List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


Jan 14, 2011
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me too, cortona isn't made for the uk so i won't use it until it is released world wide

I dont see the big issue with xbox music... all of my music is there, plays fine. I do miss the live tile(ive got to imagine this is a bug...)

All of my music is here too... twice over!!!! Not sure what happened but after the 8.1 update all my music had clones made and im seeing double. Now on my surface too! Happened after letting the app update the songs list. :( Wow. Just Wow.)


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Jun 8, 2013
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No more precision cursor placement. That was one of my absolute favorite features in WP. Hold your finger on any text box, and the cursor would flow above it to be placed right where you needed to make a change. Now it just has dragging through text like Android, hidden by your very finger. Why would the get rid of such unique, useful feature! No steps backward please!


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Aug 8, 2011
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I missed the Facebook integration so much! I can't like a post, reply to a post, not even read comments etc. Can't check my notification from Me tile, can't upload my pic and tag someone by just three clicks. Everything need to do through the Facebook app, and it's really laggy and ugly!

I also missed the beautiful picture hub, the new one is so ugly and "normal".

Another hub again, sure will be the Music hub, I missed all those music related apps which place under Music hub for easy launching.

Bing vision used to be a very convenient function, now ...

Seems WP8.1 are going backing in many ways, MS just took away all those unique features which make WP different from other OS. Now it's all about apps! I need to launch a app for almost every task. Please at least bring back Facebook / Twitter integration!

By the way, action center and notification are good features, but I thought they would do it a different way other than this Android way. I also like quiet hour.

^^ THIS! The unique Windows Phone Hubs are being dismantled as we speak. They have chosen for being the 3rd to take the app-approach instead of their strong hubs-centered experience. Where has that content-up-front/hub mentality gone? Bring it back!


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Feb 25, 2013
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it's not hidden by your finger because you click on the little circle below the text... imo its way faster and way easier now


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Feb 25, 2013
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@Stephen Pedersen
I'm torn on this one, on one hand they got rid of the awesome parallax background but they also made it faster to get to your photos :/


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Jun 8, 2013
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it's not hidden by your finger because you click on the little circle below the text... imo its way faster and way easier now

I get that, but that little circle is so close to the actual text that, at least my thumb, obscures it. I just found the old cursors distance made f for easier placement. It was unique, and while they could have reduced the hold time, I like it much better than Androids way.


Jan 14, 2011
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me too, cortona isn't made for the uk so i won't use it until it is released world wide

I really miss the twitter/facebook/linkedin native integration. Now, I have no way to share some article simultaneously to these 3 social media :(

I have to admit this is numero uno for me! I used this posting feature EVERY DAY. There is really no reason for me to keep the ME tile on my screen anymore other than to look at my image flip over.


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Feb 25, 2013
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I get that, but that little circle is so close to the actual text that, at least my thumb, obscures it. I just found the old cursors distance made f for easier placement. It was unique, and while they could have reduced the hold time, I like it much better than Androids way.

but you know that you don't have to hold your finger on the circle, you can just swipe it down a little once you clicked on the circle.
usually I'm also in favor of uniqueness but when we're talking about these tiny features I prefer to have the best and easiest way instead of a unique and not as good way :p
I respect your opinion but it is hard for me to understand why you think the old way is better... it was so annoying having to ''tap and hold'' every single time you put the cursor in the wrong place...


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Apr 15, 2014
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The update deleted all my contacts! I wasn't using People tile, only contacts book on phone tile, and when I checked there were no contacts, only phone numbers in history of calls. Man i thought I'm lost. I wanted to try hard reset, but I wondered, I have backuped apps + settings right before updating, but I wasn't sure if it includes contacts. if I would restore settings after hard reset. Does any one have experience with that ? Are contacts included in the backup? Luckily i had one backup from Android times on my google account so I miss just few new contacts i added in past weeks.

Thans for answer


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Nov 19, 2012
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What I really like:

1/ Third column. Awesome even though icons are slightly smaller.
2/ Notification center. Nice.
3/ Cortana. Excellent stuff.

What I really don't like:

1/ Websites pinned to home screen is a roulette a) it could be just an icon b) a thumbnail of current view c) live tiles - BUT you don't know what you'll get. I tried pinning product listings from and got two identical Amazon logo. I tried pinning an article from wpcentral and got the live tiles. I tried pinning a traffic website and actually got a thumbnail (which is what I like). I really don't want live tiles for websites. I like the old thumbnail of the current view.

2/ Tabs in IE 11 move around a lot more often. The active tab is automatically in position 1 shifting every other tabs. Adding in a new tab adds to position 1 instead of last, again, changing the positions of every other tabs. It's like musical chair. The old IE 10 was sane. The order is always the same except when you CLOSE a tab. This is far more logical.

3/ IE 11 seems to reload much more often than IE 10. In fact, I don't remember IE 10 ever reload a website even when all 6 tabs are populated (unless I restart the phone).

