Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

My Cortana and gf's Cortana on her 830 also super sensitive...not sure what triggers it though...Cortana fires up when I'm not even touching the screen most of the time ๐Ÿ˜ณ

I know, but why should that use any juice? Its just a physical button like the unlock button...
When it comes to battery, I noticed that Internet Explorer is sapping a lot of it! I'm okay with the battery performance otherwise. Lasts me almost a complete day on a single charge.

One question. Do you guys usually have Wi-Fi/3G turned on always??
The white plastic headphone jack ring just popped off. I'm going to try to glue it in place.
I wonder if there is a permanent fix for this.
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When it comes to battery, I noticed that Internet Explorer is sapping a lot of it! I'm okay with the battery performance otherwise. Lasts me almost a complete day on a single charge.

One question. Do you guys usually have Wi-Fi/3G turned on always??

I find that setting max connection speed to 3G (instead of 4G) helps battery performance. I keep WiFi on unless I know for a fact I'll be away from a WiFi connection all day.
The white plastic headphone jack ring just popped off. I'm going to try to hide it in place.
I wonder if there is a permanent fix for this.

Yikes, how'd that happen? Did it just fall off or were you unplugging headphones for instance?
WiFi, 3!G always on. WiFi uses less energy...
My ring came off as well. Now I got a black one instead, ring is fine. It was the first thing I tried with my new phone :)
I noticed the ring was missing while at work today. Luckily I found it on the floor. It doesn't have much holding it in. I'm not surprised it feel out. I'm assuming it came off when I unplugged my headphones.

Fyi, this is the prototype version.
I've been getting some random reboots here and there... Can't tell how often this occurs, because, if a reboot occurs when no one is looking, did it really reboot? Can't define any kind of pattern.
Not very inconvenient at the moment, as the phone boots pretty fast, but a little disconcerting.
Otherwise very pleased with the phone.
I love this phone except one thing: Viewing angles. Even my 720 had better viewing angles.
The over-sensitive search button is almost definitely a hardware defect I'm afraid. My 830 doesn't have that problem. Same with the vibration turning off or the buttons stopping responding - never happened on my phone.

About the white ring around the 3.5mm jack - so far so good, no signs of wear or wobble, sits firmly in the socket. Even when applying pressure on it from different angles with my fingernails it feels very solid.

The USB socket on the other hand does show grey colored streaks made by the metal "hooks" that are on the cable. But that doesn't bother me as long as the plastic doesn't start cracking or something.

And as for the battery life, I cannot be happier. I've already said this in an earlier post - for me it's absolutely excellent so if you notice heavy drain even in standby mode, check the battery saver for apps and their usage and if you don't see anything unusual there, it could also be caused by some hardware problem.

Last thing - rebooting, only happened to me once while I was browsing Readit, the app just went crazy and the phone rebooted itself shortly after. I don't think my 830 ever rebooted on its own while in standby because I never had to re-enter my SIM PIN after picking it up.

FYI my 830 is not a prototype.
Today my back button started to take me to the Running Apps screen with just a single tap!! I was worried it was broken but a restart solved the problem. It's weird, though. I thought the OS would be adequately perfect but this scared me.

And yes, vibration on the back button doesn't work some times. Haven't noticed any pattern yet.
And btw, I dunno if this a problem with everyone but I seem to unintentionally trigger Cortana a lot! Since all it takes is a tap on the search button, and due to the way I'm holding my phone, it just gets pressed very easily. Not a big issue, but maybe there should be a setting like only a long press will pull up Cortana.
Hi guys, so I've been using my Lumia 830 for more than a week now, and I am sure I've seen some problems in it. In the first week, it was absolutely perfect. Battery was awesome, screen was amazing, and it wouldn't heat for anything (I actually play Rayman Jungle Run a lot). But now, a week or so later, the battery is becoming faulty, not totally, but it slows down quicker, and the phone heats up a (HELL FREAKING) lot when charging. It always heats up that way now, it never happened before. Did someone noticed something? I'm thinking of sending it to warranty check, cuz that warmth is in no way good and I'm afraid of losing my battery for good.
It always heats up that way now, it never happened before. Did someone noticed something? I'm thinking of sending it to warranty check, cuz that warmth is in no way good and I'm afraid of losing my battery for good.

You might want to check what apps you have running in the background, look in the batterysaving app & choose apps that run in background, there you can prevent them from running (like IE). Some apps tend to use waaaaay to much resources while running in the background. Otherwise it could be that your using gps, bt, wifi and everything at the same time while having apps up also. Since it ran well the first week it does sound like software issue rather then HW, if nothing works try doing soft reset, if that fails just do a complete factory reset before you start sending the device anywhere.

Press the volume button, and then open the menu by tapping the top of the screen,
You should see the attached image... you can toggle Vibrate on or off ( or just see what it is set to)

The Touch settings in the settings page lets you turn off vibration for the navigation bar.

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