Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What are your thoughts about GDR3 developer preview?

I love it!!!! Since this thread is concerning battery, I will discuss about that subject. It is amazing!!! Before GDR2, I had let's say good battery lasting about ~8 hours (I had a lot of background tasks enabled and almost everything on). Then on GDR2, some people were reporting really good battery but for my case it was still the same maybe...just maybe a little bit better. Then I installed GDR3 preview, and let me tell you that honestly it changed the way I use my phone now! I still have a the same settings and almost the same apps running in the background (some apps I've uninstalled since I was not using them) and the phone last me all day and almost all night. For an example, I have the phone charge to 100% last night because I wanted to make a test. At 11h00 PM, I unplugged it and I woke up at 6h30AM and I had 97% left so it lost 3% in 7h5hours...that's with notification on, bluetooth on but on stand by, location on...everything on.

How do I use my phone on a daily basis is:

- Go to Twitter at least 15 times a day if not more.
- Use 6tag a lot
- Go on Facebook to read, post, share, upload
- I look at my emails account (2 of them) as soon as a email comes in. (setup as item arrive)
- Go on the web
- 2 phones calls
- at least 50 texts if not more...(never counted them but....I know it's a lot)
- Wpcentral, Weave, Photoplay....and multiple other apps looking, reading and posting...
- take a lot of photos during the day to test, play, modify and then posted them on a lot of apps.
- listening to streaming music for at least 2 hours.
- 10 apps running in the background
- Glance with glance background enabled set at peek with double tap to wake.
- Automatic brightness.
- Driver mode on
- find my phone on
- Even if now with GDR3 you can close the apps that are frozen in the background, which I do sometimes but not all the times.

So honestly I think that it is a really great update!!!!!
My battery issues are mostly gone now. it took a couple of days of uber drain but it finally evened out. a 9 hour work day takes 20% at most.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had this issue when my phone was new however I noted that with time, gdr2 and gdr3, and a charging schedule (drain all the battery and charge to full) it got a lot better, I get 10 - 14 hours. I also deleted a battery app that I had and that alone made a great difference. Hope this helps.
My 920's battery seems to be kind of... erratic at times. In the nearly six months that I've had it, I've had good battery life at least 95% of the time. However, I experienced horrible battery drain a couple of days ago (went from 56% when I went to bed to dead when I woke up) and then again tonight. It was okay all day today up until after 9pm. I texted a little with a friend and checked the battery. It said 50%. Then, in under an hour, it dropped down to 25%. Battery Pro+ said it was draining at 5% per hour (normally it says 3% per hour). Around 15-20 minutes later, the battery was at 18% and it said there was a 15% per hour drainage. WTF??? Seems so random. Normally, I'm boasting about going anywhere from 12-24 hours with my battery still around 70%. Ugh...
My 920's battery seems to be kind of... erratic at times. In the nearly six months that I've had it, I've had good battery life at least 95% of the time. However, I experienced horrible battery drain a couple of days ago (went from 56% when I went to bed to dead when I woke up) and then again tonight. It was okay all day today up until after 9pm. I texted a little with a friend and checked the battery. It said 50%. Then, in under an hour, it dropped down to 25%. Battery Pro+ said it was draining at 5% per hour (normally it says 3% per hour). Around 15-20 minutes later, the battery was at 18% and it said there was a 15% per hour drainage. WTF??? Seems so random. Normally, I'm boasting about going anywhere from 12-24 hours with my battery still around 70%. Ugh...

None of those battery apps are giving you a real time battery consumation, its somehow limited inside WP and it updates every 15 - 30 mins.
ok so i am not the only one with this issue

i have started having massive battery drain, where i cant even get my phone to fully charge over night

so i just tried a soft reset, like some people suggested. My phone was literally about to die, like 5% left, after reset it show 87%........weird......Nokia needs to get their ish together

i will try and see if it charges over night, and see what happens from there.

i was about to literally uninstall everything on my phone, and try to start pin pointing from there....

now if Nokia Pro Cam can start working right, we'll be set.
Battery is very worse. It stands only for 4hrs. Discharge rate is more than 20%/hr. Location, tap to send, background and all others are off. Phone gets terribly heated up when charging and it gets even more worse when data (2G) is on. Please help me! :(
Because of the problems I've been having, I did an experiment tonight...

I hard reset the device, and turned everything off, and I do mean everything! Except the phone and data connection. Anyway, the battery life seemed okay, so I started testing by turning things back on.

My network is DC-HSDPA2+ only (no 2G) and doesn't support 4G until December, so I set the speed to maximum of 3G and manually selected the carrier so it never searches. I do have data roaming enabled as it will occasionally fall onto another providers 2G network in area's where my home network has no 3G coverage. Tap to send, double tap to unlock, xbox music and games, high sensitivty etc all disabled, also the screen set to lowest and then automatic. Basically, everything you can think of, to lower battery usage.

