Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I've recently bought a Lumia 920, got it for 2 weeks now, in the begining the battery life was great, I had in idle with stuff like wifi, 3g, a lot of backround apps somewhere between 1-2%, now for 2-3 days I have some problems, even in idle with everything turned off, I mean everything, it has a discharge rate in idle with no usage 3% /hour, I dont know what I did wrong or what to do.
I've recently bought a Lumia 920, got it for 2 weeks now, in the begining the battery life was great, I had in idle with stuff like wifi, 3g, a lot of backround apps somewhere between 1-2%, now for 2-3 days I have some problems, even in idle with everything turned off, I mean everything, it has a discharge rate in idle with no usage 3% /hour, I dont know what I did wrong or what to do.

Are your apps updating?
Hey man, what's the app you used shown in the post? It's very handy and useful! Thanks.

My battery life also continues and actually have gotten better lately, probably due to all the app updates the last couple of weeks. Not counting heavy games or buggy apps my phone works very well when it comes to the battery drain.

My stats for December and I'm a heavy Spotify user and use GPS every other day (or I would get lost all the time).

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Hey man, what is your configuration to keep Battery consumption as low as 2% per hour?

Background task apps enabled LTE enabled? Whatsapp installed?

I can hardly get 7%/hour in my L925 with little use.
Eh hard to answer due to it changing alot but too much stuff installed (incl whatsapp that I've never used), most of them with background permitted and LTE is on. Glance and NFC is also on. Battery saving when low. Auto brightness. Loads of music, moderate surfing/data, Facebook, double Hotmail, Skydrive, some GPS, some gaming and more. Mostly wireless charging.

Right now December is at just under 4% due to me draining the battery with some really heavy games (Fifa, Asphalt etc) alot where it often goes up to 20-35%. Still manages to stay under 4% as a whole is impressive if you ask me. My worst months where the two first ones when I got the phone at ~6% but after the different updates all months are 3-3.9% with some gaming, GPS and loads of Spotify. Rather consistent despite actively killing the battery at times with buggy games (FIFA, I'm looking at you).

Hey man, what's the app you used shown in the post? It's very handy and useful! Thanks.
Battery by Enless Soft
Are your apps updating?

There isnt any app updating or anything, everything is turned off appart from battery in backround, and it has over 3+% rate of discharge, I mean everything is turned off.
Also i've noticed its now getting really hot when I use wifi or 3g or anything for that matter :(

The thing is it didnt use to be liek this in the begining, at first it was chargin with 15-20% /hour and discharging in standby with 0,9% /h now 3% like now, also now when I charge it it charges with 30% / hour.

I've been posting on the Nokia forums but in vain, not a single reply
There isnt any app updating or anything, everything is turned off appart from battery in backround, and it has over 3+% rate of discharge, I mean everything is turned off.
Also i've noticed its now getting really hot when I use wifi or 3g or anything for that matter :(

The thing is it didnt use to be liek this in the begining, at first it was chargin with 15-20% /hour and discharging in standby with 0,9% /h now 3% like now, also now when I charge it it charges with 30% / hour.

I've been posting on the Nokia forums but in vain, not a single reply

Mine will do the same thing when there are updates for apps, I have to turn off auto date/time settings turn off phone then turn it back on the 1st time I did it had 13 apps to update now its u sally 2 or 3 once they update battery usage goes back to under 1%.
mine doesnt update anything, wifi is turned off, everything is turend off and it goes for 3% discharge in standby

I really don't have that much turned off on my phone, but it has something to do with apps trying to update or put a notification on my Store Icon. My phone went from 7am yesterday Sunday morning to 7pm this evening Monday and I still had 82% remaining, from 7pm to 9pm it fell to 38%. I reset the auto date and time like described above and had 3 update notifications, updated now my usage is back to 0.4% per hour. Plus my phone is not very warm like it gets when the battery usage gets spastic.
I really don't have that much turned off on my phone, but it has something to do with apps trying to update or put a notification on my Store Icon. My phone went from 7am yesterday Sunday morning to 7pm this evening Monday and I still had 82% remaining, from 7pm to 9pm it fell to 38%. I reset the auto date and time like described above and had 3 update notifications, updated now my usage is back to 0.4% per hour. Plus my phone is not very warm like it gets when the battery usage gets spastic.

I have nothing to update, tried to update everything :( and it still goes for 3~% /hour in standby
Somehow it feels like my 920 is draining more battery in battery saving mode.. lol..
I have never had battery troubles and mine is running the latest Firmwares.

I just got a recharge speed of 67%, what the hell is happening? why is it fluctuating so much from 20% to 67% from charge to charge...
Well, after a year of owning my 920 and since the GDR3 update my battery has gone to crap. With 10 minutes of using data and browsing, my battery goes from 100% to 75% and then I turn my data off and just listen to music. Even then I have no chance of surviving the rest of the day with just playing music. No background tasks are running except battery pro.

So, I just bought a battery and planning on replacing it when it gets here
Well, after a year of owning my 920 and since the GDR3 update my battery has gone to crap. With 10 minutes of using data and browsing, my battery goes from 100% to 75% and then I turn my data off and just listen to music. Even then I have no chance of surviving the rest of the day with just playing music. No background tasks are running except battery pro.

So, I just bought a battery and planning on replacing it when it gets here

Let me know how it works out, is it soldered or pin plug in?
I have noticed my battery gets drained very quickly when playing games, does that happens to someone else?

well it happens to my Lumia 1020 too. Microsoft software division has not figured out battery consumption with high computational games/apps. See windows 8 laptop battery life.

With much lesser amount of capacity, iPhone, iPad and Mac last twice longer. As much as I love my phone, the battery life sucks. I have to keep everything off, which I should not need to.

Ps. 1020 lasts 3-4 days with WiFi off and no gaming. Hardly 8-10 hours with both ON.
took 28 hours to go from 100% to 47% on standby, wifi and 3g on, then down to 6% with 2 hours playing subway surfers
WP is just not meant for playing games
View attachment 53001
took 28 hours to go from 100% to 47% on standby, wifi and 3g on, then down to 6% with 2 hours playing subway surfers
WP is just not meant for playing games

I can understand your pain. Try streaming video. My 1020 battery died in 3 hours (35% drain/hr). 0% drain overnight with WiFi ON and no continuous streaming.

If it helps, do not use any battery performance app. They drain your battery so much. I use Battery Pro+ and turn background task off. It gives hourly consumption rate without any stress on the processor and is endorsed by Nokia itself.
This is weird. I was working yesterday, and my battery was draining like crazy while at work. About 4 hours off the charger, my battery was at 17% from initial 100%. Charged it, turned it off.

Today, I was working again. 10 hours off the charger, battery was at 80%. I used the phone to chat on Whatsapp as well as checking my social feeds (mehdoh and 6tag), moderate usage. Very impressed.

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