List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Sep 26, 2013
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if your native apps aren't working it is because the app needs an update for 8.1, microsoft are bringing it soon, my games app just got update, not sure what the changes are but it seems a bit faster at loading my games list, don't expect to get a developers preview and all apps work fine, thats crazy.


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Jun 19, 2012
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They don't have a good track record of doing that.

Much of what was added this time around was exactly what people were asking for (notifications center, quiet hours, etc.). I suspect when they see how many people are upset at what was lost, they will bring some of it back in short order.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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So, wait, I can't sync music properly on 8.1 either? I have to do it by track...I can't go and grab an artist's folder? Is this the case for anyone else?

The drag-and-drop option's there, I guess, but that's not an ideal alternative. WHY DO THEY DO THESE THINGS?


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Aug 30, 2011
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Hopefully all of y'all issues get worked out. But I know how my personality is: when new things are released, I stay away from the forums. I hate the onslaught of constant complaining and in turn, makes me not enjoy the experience. I know this is a forum, which also means it's a place for folks to vent and post their issues, but the first week or so of a new product/update is overwhelming.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Hopefully all of y'all issues get worked out. But I know how my personality is: when new things are released, I stay away from the forums. I hate the onslaught of constant complaining and in turn, makes me not enjoy the experience. I know this is a forum, which also means it's a place for folks to vent and post their issues, but the first week or so of a new product/update is overwhelming.

I agree when new products launch. However, taking perfectly-functional products and breaking them (Xbox Music, Games hub) is a different story.


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Jan 21, 2012
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Microsoft it seems like to break **** on new releases...seems that way from 8.0 to 8.1. and it was that way from Xbox 360 to Xbox one. Like how do you have something working great and then break it.


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Aug 30, 2011
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I agree when new products launch. However, taking perfectly-functional products and breaking them (Xbox Music, Games hub) is a different story.

However, on the old Xbox music, I couldn't create playlists, which is something that is present. I don't personally care for a live tile of what I'm listening to, but I don't care for the lag at the moment, which I'm sure will get worked on. Along with the duplicates


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Feb 26, 2014
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On my Lumia 620 (wp 8.1 preview), I now can't play flash videos in a plethora of sites.

It shows on the flash player screen: "Error: unsupported video type or invalid file path".

A couple of days ago I had no problem playing the videos froma the same sites. WP 8.1 update or some coincidental change in flash playeron these sites?

Kram Sacul

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Mar 4, 2013
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I actually hated this. I mean come on, you want to install 8-10 apps at once (say, hard reset and you don't want to restore), and you have to press back twice after each install? It's just stupid.
Of course on the other hand, that way you had the option to get there immediately. So I think, this is again a double-sided coin, and it *could* be an option, but it shouldn't. I believe there are only a few people who actually liked this.

I understand where you're coming from. I'm actually okay with the change now as they give the option to view where the app goes in the app list after you've installed. It even has the same smooth transition animation. It's also cool that they added "new" text right below the app you just installed.

Why couldn't all the changes they made be this good? If you're going to change something always have an option

Zomby Jeezus

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Mar 18, 2013
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I am having serious battery draining issues since the update. I we went into battery sense and went down to the bare bones. I am charging my phone now and it is still draining. All day long my outlook and google email accounts have been syncing. I think this may be the issue. My outlook account FINALLY synced a short while ago. My GOOGLE account is still syncing and I believe is the culprit for the battery drain. I am still switching email accounts to outlook,I know.. I still rely on google. I am wondering if others are having syncing problems with google email? 1020 on att. I can't delete the account while it is syncing, so my damn battery will continue to drain. Any ideas??

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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However, on the old Xbox music, I couldn't create playlists, which is something that is present. I don't personally care for a live tile of what I'm listening to, but I don't care for the lag at the moment, which I'm sure will get worked on. Along with the duplicates

Oh, my issue is that it simply won't allow me to play my music. I'm trying taking it all off and putting it back on, hoping it'll fix it. However, I was getting an error code that the Internet said was a "Cannot connect to Xbox Music" error, even though I was trying to play local tracks.


May 15, 2013
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having used WP8.1 for just under three days and there a few things that I don't like at all:
  1. No on/off toggles for xbox music, video and games hub sync under applications in settings these were a battery hog in wp8.0.. hence always had them off
  2. There is no background agent for the games hub - evident by the fact the damn thing updates every time it is opened and throws an error if there is no data connection.
  3. Still no stop button.. I found the now playing bar to be a battery hog on wp8.0 so time will tell if it still is however it is still annoying we have to a separate app just for a stop button :angry:.
  4. Games on the app list having them only on the games hub was a cleaner solution and we previously could pin them from the games hub now we can't. If you press and hold you only get the option to rate and review. Uninstall can only be done from the app list now which is really perplexing.
    [*}The change of the screenshot combination... now it is more awkward using the volume up and power key and less efficient as you need to reach across the screen to press the power key. Imagine doing that on the 1520..
  5. The notification icon clears when you visit the action centre even when you have "unread" notifications - I was half expecting it to show a persistent count of unread notifications.

Minor gripes
  1. There are still discrepancies between storage sense and the storage checker released by Nokia. For example my other storage has spiked from 400 mb to 1.1gb according the nokia storage checker but it is sitting comfortably at 62.31mb according to storage sense :grincry:
  2. This is a minor one but shouldn't be there - pressing next in nokia music shows "unknown artist" for a few seconds before switching to the next song wasn't there in wp8.0
  3. Storage sense, games hub update on every resume..

Will update this post if I find anything else after a few more days of usage.


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Aug 14, 2011
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The new people hub. It's kind of ruined. Every time you tap on a news item in order to get a bit more detail (eg. Try to view comments on a facebook post) it sends you to the facebook app. Very annoying. The people hub was awesome, and is now a pain to use.


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May 16, 2013
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I think the only things Im really wanting still are:

1. Ability to change the volume of notification sounds separate from ringtones. I don't always like my ringtones to be very loud but prefer notifications to be louder.
2. Ability to move to next email when deleted. This is something I really miss from other platforms. When Im reading an email and delete it why am I forced to go back to the email list? Give me the option to proceed to the next newest email!


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Aug 15, 2012
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Onedrive only can be logged on with the main (the one you set up the phone with) Microsoft account. The previous version of Onedrive let you sign into any Microsoft account...:cry:

Dang, I have it set up so that my wife's pics back up to my OneDrive account automatically. Now I'm gonna have to do all that sharing and shuffling crap. Awesome, thanks Microsoft...

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