However, there is 3 POP3 email accounts checking every hour.

This is how it went:

19:30 - 89% - Started test @ 89% battery - with phone and location services turned on ONLY.

20:17 - 89% - very light use within the people hub and IE.

21:30 - 69% - Had a phonecall that lasted an hour or so! So reasonably happy with that.

22:05 - 65% - I had turned on Bluetooth (always have it on for the car kit), sent a few texts, a little bit of IE facebooking etc, nothing huge.

23:00 - 61% - Multiple texts, moderate usage with the text messaging, the odd check of the people hub and IE.

23:30 - 59% - Multiple texts again, not as many as previous though.

23:30 - 54% - RESTART 1 - Yes, it dropped 5% after a restart.

23:31 - 46% - RESTART 2 - Amazing! From 59% to 46% almost instantly, is the OS not reading the battery correctly?

23:32 - 46% - RESTART 3 - Perhaps it's now seeing it correctly?

23:33 - 49% - RESTART 4 - Okay, so we see the picture emerging here, the OS is absolutely useless, or I have a defective battery?!!

23:34 - 47% - RESTART 5 - Back around the 46% level at least...

23:35 - 42% - RESTART 6 - I guess the battery information is pointless then. Cheers Microsoft, you did wonders yet again!

23:36 - 42% - RESTART 7 - That's the final one I can be bothered doing!!

23:45 - 40% - I added the WPCentral app from this point onwards, and enabled the first live tile :-D

00:20 - 38% - very little usage.

00:32 - 38% - very little usage.

01:00 - 38% - very little usage, but I don't believe it!!

01:00 - 37% - RESTART 1 - Okay, so it dropped a point, acceptable!

01:01 - 32% - RESTART 2 - 5% drop in one minute, are you kidding me?!!

01:02 - 32% - RESTART 3 - Consistency perhaps?

01:03 - 28% - RESTART 4 - Damn, maybe not :-(

01:04 - 32% - RESTART 5 - That'll do, 3 out of 5 aint bad. Still a 6 point drop overall though!

01:15 - 29% - But... I installed the following live tile apps: BBC News, Frost, my3, Markets&Me
-------------------------- I also started the built-in Facebook Chat service at this point. So we have a decent amount running now.

01:15 - 24% - RESTART - Just to see what would happen, and a better reading after installing apps and services.

01:40 - 22% - Light usage

02:15 - 22% - Light usage, 7 hours since charge according to the battery information, but lets restart a few times...

02:15 - 26% - RESTART 1 - Wow, a battery that charges itself! The Lumia 920 really does have wireless charging!!

02:16 - 23% - RESTART 2 - Hope this isnt a sign of things to come...

02:17 - 22% - RESTART 3

02:18 - 21% - RESTART 4 - I'm sure there's a pattern emerging here...

02:19 - 20% - RESTART 5 - Okay, I get the picture now, Microsoft can count after all!

So now I'm charging the phone to 100% before I go to bed, and will have all the following running whilst I'm in bed, without the phone on charge, to see what happens:

- Location services
- Facebook chat
- Bluetooth
- BBC News Live Tile
- my3 Live Tile
- WPCentral Live Tile and Toasts
- Frost Live Tile
- Markets & Me Live Tile for NOK share price only
- Bing News Live Tile & Toasts
- Bing Sport Live Tile
- "Battery Live Tile"
- 3x email accounts checking hourly
- For what it's worth, I have my girlfriends Live Tile, Data Sense Live Tile and People Hub Live Tile running. I'm not sure these use a great deal, but worth mentioning. These we're all running throughout the experiment, as was the location services and email accounts anyway.

So I will update in about 8 hours time as to how it gets on overnight.

Can anyone that has received the GDR3 dev review confirm that this update fixes the huge battery drainage and the overheating???
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Nope... I download it and i feel no several changes i battery life... Still the same as amber...

Sent from my RM-820_lta_lta1_269 using Tapatalk
Can anyone that has received the GDR3 dev review confirm that this update fixes the huge battery drainage and the overheating???

Here is my previous post about it...on page 74.

I love it!!!! Since this thread is concerning battery, I will discuss about that subject. It is amazing!!! Before GDR2, I had let's say good battery lasting about ~8 hours (I had a lot of background tasks enabled and almost everything on). Then on GDR2, some people were reporting really good battery but for my case it was still the same maybe...just maybe a little bit better. Then I installed GDR3 preview, and let me tell you that honestly it changed the way I use my phone now! I still have a the same settings and almost the same apps running in the background (some apps I've uninstalled since I was not using them) and the phone last me all day and almost all night. For an example, I have the phone charge to 100% last night because I wanted to make a test. At 11h00 PM, I unplugged it and I woke up at 6h30AM and I had 97% left so it lost 3% in 7h5hours...that's with notification on, bluetooth on but on stand by, location on...everything on.

