be once fully installed. Now nothing happens and you have to exit the Store and hunt for the app in the app list afterwards.

Update: After the app installs there's a View option that will take to where it is in the app list. Not as simple as before but still nice they included it.

I actually hated this. I mean come on, you want to install 8-10 apps at once (say, hard reset and you don't want to restore), and you have to press back twice after each install? It's just stupid.
Of course on the other hand, that way you had the option to get there immediately. So I think, this is again a double-sided coin, and it *could* be an option, but it shouldn't. I believe there are only a few people who actually liked this.


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Jan 23, 2013
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I missed the Facebook integration so much! I can't like a post, reply to a post, not even read comments etc. Can't check my notification from Me tile, can't upload my pic and tag someone by just three clicks. Everything need to do through the Facebook app, and it's really laggy and ugly!

I also missed the beautiful picture hub, the new one is so ugly and "normal".

Another hub again, sure will be the Music hub, I missed all those music related apps which place under Music hub for easy launching.

Bing vision used to be a very convenient function, now ...

Seems WP8.1 are going backing in many ways, MS just took away all those unique features which make WP different from other OS. Now it's all about apps! I need to launch a app for almost every task. Please at least bring back Facebook / Twitter integration!

By the way, action center and notification are good features, but I thought they would do it a different way other than this Android way. I also like quiet hour.


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Oct 12, 2011
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What I don't like:
1-Text is too small on my 1520, calendar appointments, notifications. I got this phone so I wouldn't have to get reading glasses, lease allow for adjustment of scaling.
2-Music app, wtf, please set up app like the store with new releases and ability to sort by genre.
3-Very difficult to set up volumes with a central volume control tab. Maybe theres one but I couldn't find it.


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Apr 11, 2014
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A quote from about music hub

"Thankfully, Microsoft has informed us that it will bring this particular Live Tile back in the future. Unfortunately, the Hub itself won’t be making a return –Microsoft split up the various audio apps to make them easier to update without the requirement of a full system upgrade– but at least the Live Tile will (eventually) come back."


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Feb 25, 2013
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I've come to the conclusion that the only thing I don't like is that all my games are sprayed across my applist even though I ALWAYS go to my games hub to play games anyway, so those games in my applist are just making the list longer and more clustered :(
Seriously who at the wp dev team thought this was a good idea???


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Jun 19, 2012
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Overall besides my temper tantrum at how crappy the Music app is I quite like Windows Phone 8.1
Think I'm going to start doing some price browsing and pick up a L1520 in the coming week. :excited:

Agreed. I like almost everything, love much of it, and am only frustrated about a few (xbox music, decreasing integration, and games in the app list).

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