Lumia 535 Updates will there ever be a fix?

I tried on my l620 and l535.. Multitouch works ok on l620 but there's definitely some bug or problem with l535... Till now I dint notice that... Gosh! So what do I do now? Is it hardware problem or software problem? Should I get my touch replaced?

Welcome to the club mate ! :D
Give it to nokia care and replace the panel i just called them they said its repaired and shipment will arrive tomorrow so i will get tomorrow. yay !
i live in germany, phone purchased via french amazon and repaird in czech republic, which is my homeland :)

Thank you. I live in France and unfortunately, the repair system is a bit different here. Nokia Cares will *never* repair a Nokia/MS phone, but instead send it to a centralised repair center. It usually takes a week (which is OK) but no possibility to influence/explain what's wrong or not.

So I'm waiting for next W10 TP build (which is why I bought this 535 ; my 1020 remains my daily driver): if the 535 is included in the list of devices receiving the next build, I play with the build. If not, I try AGAIN to send it to the Nokia Care. Knowing that it's not without risk (sometimes the centralised repair center will damage the device...)

What I understand though: in Italy, Germany and Czech Republic, the Nokia Care supply chain has been instructed to replace the touchpanel with a new model. I hope it's the same in France too. I haven't read any "repaired" report from France so far.
The only thing I can say in reply is "good luck". Now I am with phone really satisfied, but before reparation was I close to decision to sell the phone because of big disapointment. Finally MS managed that, at least at my case. In question of W10 devpreview am I not sure, if L535 get it. Only a little bit older devices have it. You can view it on net on supported phone list.
Thanks for your wishes ;) As for the W10 TP, what I meant is :
A. The 535 is added to the supported devices for the next build (Gabe Aul said there will be more devices supported with the next build): I think I play a bit with W10
B. The next build is released and no 535 added to the supported devices at this stage --> it goes to the Care directly.

Anyway, I'll report here when it is sent and when it's back, at least to increase the number of testimonies about a HW repair.
i just received the phone after touch panel replaced but i goto multi touch there are still problems
Should i return phone to nokia care again or wait for official update or software ?
i just received the phone after touch panel replaced but i goto multi touch there are still problems
Should i return phone to nokia care again or wait for official update or software ?

Seriously? That sucks BIG time, I was thinking of sending mine to Nokia care but if changing screen panel doesn't solve the problems I guess this phone is just doomed.
Seriously? That sucks BIG time, I was thinking of sending mine to Nokia care but if changing screen panel doesn't solve the problems I guess this phone is just doomed.
yes i dont know why its not solving the problem :( i have wasted my money to buy this phone. Nokia care took my phone about 3 times and on 3rd time they said it was hardware issue and resolved. Is there any policy if it cant be repaired nokia care will take this phone and i will igve more money and get the new phone from their store , other then 535 ?
New touchpanels seem to be in stock since mid-March, I'll send mine today to Nokia Care (finally, I changed my mind, I prefer to get it fixed ASAP). Shan Ali Khan, when did you send you device to the Care? Maybe the new models were not in stock yet?

What is clear is that SOME users get their devices fixed, and it passes the multitouch test.
New touchpanels seem to be in stock since mid-March, I'll send mine today to Nokia Care (finally, I changed my mind, I prefer to get it fixed ASAP). Shan Ali Khan, when did you send you device to the Care? Maybe the new models were not in stock yet?

What is clear is that SOME users get their devices fixed, and it passes the multitouch test.
i sent my phone on 16 date of this month , also shipment arrived today morning in nokia care including my phone so i went there to pick up.
are you sure i dont have new touch panel. when i chat with nokia care agent they said new panels are in stock since january but they didnt solve any problem and no other panel added since then
if we talk now test , previously my panel doenst even receive 2 fingers well. now it supporting 4 fingers but 3 fingers very well when little moved while on 2 fingers some times it gives same problem like ghost touch and make it 3 or even 1
Judge by yourself: :)

Some people have received, before March, replaced touchpanels, but there were not new models, just a standard replacement.

I understand that Nokia/MS have started to upgrade the touchpanel only after the latest update was issued. People all say the same :
a) all updates applied, no luck, there's still multitouch issues
b) touchpanel is replaced

I think before the last update was issued, they replaced (or not) with another touchpanel, not necessarily new.

Very difficult to know the truth as we don't have any official statement.