How do I use my phone on a daily basis is:

- Go to Twitter at least 15 times a day if not more.
- Use 6tag a lot
- Go on Facebook to read, post, share, upload
- I look at my emails account (2 of them) as soon as a email comes in. (setup as item arrive)
- Go on the web
- 2 phones calls
- at least 50 texts if not more...(never counted them but....I know it's a lot)
- Wpcentral, Weave, Photoplay....and multiple other apps looking, reading and posting...
- take a lot of photos during the day to test, play, modify and then posted them on a lot of apps.
- listening to streaming music for at least 2 hours.
- 10 apps running in the background
- Glance with glance background enabled set at peek with double tap to wake.
- Automatic brightness.
- Driver mode on
- find my phone on
- Even if now with GDR3 you can close the apps that are frozen in the background, which I do sometimes but not all the times.
- Also, no more overheat.

So honestly I think that it is a really great update!!!!!
Since my soft reset all is good. 1% per hour ir so when not in use, and it completely charges. I did nothing else except for a soft reset...
Soooo..... I installed GDR3 devpre a little later than most on my L920, ATT, and I used to have regularly great battery life, as in, if I forgot to charge overnight, no buggy. I'd plop my phone off the charger at work, enjoy the evening, and at midnight have 85% life or better. Now.... I'm lucky making it to 10%! I've disabled or uninstalled a lot of apps, still have glance (peek) enabled and double-tap to wake on.

Battery saver really extends the life, can leave phone alone for 4hrs with it on and it not drain a thing.

Getting reeeealy frustrated here. :(

Please help. :)
I used the Developer Preview to get the GDR3 update, but before that, I didn't have the battery issues everyone else seems to have. I'm on this thing constantly throughout the day too. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I get like 2 full days with everything turned on constant use of web browsing, YouTube, music, camera, messaging, and phone calls, unbelievable just don't understand it, while people are saying they have battery draining issues.its got me f,,,cked go figure
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I get like 2 full days with everything turned on constant use of web browsing, YouTube, music, camera, messaging, and phone calls, unbelievable just don't understand it, while people are saying they have battery draining issues.its got me f,,,cked go figure

TBH, I cant believe this, maybe my since my house is made from stone, it needs more energy to transmit? or maybe you live near a cellular towr, thus less power consumption!? I wish I can have one day
I have GDR3.I can say that GDR3 has greatly improved my battery life compared to 2.And about the overheating thing,while playing games like odern combat and spiderman on gdr2,the phone would heat as hell such that I wouldn't be able to keep touching it.It would be very hot.And now in gdr3,its hot,but with bearable heat.i guess about half the heat as gdr2..but it still got issues,like if you open big apps,,close,open another,close,i.e. things that take up memory,it begins to heat even when last resort is to reboot the phone.Also,i had recently download a game,i was multiplayer,good graphics,185mb file 920 would just freeze and only soft reset could help.happened the game is far,battery life is way better than gdr2,especially while browsing
My battery is awful on my 920. I have GDR3 dev installed.
From time to time, the phone heats on the upper back even in stand by. A soft reset solve the issue for a certain time, when it all happens again. Usually it requires 3 o4 reset in a week. The battery hardly last 10 hours under normal usage (10 minutes of cell calls, 1 hour of people hub usage, 1 hour of music app playing local files and 1 to 2 hours of whatsapp).
I know people will say that its whatsapp fault, but I have changed to a less resource consumption app like Line and it has the same result. I really can't believe that texting in whatsapp for a couple hours a day sucks up all the battery! As soon as I start this app my Lumia heats up. After finish with the app my Lumia goes to stand by mode but the heating seems to continue. Background tasks for that app (and for all those known battery suck apps) are disabled giving the impression that some process is stuck. It could be acceptable sometimes, but every time, it is just unacceptable.
Truth to be said, signal strength on my work place is kinda of bad, which has of course a negative impact on battery life but its unbelievable that a weak signal suck up 80% of battery in 5 to 6 hours.
Things are I'm kinda newbie in WP OS and I need to know if too much tiles pinned on start screen has a negative impact on battery life. And if there is something to be done to avoid the bad signal strength to suck up the battery (supposing that it is the problem, the only one thing that could make sense).
Any suggestions?
...Im ready to jump off the WP boat...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

i have some tip..check your network conection.LTE drain batery fastest then other network..if u not use LTE just change it to 3G(safe more batery) or 2G(for super batery saver)..u want to whatsapps just use 2G then the app run also smooth and no difference to LTE network...change advanced setting in batery life to 'always' although they not recommended.. switch off xbox connection n block all apps on the background to super batery not play your lumia 920 while charging..

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