Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

go to accounts and setting and uncheck the email option and save, then reset the phone and turn it back on?

I will try it but i dont think itn will help...
This drain of mine occurs only if I dont replug phone back to charger in the morning.
After disabling a few stuff like location and look for wifi spots, my Lumia 920 is now lasting much longer.

I have Glance always on, with Glance background on and double tap enabled. My last test went up to 36h of battery life and I still had 12% of battery left! I midly use my phone during when I'm at work but I usually listen to music in the morning/evening, check my emails, send a few texts, check WPcentral news and bing News. On top of those 2 apps, I also have Bing weather, Battery tile, group tiles, datasense tiles enabled. Also have Lockscreen Manager accessing my lockscreen.

So, I'm pretty happy with my battery life at the moment. I'm now looking to get a cheap DT-910 stand. Fingers crossed.
My battery improved a lot with the GDR3 update.
Running almost 24 hours with updating, installing GDR3, Whatsapp, Live Soccers scores , FB , Music , Browsing and still have 27% left.
Good job on the GDR3 update :)
Well my battery seemed fine for a couple of days, but it's back to super drain mode now. It's 100% and after 7 hours of sleep I wake up to the critical battery beep. I don't know what's causing this but it sucks :/
Well my battery seemed fine for a couple of days, but it's back to super drain mode now. It's 100% and after 7 hours of sleep I wake up to the critical battery beep. I don't know what's causing this but it sucks :/

Usually something running in the back round cause these problems, turn off your phone and then restart it usually helps and most of the time when mine does this is right after updating apps or a app, and sometimes after the restart I'll get a notification of a app or apps needing updates. And like you said it happens randomly and unexpectedly, most days my phone would go from 5am till 4pm and still show 85% battery left, and then one day for no reason check it at 8am and only have 30% left .

Go back through this thread and read on what to do with apps & services to disable when your not using it or do not need it running in the back ground. And after the GRD2/ Amber update my battery performance has improved tremendously, almost like the EverReady bunny now compared to what it used too be. I have not had any random battery drain days and I'm actually using my phone more as well.
I'm pretty disappointed so far with battery life...with almost everything off I barely get a day. I have no facebook or any other apps running in the background. Basicly I'm syncing email once every 2 hours, glance on, double tap off, wifi on only when needed, bluetooh on and that's it
Since day 1, my Lumia 920 battery has been great, but last night my battery mysteriously completely drained. When I tried to turn on my phone today, it was completely dead! I was afraid my phone had bricked, but I put it on the wireless charger, and thankfully my phone came back to life. First it showed me an empty battery symbol and then the phone rebooted. This has never happened to me before, so I'm at a loss to figure out what completely drained the battery last night. I have the GDR2/Amber update. Once my phone completely charges, I'll reboot it again. Hopefully that will fix whatever the problem was. I'm guessing it must have been something that got stuck running in the background, but I can't imagine what. Not sure how to find the culprit. Any ideas? Hopefully this was just a one-time glitch and won't happen again.
Usually something running in the back round cause these problems, turn off your phone and then restart it usually helps and most of the time when mine does this is right after updating apps or a app, and sometimes after the restart I'll get a notification of a app or apps needing updates. And like you said it happens randomly and unexpectedly, most days my phone would go from 5am till 4pm and still show 85% battery left, and then one day for no reason check it at 8am and only have 30% left .

Go back through this thread and read on what to do with apps & services to disable when your not using it or do not need it running in the back ground. And after the GRD2/ Amber update my battery performance has improved tremendously, almost like the EverReady bunny now compared to what it used too be. I have not had any random battery drain days and I'm actually using my phone more as well.

It can only be the update causing this. I only have the battery app running in the background and have restarted the phone several times. anything kind of tips for saving battery life have been used since I have been using a WP. It does this no matter what with the update. restart the phone and run no apps -> drain.
how is this even possible? :D I`ve did nothing, just unplug it but... when i replug it it took it only 5 minutes to get to 100% capacity and no drains. every time i unplug it starts to drain rapidly and then after a while it stabilazes... weirdo!
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I have the phone for 4 months now and this is my point on the battery. First off pre amber-time, usually it would last the whole day from 7am till midnight with medium use including 20 minutes skype with the webcam, about 10 - 30 min talking on the phone and typing messages from the time to time, well you can count 1 hour of facebook beta app and some podcast streaming too. The setup was simple, everything is off except wifi and 2 background services (battery pro, accuweather). I was pretty fine with it, the battery almost never was below 20% before i plugged it into the charger.
After the Amber update (i flashed it) few things changed, battery pro was giving me alarms (set to 20% discharge rate) all the time, Facebook Beta App only would discharge the phone at 28 - 32% which was never the case before, i got used to active Skype being a drainer when used to video chat, but now it was huge. After i finished skyping the battery app shows almost 40%. The fact that i want to go out and my phone is almost killed got me thinking. Hard reset was no option, even tho i wanted to change some other things regarding my account. Then i got the terrible idea MS might be a resource killer, so i uninstalled all the apps i never touched like 50 of them and left only the ones i do actually use (apps now 2.7 GB). I logged out of the Facebook Beta app and started using the mobile site, same with youtube and similiar stuff. And wonder it helped, the situation is now like before and even a bit better since i m using skype for a quick session when i go to bed. And i use facebook mobile more cause it uses less battery (around 15%). I also turned the youtube and weather background services off, i dont really need them at standby. I dont need to note that i dont use MS stupid intergrated chat service, first off i recive SMS a lot and 2nd its pretty ****e. Now will wait for the GDR3 update and hope the good comments on here will be proven on m device too.
Here is my battery app screen. It has said 100% for over 2 hours and it will just drop to nothing in a bit. Amber update hates me :(

I have a 1020 and the battery is literally twice as good as the 920. I have gone 2 days with medium use. They are fixing the problems, it just takes time. The 1020 is one of those fixes.

Not really. I have 1020 and it suffers from heavy battery drain. I've tried everything, nothing helps. Same problems as in this thread.

This is just bull****, fundamental stuff like this shouldn't happen. I hate to say this.. but my 2 year old iPhone outlasts my new 1020 by far.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think the battery is about on par with similar phones. Anything CPU intensive makes the phone very hot though.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So, i did hard reset on monday and i think i get rid of the sudden drains. It even last longer but its hard to tell so soon. Will se in a couple of days.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So, i did hard reset on monday and i think i get rid of the sudden drains. It even last longer but its hard to tell so soon. Will se in a couple of days.

same here. it says 100% for about 2 hours and is about 85% when i get off work. not bad for 8 hours of use compared to what it was doing.
I do get to play halo for about 1.5 hours from 75% before it says goodbye :p
My 1020 suffered from the same stuff so I returned mine today. Back to iPhone I guess. I loved the phone, but bugs like these are dealbreakers.
I installed Tapatalk & HERE transit yesterday and for no apparent reason my phone is bleeding battery! This is after ~couple weeks of GDR2+Amber. This is what I absolutely dont LIKE about 920. Tried soft reset, power cycle!!
I installed Tapatalk & HERE transit yesterday and for no apparent reason my phone is bleeding battery! This is after ~couple weeks of GDR2+Amber. This is what I absolutely dont LIKE about 920. Tried soft reset, power cycle!!

try bloking backround task for HERE transit... HERE drive had a similiar bug related to background tasks. Dont forget to reset your device.
My L920 is losing 15% battery every night on standby, Id like to know if its also happening to any of you, because Im not so happy about this. :(

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