That's why I'll send mine today to the Care, just to test the French repair supply chain.
Judge by yourself: :)

Some people have received, before March, replaced touchpanels, but there were not new models, just a standard replacement.

I understand that Nokia/MS have started to upgrade the touchpanel only after the latest update was issued. People all say the same :
a) all updates applied, no luck, there's still multitouch issues
b) touchpanel is replaced

I think before the last update was issued, they replaced (or not) with another touchpanel, not necessarily new.

Very difficult to know the truth as we don't have any official statement.

That's why I'll send mine today to the Care, just to test the French repair supply chain.

If i compare my model with this video it will match the results of the screen in the video but still there is lag when you do alot of messaging and other activities like gaming.

i had a detailed chat with microsoft engineer , as i informed the management that i have given the model 3 times they called him. He said THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM I HAVE CORRECTED 75 PIECES WITH NEW TOUCH PANEL. As per now they is no any solution Microsoft has tried his best to resolve the problem by adding new touch panels but still no new methodology applied from MS to resolve the problem and the error is still there although there may be improvements after adding screens but if you talk about 100% correct like lumia 520 then i will say there is no solution - so far. He said for now the official statement you want to look is to view the MS site where MS has already tried to take everything off from them by tell ing customer to use in this way like that way but there is no solution ( at least so far and in most probably future too as MS wont risk lumia line by announcing mistake to all cusotmers to give to care point as repair is now available and they feel sorry blah blah blah) !
:( :(
I took model back after 22 days after returning mobile to them 3 times.
Well, I've been contacted by DM on the former nokia discussion forums (now microsoft), as I was a bit too vocal. They asked for my IMEI, OS and FW versions. And so I've received a message saying that officially updates have solved the situation for the majority, but that bugs may persist and that I should send to Nokia Care as they now what to do.

I was expecting such a message from Microsoft France. So I've dropped the 535 to the Care this afternoon, will report here what has changed, etc. when it's back.

About the quality of the repaired 535, pepenene said in this thread his new 535 felt like a 630 in terms of screen. I'm quite optimist, let's wait & see what I get back.
OK, I've read a first return from French Nokia Care, where the 535 touchpanel has been changed.

The process seems to be :
a) be vocal on MS forums
b) be contacted by MS by private message
c) give OS&FW versions, and IMEI
d) received a cryptic message "send it to the Care, wink wink, they know what to do"

The guy followed that way (and first time, the 535 returned unchanged) and this time, it's OK. 5 fingers OK. Like that Italian video.

Mine is under repair right now, I expect to get it back next week, I hope with an improved and changed screen. Glad to have sent it right now, as the 535 DS is on the list of devices of the next build of W10 (that I expect to be released next week).

Wait & see.
I sent it to service and after 10 days I brought him back a changed touch. Everything is good now!Apparently the problem is hardware!
I sent it to service and after 10 days I brought him back a changed touch. Everything is good now!Apparently the problem is hardware!

have you used lumia 520 , can you compare the touch with 520 ? my touch has been replaced although improved but still needs improvements.
have you used lumia 520 , can you compare the touch with 520 ? my touch has been replaced although improved but still needs improvements.

Use 520 and 535, and I think it is even better with the touch! For me the problem is solved 100%. Already four days test it.
Great, my device seems repaired too (read: touchscreen changed) and on its way back, getting it next week ^_^
Lumia 535 Screen problems still not resolved after latest update

Hey everyone,
Installed the offered update to Lumia 535, the one that's NOT Windows Phone 8.1 GDR 2 ;-) , that was rumoured to finally resolve the touchscreen issues.
My touchscreen issues have NOT been resolved (what a surprise), but in fact I have wrong detected touchscreen hits (about one inch off from where I actually touched the screen) and it looks like the scaling problems in Internet Explorer (sites not fitted to the screen properly, but parts off-screen after loading is completed) have even worsened.
Anyone else with similar problems?
Re: Lumia 535 Screen problems still not resolved after latest update

Hey everyone,
Installed the offered update to Lumia 535, the one that's NOT Windows Phone 8.1 GDR 2 ;-) , that was rumoured to finally resolve the touchscreen issues.
My touchscreen issues have NOT been resolved (what a surprise), but in fact I have wrong detected touchscreen hits (about one inch off from where I actually touched the screen) and it looks like the scaling problems in Internet Explorer (sites not fitted to the screen properly, but parts off-screen after loading is completed) have even worsened.
Anyone else with similar problems?

Have a look at this thread where other users have been sharing their findings about this most recent update.

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