Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

My mother****ing battery has been **** for a long time and I've had to charge it several times a day, even with battery saver on it drains like crazy. Uninstalled Kik Messenger and now everything's good again!
Been getting the same issue for the last month or so.

Charge the phone up to 100%, check the charge level 10-15mins later and it shows a really rapid drain, sometimes it will sound a warning about 'rapid battery drain'. Thing is, if I re-start it, it shows 100% charge again and everything is fine for a day or so. I've used 2 different battery monitoring apps, and both show the same 'phantom discharge'.

I actually think the battery life is just fine (once you do all the battery saving tricks..... ) and this is some annoying software glitch.

This is my first smartphone of any type so I have no point of comparison, but aesthetics and camera aside, little bugs and annoyances like this are making me feel I should have purchased an Android or IOS device. Well, that and the Ipad I bought around the same time has been far more consistent and bug free in it's operation.

I think i've figure it out. If I let it on charge through the night, drain will occur but if i charge it just enough to reach 100% everything is fine. Weird.
Same exact conversation with others for the past 2 years. Just charge it normally, whenever you can. You don't have to discharge it. Plug it when its low or plug it when its 90%+. But guaranteed, after about a week or two, your battery life will get better.

Nope. Mine has actually become worse after a couple of weeks. I've had it for about two weeks now. I charge it to 100% every night. At first I got awesome life out of it. Now it's horrible, burning about 10-15% an hour. I've turned off all background apps, uninstalled programs, and rebooted it. It's still doing it. Just sitting on my desk in standby with 4G service at four or five bars, the back will be warm to the touch and it will be dead in a few hours.
I solved the sudden battery drain (the -17% or so per hour while idling) on my Lumia 920 by locking it to only using 3G bands (HSPA/HSPA+) under field test (##3282#, settings, toggle ENS off, network type: 3G only). I'm pretty sure in my case, it has all to do with the LTE (or who knows, maybe it's the 2G? lol) bands. Now I don't know who is to blame (Microsoft, Nokia, Qualcomm, or ATT LTE), but I have not had the random battery drain for the last three weeks that I locked the phone to 3G bands. In comparison, I've had the random battery drain happen almost every other day when I let the phone use LTE. My day to day has not changed in the last three weeks compared to before the three weeks.

Just to try to nail down to it being caused by LTE, I did leave everything turned on in background tasks and kept things on that was purported to cause the massive battery drain during the last three weeks.
On my phone:
Location: On
Tap + Send: On
Background tasks: 6tag, Bing News, Bing Weather, myTube, and Wikipedia: On.
Mail Sync: As Items Arrive.

Has anyone else tried limiting their phone to just 3G bands to see if it stops the random battery drain? Or is my Lumia 920 an anomaly?

P.S. I live in an area that gets full bar of LTE...
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I have had my Lumia 920 since it came out last November. The battery life has been the worst of any phone that I have ever owned.

There are days where the battery seems to do okay and days where I feel like I need a charger on me at all times. I've tried all the tricks, disabling apps, uninstalling apps, everything and still find that the battery is just going to do whatever it wants to do. Nothing has seemed to be a fix on this issue for me.

I cannot wait until my upgrade next November. It will be nice to finally have a fully functional phone again.
Hello people i got my L920 today, can u tell me do i need to first charge battery for 12+ hours or this new batteries don't need that.
Thank you in advance.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Not really care in battery monitoring, but so far its better than my previous nexus 4, its better than my wife iphone 5

Sent from my Lumia 920 RM-821 using Tapatalk
Guys, I got my brand new L920 (great phone, amazing screen) 6days ago and the battery life is horrible. I thought the battery life on my last phone (BlackBerry) was bad, but this is on a totally different level. Its BAD. My battery app says the battery discharges at 18.00 percent/hour. I switch off all backround apps, I use 2G, I don't play games, and I don't use the phone a lot, but I use a white theme. Will the battery life get better as time goes on? What else can I do? I use the white theme, I don't log out of instagram and twitter. Can those 3 things be contributing to the HORRIBLE battery life? I honestly regret buying this phone now. I'm going crazy!!!! HELP ME! :'(
It should get better after a few charge cycles. As for the white background, it should not have a big impact because the 920 uses an LCD, as opposed to AMOLED in the 925.
i have my new 920 6th day today. first five days i had to charge it after 7-10h of use. today was the the first day when it managed to work whole day - after 13,5 h i had still 28%. my average drainage decreased from 12% per hour to only 5,7%, but i only talked today 45 min, took 3 photos and browsed web for 20 mins. with similiar or heavier usage my 720 works 1,5-3 days without any problem :/ sometimes when i look at battery app, it shows 15% hourly drainage when i dont use any app. ill report u guys if my battery will improve further.

today (03.12.2013) is the 8th day with my 920, every day is better than previous in battery life. yesterday it took 27 hours before my phone drained to 20% with light usage, and finally idle drainage decreased to ~1% from +5%, so overnight discharge became almost unnoticable. i let my phone die on saturday and unistalled all battery metres/apps because they display wrong info. it looks in my case at least, that everything new phone needs is a week or two of use to get max performance out of battery.
im not sure now(it wast seven moths ago), but if i recall correctly, during first days i was disappointed with 720 life as well.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Seems like you've been using the most hungry component: the screen. Also, it'll get better the next few days, you'll see.

Sent from my GT-I8750 using Tapatalk
My battery life continues on. I've literally been charging my phone every other day instead of daily, like I used to. :cool:
Today is the first day I've seen the battery meter tell me I have two days of juice to look forward to. This is because my drainage percentage per hour went down to only 1%. Saw two+ days frequently on my 810, but never on my 920 until now. Loving it!

I am curious about your story, (myL920 stay only 14 hours with light usage )

Well, I keep my data off when I'm home or elsewhere where there's Wi-Fi. I'm generally a heavy texter, play games on occasion and haven't been heavy on calls for the most part. I also have keypad press sounds set to off because I've read that that will kill your battery quickly. I also only have two apps running in the background (Weather Channel and T-Mobile's MyAccount). Of course, I might have just gotten lucky with such amazing battery life. :wink:
right now it shows me 20 hours and i m at 65%, light usage, some 30 minutes of calls and facebook checks, last time i loaded it was yesterday at around 2:00pm, now it s 10.46 am.

All in all it should last me a full day on normal usage.
My battery life also continues and actually have gotten better lately, probably due to all the app updates the last couple of weeks. Not counting heavy games or buggy apps my phone works very well when it comes to the battery drain.

My stats for December and I'm a heavy Spotify user and use GPS every other day (or I would get lost all the time).


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