List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Jul 29, 2013
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I'm sorry to me it seems like your music is the issue not the program and I'll leave it at that. Like i said I have over 300GB of music (My uncle is a wedding DJ and gets most if not all of his music from me). I am very anal about my music collection and how its organized. i've never had any re-tagging issues ever. Is your music on an SD card, sounds like slow read speeds, like i said to a previous poster it could be that you need a firmware update that hasnt come down yet. I have 10 GB of music on my phone the initial loading of the songs into the app maybe took 1 min (everything is local on the phones HDD), after that everything has worked fine.

If the inability to uninstall games from the games hub makes you "throw this OS in the garbage" I feel for you. You are 100% the person who should not be an early adopter. Wait for your carrier to push this update to you, when the apps have been updated as well.

I have my own issues with this update, but overall I'm more happy then mad and I'm able to give the company/developers TIME to fix issues rather then ***** and moan the way you write your posts. Its one thing to say. I dont like that i have to go to the app list to uninstall games, its another to write. ZOMG NOW THIS OS IS A POS BECAUSE IT MIGHT TAKE ME 5 MORE SECONDS TO DO WHAT I WANTED TO DO! after you figure it out, then it wont even take you the 5 seconds.

lol Why are you even addressing me at this point? It's not like anything you write is going to change my opinion. The bottom line is that I still have to live with this crap update that, in my opinion, severely crippled the way I use my phone. Go enjoy the update. I hope things only get better for you. Me? Well, I'm not happy with it. And beyond just Xbox Music, the direction Microsoft has taken Windows Phone just isn't appealing anymore. Removing the Facebook/MSN integration wasn't cool either. At this point, all I see are the custom backgrounds and a navigation bar. Whoop-de-doo.

There is nothing wrong with the music. It's been perfectly tagged since day 1 and has been read correctly by everything other device it has ever been on since ripping it. It's all coming either from the vinyl or the hard CD copy I own. Meticulously organized and tagged. There is no excuse for why a device made in 2013 with 2014 software wouldn't be able to do the same thing an iPod back in 2010 could do. That's embarrassing, even for a developer preview.


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Mar 9, 2013
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I'm going to summarize my issues once again:
* Cortana, no Bing Vision Search integrated
* There is no Agenda-view in the calendar, and the way calendar shows daily view now is bad... you navigate between days when you swipe left or right. I would prefer to change the view, when I swipe left or right and move to the next day by scrolling down as it was with previous version
*It now takes more clicks to mute the phone than before, also it's more difficult because usually volume keys are on the right side and muting requires pushing button on the far left side, much harder to do it on bigger phone with one hand. I would also prefer to have option to hide Ringer and notifications volume control as usually I don't edit that and more often I just wish my phone to be on mute...
*New Photos app, previous one was much more nicer to use.
* The way one takes screenshots, It's actually quite hard to do it because you need to hit volume up and lock key at the same time.
*Bluetooth Icon in notifications menu looks bad, also no option to turn mobile data off,
*Inconsistency in showing battery level, wifi, network...when you swipe left to the menu icons are positioned on the black strip all the time, yet when you scroll down start menu icons are placed just on top of the live tiles..
* Xbox music app... (will be probably fixed...)

These are things I have noted thus far, will post more once will use phone more...

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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As much as I would like to believe that Microsoft will fix and improve the Xbox Music app, I just can't say I have much faith anymore. I don't see what they do right anymore. Any of the features of the past year that I've liked have been of Nokia's invention (Glance, the Pro Camera app) or from 3rd party app developers (Music Drop). aboout the rest of the update besides the music app. And speaking of fast updates, did anyone else get their games app updated?


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Jul 29, 2013
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Well... I like the notification bar. And the background tiles are cool, but not exactly enough to keep me enthralled anymore. I like that I got to test out Data Sense (I'm on AT&T). The three-column layout will be nice for some phones, but doesn't have much a use for me on a 820. I also love the new animations as they remind me more of Mango, although they can lag at times. But I gotta be honest... the reason I'm so livid about the music problem is that I used the Music+Videos Hub more than text messaging, phone, e-mail, or Instagram. It's my number one thing. I love the subscription service. I just don't understand why the broke their frontend.

