Still waiting here in UK.
Lumia 535
Dual SIM
OS: 8.10.14219.341
Firmware: 02048.00000.14457.51001
Logged out of DP, checked for updates and an update is currently downloading.
Will update again afterwards regarding screen sensitivity/responsiveness.
Lumia 535
Dual SIM
OS: 8.10.14226.359
Firmware: 02055.00000.14511.22002
I have to say that after 10 minutes continuous emailing to myself (the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog) using all letters on keyboard, the keyboard swype issue, for me anyway, appears to be resolved.
If I encounter anything to the contrary I'll update.
The trail isn't stopping, jumping or indeed generating random letters like it used to pre-update typing the same sentence.