4/ No Agenda view. The Agenda view was useful because you actually click on the time slots and immediately add your event. You don't have to click the "+" sign to add and then having to enter the date and time. Clicking on the slot does that automatically.

5/ Facebook integration was the best thing in WP7/8. This is sadly gone. The FB is still, after seemingly a year, lag and slow like a dog. I can no longer just tag people in the Hub. I can no longer reply to comments easy and quickly.

6/ Today was the FIRST TIME I have seen the built-in email client to "Loading..." screen. I have never seen this screen for built-in apps before. Why are we seeing this more "advanced WP 8.1"?

7/ Xbox Music and Xbox Video. It's programmed by 12-year old kids. How did they make the built-in Music app this much worst? Why is it always "signing in" when run it?

8/ Photo hub. Was once beautiful. Now dull and ugly. I do not want the "all" tab. I just want to see the "camera roll". Anything else doesn't belong there. The old segregation was perfect. I do like the new dates and sorting but that's about it.

9/ I can NO LONGER upload photos to OneDrive (SkyDrive). If I select a picture or multiple pictures, I don't have an option to upload to OneDrive. I used this many times to store full-resolution copies of important pictures. This is now gone. What is the WP team thinking?

There were SO MANY good things with WP 8.0 that got totally annihilated. I am sorry. The new stuffs don't make up for the old stuffs. /rant


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Feb 25, 2013
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What I really like:

1/ Third column. Awesome even though icons are slightly smaller.
2/ Notification center. Nice.
3/ Cortana. Excellent stuff.

What I really don't like:

1/ Websites pinned to home screen is a roulette a) it could be just an icon b) a thumbnail of current view c) live tiles - BUT you don't know what you'll get. I tried pinning product listings from and got two identical Amazon logo. I tried pinning an article from wpcentral and got the live tiles. I tried pinning a traffic website and actually got a thumbnail (which is what I like). I really don't want live tiles for websites. I like the old thumbnail of the current view.

2/ Tabs in IE 11 move around a lot more often. The active tab is automatically in position 1 shifting every other tabs. Adding in a new tab adds to position 1 instead of last, again, changing the positions of every other tabs. It's like musical chair. The old IE 10 was sane. The order is always the same except when you CLOSE a tab. This is far more logical.

3/ IE 11 seems to reload much more often than IE 10. In fact, I don't remember IE 10 ever reload a website even when all 6 tabs are populated (unless I restart the phone).

4/ No Agenda view. The Agenda view was useful because you actually click on the time slots and immediately add your event. You don't have to click the "+" sign to add and then having to enter the date and time. Clicking on the slot does that automatically.

5/ Facebook integration was the best thing in WP7/8. This is sadly gone. The FB is still, after seemingly a year, lag and slow like a dog. I can no longer just tag people in the Hub. I can no longer reply to comments easy and quickly.

6/ Today was the FIRST TIME I have seen the built-in email client to "Loading..." screen. I have never seen this screen for built-in apps before. Why are we seeing this more "advanced WP 8.1"?

7/ Xbox Music and Xbox Video. It's programmed by 12-year old kids. How did they make the built-in Music app this much worst? Why is it always "signing in" when run it?

8/ Photo hub. Was once beautiful. Now dull and ugly. I do not want the "all" tab. I just want to see the "camera roll". Anything else doesn't belong there. The old segregation was perfect. I do like the new dates and sorting but that's about it.

9/ I can NO LONGER upload photos to OneDrive (SkyDrive). If I select a picture or multiple pictures, I don't have an option to upload to OneDrive. I used this many times to store full-resolution copies of important pictures. This is now gone. What is the WP team thinking?

There were SO MANY good things with WP 8.0 that got totally annihilated. I am sorry. The new stuffs don't make up for the old stuffs. /rant

you forgot about the clutter in the app list by all the games :p


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Apr 15, 2014
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Update deleted all my contacts ! I wasn't using People hub, only contacts book in Phone tile and after update i saw only numbers in history but no contacts added to them. I thought about hard reset and then restore my app + settings backup I made just before updating but I wasn't sure if cotacts are included in this backup. Luckily one older backup from my android times stored on my google account saved me. Pfew :) Can somebody tell me if contacts are included in apps + setting backups, or if there is any other way how to backup contacts automatically to OneDrive ?



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Dec 31, 2012
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but you know that you don't have to hold your finger on the circle, you can just swipe it down a little once you clicked on the circle.
usually I'm also in favor of uniqueness but when we're talking about these tiny features I prefer to have the best and easiest way instead of a unique and not as good way :p
I respect your opinion but it is hard for me to understand why you think the old way is better... it was so annoying having to ''tap and hold'' every single time you put the cursor in the wrong place...

I agree. The new copy and paste is great, much improved. One of the little things I really like about the update. :)

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