Lumia 535 Updates will there ever be a fix?

Yesterday i spoke with Microsoft live chat support officer,,, they said that it is under investigation.. withing 2-3 work days.. they will be finalizing it.

This was the chat

"Ioana D.: at 18:49:01
I really am sorry for not being able to help more. As mentioned earlier, we were only informed that
this is a known issue that is under investigation and that all cases should be escalated.
Ioana D.: at 18:57:29
I will escalate the case as promised.
Ioana D.: at 18:57:50
I will keep you informed regarding the evolution of the situation via Email.
Ioana D.: at 18:58:02
You will hear from me in 2-3
work days.
Rajesh: at 18:58:30
oh fine .. thank u in advance"
Gave my 535 for repair/replacement at the service centre and started using my old 520 for the time being..

This touch screen is one of the main reasons I could not adapt to the slightly less sensitive 535 (apart from the touch problem offcourse)..
It's so good it makes me cry
some funny news from the nokia forums:
Hello guys, I have some bad news from the italian discussion on this topic. A user had his phone back from the nokia care center together with this annoying bug. The technicians stated "As this is a software issue, you should wait for an update from Microsoft".

Pete? do you have some news from that "internal discussion group" or some kind of press release of that quoted note of yours??
i got my 535 back from service. They changed the touchpanel because of "malfunktion of eletric module".
The touch recognition of the touchscreen is way better than before the repair. It still scrolls not 100% smooth, if your finger is in contact with the screen, but it has improved a lot.
the pinch to zoom function still takes to getting used to, because the two fingers must be placed at least 20mm away from eachother to be recognized as two touchpoints.
The recognition of a long touch to trigger a context menue is much better, too.

I definitely recommend you to bring your 535 to the service.
How to know phone in box belongs to 1st or 2nd batch?
Is it possible to know through IMIE number which is always visible on the box ?
How to know phone in box belongs to 1st or 2nd batch?
Is it possible to know through IMIE number which is always visible on the box ?

IMIE or another code on the box can give this information but than you have to ask microsoft to "translate" this code.
IMIE or another code on the box can give this information but than you have to ask microsoft to "translate" this code.

Thanks for info.
I was meant for the some particular serial number afterwhich the 2nd batch of Lumia 535 might started. I believe newer set had upward counting than previous. I hope you had got my point.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I am observing the discussions and complains about that 535 touchscreen on various websites and wish, that wpcentral would start some investigations, as I mentioned before. Unfortunately they haven't covered the story, why the first Microsoft handset is performing that bad, yet.

Just to inform you:
at, more precisely at the italian part of it, the Social Media Ops Manager, marked as "administrator" in the forum over there, released a statement yesterday. The italian discussion is the so far busiest one, I think. A lot of people over there are complaining and cannot comprehend, why Microsoft is moving that slowly with information regarding that topic. Italian is not my first language, english neither, and I have to use translations tools to read it.
I would like to post the statement of that manager translated with bing for your information:
Hello everyone

Sorry if some of you have reported problems with this situation. We found that some models have different 535 Lumia abnormalities in touchscreen performance. These can occur in several ways:

  • Functionality of the scroll up/down and left/right scroll, resultando link or inadvertently enabled apps
  • Feature in the zoom in/out can be compromised if you say you are separated less than 20 mm
  • Scripture texts, especially if fast, can result in missed characters.
  • "Ghost" or "Touch Ghost touch" – use your touchscreen under humid conditions – if your fingers are wet or moist atmosphere and ' (for example, when you enter a warm room outer cold coming from) the buttons on the touch screen can be activated accidentally.

A software update OTA (over the air) and was sent on 23 December 2014, rislovendo most problems but certainly not to all customers.

Our team of Technical Support Operations here in Finland, along with the engineering team in the United States and China are working on the problem under "urgent priority", meanwhile the solution offered by Selene on this same subject is the only one that at this point we can offer you.

As soon as our fellow engineers have identified the problem, you'll with additional information for the solution. Both in the form of another software update or an action made on the hardware from an authorized service center, (at this point the centers have not received yet any instruction from Microsoft, so it is useless to go to them)

We assure you that Microsoft has taken this situation very seriously and is working frantically to solve this problem for you. For the moment, we can only advise you to use the solution that we have provided above and please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your attention.

D. Vassallo
Social Media Operations Manager
Global Social Care Team
Microsoft Mobile Oy
Espoo, Finland
the last post on that page
I had bought Lumia 535 yesterday and did not notice Touch issue till now. It is worth to mention here that this is my 2nd device, I bought my 1st device in December 14 which I sold after using 2 weeks due to Touch issue so i am well familiar of the issue. There seems MS has worked out on newer devices to rectify the issues.
Sounds interesting! Would you mind to have a look at "settings -> info" and then the first button ("more information" or something like that). What hardware revision number is mentioned?
Thanks a lot in advance
Sounds interesting! Would you mind to have a look at "settings -> info" and then the first button ("more information" or something like that). What hardware revision number is mentioned?
Thanks a lot in advance

Its though i was expecting when opening the box 1st time. Tried & found stable it (no touch issue) till i upgraded DP version. Now noticing serious touch issues....
Hey guys !!!
I just got my 535 back from the service centre (repaired , not replaced) and the touch works just fine , even in greasy conditions..
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I just bought Lumia 535. i thought the problem has been solved . I am getting problem that when i press finger in the little above search area that are gets pressed. even when my finger reach to that are while scrolling that area gets pressed.
Is this the hardware issue or the software issue ?
Hey guys !!!
I just got my 535 back from the service centre (repaired , not replaced) and the touch works just fine , when in greasy conditions..

which problem regarding touch was solved.
im getting problem when i press finger in the little above search area that area gets pressed.
is this was solved too , is this hardware or software problem
I'd prefer Microsoft recall the product globally. Asking users to provide reports/videos showing the problem isn't a solution.

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