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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I'm going to summarize my issues once again:
* Cortana, no Bing Vision Search integrated
* There is no Agenda-view in the calendar, and the way calendar shows daily view now is bad... you navigate between days when you swipe left or right. I would prefer to change the view, when I swipe left or right and move to the next day by scrolling down as it was with previous version
*It now takes more clicks to mute the phone than before, also it's more difficult because usually volume keys are on the right side and muting requires pushing button on the far left side, much harder to do it on bigger phone with one hand. I would also prefer to have option to hide Ringer and notifications volume control as usually I don't edit that and more often I just wish my phone to be on mute...
*New Photos app, previous one was much more nicer to use.
* The way one takes screenshots, It's actually quite hard to do it because you need to hit volume up and lock key at the same time.
*Bluetooth Icon in notifications menu looks bad, also no option to turn mobile data off,
*Inconsistency in showing battery level, wifi, network...when you swipe left to the menu icons are positioned on the black strip all the time, yet when you scroll down start menu icons are placed just on top of the live tiles..
* Xbox music app... (will be probably fixed...)

These are things I have noted thus far, will post more once will use phone more...
Re: Icons, they just stick there, they don't get dismissed anymore.
Switch cortana off and bing is back. They probably should put this back there for convenience but it just doesn't work in that context imo.
Anyway, search button + Bing vision is now camera +lenses +bing vision. One more tap. Unless you have a 635 or an Ativ SE. Oh god why did they remove the camera button...

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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Seriously, try out the three tiles layout. It felt weird at first, but after a while I can't magine going back to the 2 coulumn layout
Arrgh me too (RE Xbox Music). The app is useable for me now but I hope it improves quickly...Plus I was looking forward to the redesign shown off in the ads. Any chance of it being updated tomorrow lol


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Jan 31, 2013
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I'm going to summarize my issues once again:
* Cortana, no Bing Vision Search integrated

Couldnt agree more, lets hope they put an eyeball next to the music note

* There is no Agenda-view in the calendar, and the way calendar shows daily view now is bad... you navigate between days when you swipe left or right. I would prefer to change the view, when I swipe left or right and move to the next day by scrolling down as it was with previous version

I rarely use my calendar, so i cant comment on this one.

*It now takes more clicks to mute the phone than before, also it's more difficult because usually volume keys are on the right side and muting requires pushing button on the far left side, much harder to do it on bigger phone with one hand. I would also prefer to have option to hide Ringer and notifications volume control as usually I don't edit that and more often I just wish my phone to be on mute...

Couldnt agree more, tho i do like the ability to mute threads, so if im in an active convo my phone isnt chiming every 2 seconds, but still will if a new person msgs me.

*New Photos app, previous one was much more nicer to use.

Personally, i like the new way it organizes the pictures by date.

* The way one takes screenshots, It's actually quite hard to do it because you need to hit volume up and lock key at the same time.

I like this better too I prefer using one hand to two, but really not a huge change either way for me.

*Bluetooth Icon in notifications menu looks bad, also no option to turn mobile data off,


*Inconsistency in showing battery level, wifi, network...when you swipe left to the menu icons are positioned on the black strip all the time, yet when you scroll down start menu icons are placed just on top of the live tiles..


* Xbox music app... (will be probably fixed...)

These are things I have noted thus far, will post more once will use phone more...

I will add that on my ICON my wifi seems to disconnect a lot and is a lot slower, I'm assuming this will be fixed with the Cyan update. I have to imagine that this phone was developed for 8.1 and cyan, and am willing to wait until i have this update before i make to harsh of a review.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I'm sorry to me it seems like your music is the issue not the program and I'll leave it at that. Like i said I have over 300GB of music (My uncle is a wedding DJ and gets most if not all of his music from me). I am very anal about my music collection and how its organized. i've never had any re-tagging issues ever. Is your music on an SD card, sounds like slow read speeds, like i said to a previous poster it could be that you need a firmware update that hasnt come down yet. I have 10 GB of music on my phone the initial loading of the songs into the app maybe took 1 min (everything is local on the phones HDD), after that everything has worked fine.

If the inability to uninstall games from the games hub makes you "throw this OS in the garbage" I feel for you. You are 100% the person who should not be an early adopter. Wait for your carrier to push this update to you, when the apps have been updated as well.

I have my own issues with this update, but overall I'm more happy then mad and I'm able to give the company/developers TIME to fix issues rather then ***** and moan the way you write your posts. Its one thing to say. I dont like that i have to go to the app list to uninstall games, its another to write. ZOMG NOW THIS OS IS A POS BECAUSE IT MIGHT TAKE ME 5 MORE SECONDS TO DO WHAT I WANTED TO DO! after you figure it out, then it wont even take you the 5 seconds.

1. The Lumia 920 does not have an SD slot.
2. I have 16.92 GB of music on my device (according to the phone).
3. Comparing wedding DJ music to my music isn't the best of moves. I'm guessing that music is almost entirely popular music that Xbox Music has in its library and has been on the radio over the years and so on. However, I have probably 5-10 artists in my library that likely aren't on Xbox Music, and that gives it a fit, as it'll try to turn that music into a something else if I don't stop it.
4. My music tagging issues are 100% the fault of Xbox Music. If I'm not on their "cloud," I'm 100% fine. It never had a problem on my Zune. It never had a problem on the Zune software. MusicBee handled it perfectly. My Droid Incredible had no issue. My device on GDR3 had no problem with it. My device on 8.1 has no issue, once I get it off of "the cloud."
5. You misread my statement. I never said that the OS should be in the garbage, I'm saying the way I use the OS is begin put in the garbage by these changes. If I break down my device usage, it's probably about like this:

60% Music
10% Games
10% Texting
8% Internet Searching
7% Internet Browsing
4% Calling
1% Other

The 8.1 update has made my experience with music, games, and Internet searching worse. That covers 78% of my device usage (very rough estimates). The texting's POTENTIALLY better (depends on how I adjust to the idea of swipe-based texting), so maybe 10% of my usage is improved. The rest is untouched, or 12%. So, if 78% is worse, 12% is unchanged, and 10% is MAYBE better, then the best-case scenario (if we weight this all evenly) would have the device at 68% worse.

Regardless, you decide to deal solely in absolutes, where as I do not. I've said that this ARE problems, and that the update IS bad. I've not said that they will ALWAYS be problems, or that this will ALWAYS be bad. It's the same thing as with the Xbox One. I made it clear that in its original state, I wasn't touching it. Everyone took that as my saying that I'd never get a One, but when it improved, I got it. As I said, if I had the chance, I'd be back on GDR3. I won't recommend updating the device to anyone I know. If it improves, then my opinion will change. However, I'm not going to make my opinion on the present based on an unforeseeable future.

So, as it stands, this update IS bad. It might not be bad when it officially releases, but I'm not going to say that the update is good now because it might be good later, given that we have 0 information on what will be changed by release. I mean, you obviously give them time, but when you take something that's good for 18 months and break it, it's hard to say "sure, I'll wait 6 more months to get what I had before."

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Does anyone have an issue where it doesn't show the cellular and WiFi at the top together? I ask this because when you send or receive picture messages, you need the cellular data on. However, if my WiFi is on, it doesn't show my cellular. This isn't the biggest issue, but it leaves the potential for accidentally having my cellular on, which makes the 920 rather warm. Just wondered if others were getting this issue.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Seriously, try out the three tiles layout. It felt weird at first, but after a while I can't magine going back to the 2 coulumn layout
Arrgh me too (RE Xbox Music). The app is useable for me now but I hope it improves quickly...Plus I was looking forward to the redesign shown off in the ads. Any chance of it being updated tomorrow lol

The only minor downside is that I don't have a whole lot pinned to my phone. So, the way I have stuff sized (I like things in a consistent manner), my tiles don't cover my screen. There's some empty space at the bottom, which looks a bit weird. However, I like it as a whole, as it allows me to better group things in a logical way.


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Mar 19, 2014
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1. Games added in the apps list is really, really, really a horrible idea.

2. Music hub is horrible. I miss the old one. And really, the old one is the best.

3. The Photos hub ! It's a thrash ! It's unpleasant to see, and it's really gloomy. The old one was far, far, far more cheerful.

I really hope Microsoft will take note and act fast. I'm getting annoyed with these three problems :-/


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Jan 21, 2012
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Quick question. Where is the background tasks menu which used to be next to the applications tab in the settings part? You know the area which let you know which apps were allowed to run in the background and you could toggle them to be on or off?

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